Quoted Messages From Clients
Received Via Email or Thank You Cards

"Michael- Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. We had a nice quiet weekend which was so necessary after everything being so hectic with the wedding. Just wanted to say thank you for such a wonderful job you did for the wedding. We've had so many people tell us how much they loved the music at the ceremony, how it was a little different than most weddings they go to and how good it sounded. We thought you guys were fantastic. So, thank you again. You guys were wonderful." - Chris and Melody

"Michael, I wanted to contact you one more time to say how much it meant to me (and to so many of the people who attended my brother's funeral) for you to come and play so beautifully and so appropriately with your colleague. It also meant a lot to me that you were able to do it on such short notice. I was jet lagged and shakey when I first spoke to you and skeptical that it could be arranged. You were so positive. It really took a burden off my shoulders... Afterwards, several people said that the pieces I had selected for you to play were all so right. I said I had only asked for Ashokan Farewell and that all the other choices had been yours. We all agreed that there had been a very fortunate convergence of spirit. Thanks for being there. You brought a lot." -Nancy

"Dear Michael, I want to truly thank you for having me perform last night for your students and for allowing me to be a part of the New Jersey Mandolin and Classical Guitar Society! I had a amazingly wonderful time getting to meet all of your students and meet your members. Everyone was so sweet! It felt like meeting back with old friends. You're are a true gift to those students and I was telling them that all night. I truely admire what are doing for these students, for the true art of classical guitar and for mandolin. I'm looking forward to coming up and being a part of the group either for meetings or to grab a drink. Take care Michael and I hope to keep in touch." -Dan

"Mike -- I have been meaning to write you to thank you for the great job that you did for us. We thought the music was so great. Thanks to both you and your friend. And thank you so much for your nice card and best wishes for our marriage. My photographer loved you guys too and asked me to give you her phone number so that she can book you for her own wedding. I passed on your number -- hope you don't mind. Again, thanks for everything! It was really great to work with you." - Lisa

"Michael, I just delivered the photographs to Lisa and Antonio from their wedding on October 3rd. I asked Lisa for your name and contact info for a couple of reasons. First, I thought you and your partner created a wonderful atmosphere for their ceremony and cocktail hour. I have a great shot of you both playing together. Second, I am in the process of planning my own wedding and would like to speak with you about playing for us. We will be getting married in Harriman State Park next May 21st. When I heard you play "You are my Sunshine" as they walked down the isle, my heart took an extra beat. My grandfather was a mandolin player and used to play that for me when I was little." - Lauren (wedding photographer)

"I try to follow your path because I believe you can achieve something in mandolin that is important...I do admire your mando efforts and was not kidding when I dreamed of you running CMSA [Classical Mandolin Society of America] one day, if you have the time to do so. It needs good activists to increase mandolin popularity in America. And it's why I admire what you did in so short a time in New Jersey. Keep it up. With all my best regards." - Norman Levine, Founder of the Plucked String Foundation and Classical Mandolin Society of America (CMSA)