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Math History Timeline

-2000 | -1000 | -500 | -400 | -300 | -200 | -100
Common Era Begins
100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900
1000 | 1100 | 1200 | 1300 | 1400 | 1500 | 1550
1600 | 1650 | 1700 | 1750 | 1800 | 1825 | 1850 | 1875
1900 | 1910 | 1920 | 1930 | 1940 | 1950 | 1960 | 1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000


Events / Civilizations Date Mathematical Events and People
(Biography links go to the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive)
Early Stone Age begins.
Means of making fire discovered.
Native Americans migrate to North America -30000  
Middle Stone Age begins. Works of art appear -15000  
Late Stone Age begins -5000  
  -4700 Possible beginning of Babylonian calendar
  -4241 Egyptian calendar introduced
Metal discovered -4000  
Writing in use
Sumerians in Mesopotamia to -1800
-3500 Egyptions adopt a special symbol for the number ten
Old Kingdom in Egypt to -2158 -3100  
Early Babylonia
Minoan civilization in Crete to -1000
-3000 Egyptian reliefs refer to taxes
Great Pyramid built -2900  
Fuh-hi, reputed first emperor of China -2852 Astronomical observations
Papyrus, first paper, in Egypt -2800  
Sargon I reigns in Babylon -2750  
Huang-ti reigns in China -2700 Astronomy and arithmetic
Dravidians in Indus Valley to -1500 -2500 Beginnings of Indian mathematics.
  -2400 Babylonian tablets of Ur record measures
Yau reigns in China -2350 Astronomy
  -2200 Date of many mathematical tablets found at Nippur
Middle Kingdom in Egypt to -1668 -2134
-2100 The calendar
Postal system in Asia
Stonehenge built sometime between -3000 and -1000
Gilgamesh epic written
Babylonian Empire in Mesopotamia to -1531
Hittite Kingdom in Asia Minor to -1200
Mycenean Empire in Greece to -1100
-2000 First metallic money
Amenemhat (Amenemmes) III reigns in Egypt -1850 Surveying, leveling.
Oldest astronomical instrument
Shang (Yin) dynasty in China to -1020
Hammurabi reigns in Babylon
  -1650 Ahmes (Rhind) Papyrus marks first record of Egyptian mathematics
New Kingdom in Egypt to -1070 -1570
Queen Hatshepsut reigns in Egypt
Aryans in India and the Maurya Dynasty to -185
Hebrews develop Jewish nation to 70
-1500 Oldest Egyptian sundial
Reliefs show tax lists
Babylonians knew simple rules of mensuration. (Take a look at their numerals.) Their system of measuring the day into 24 hours, each hour having 60 minutes has survived until today.
Syllabic writing appears in Syria -1400
Seti I reigns in Egypt -1350 Date of later mathematical tablets found at Nippur
Rollin papyrus with elaborate problems about bread
  -1347 Rameses II (Sesostris) said to have redivided land in Egypt
King Tutankhamen reigns in Egypt -1340
Trojan War -1300
Assyrian Empire in Middle East to -609
Archaic Period in Greek History to -500
Olmec Civilization in Mexico to -300
  -1180 Harris papyrus with list of temple wealth in Egypt under Rameses
  -1150 Won-wang may have written the I-King
Chow Dynasty begins with the reign of Wu Wang -1122 First historical period of Chinese mathematics
  -1105 The Chou-pei, Chinese classic in mathematics, may have been written. Also (but possibly as early as the 27th centure B.C.E.) the K'iu-ch'ang Suan-shu. (Chinese numerals)
David becomes king of Israel
Greek alphabet developed.
  -1032 First historical record of rules for Chinese currency by weight
Vedic literature begins (1000 - 800 B.C.E.) -1000  
Rome founded -753  
Assyrian Empire (750 - 606 B.C.E.) -750  
  -700 Baudhayana
  -670 Knife money appears as a Chinese coinage
  -660 Tradition of Japanese numeration to high powers of 10 Coins appear in China in circular form
  -650 Coins struck in Lydia, Asia Minor
Chaldean Empire (-606 to -539)
Reign of Nebuchadnezzar (-605 to -562)
  -600 Thales of Miletus (630-550 B.C.E.) (demonstrative geometry)
Solon (calendar)
  -575 Anaximander of Miletus (610-547 B.C.E.) (gnomon)
  -550 Ameristus (geometry)
  -542 Bamboo rods used in China for calculating
  -540 Pythagoras of Samos (570-490) (Pythagorean Theorem, geometry, theory of numbers, earth spherical)
Cyrus captures Babylon -539  
Siddhartha begins Buddhist religion in Nepal and northern India -530 Anaximenes of Miletus (astronomy)
  -520 Cleostratus of Tenedos
  -517 Hecataeus (maps)
  -500 Sulvasutras (Pythagorean numbers) (date uncertain)
Xerxes begins to reign -485  
Battle of Thermopylae -480 Kidinu
  -475 Dispersion of the Pythagorean brotherhood
  -470 Agatharcus of Athens (perspective)
  -465 OEnopides of Chios (geometry)
  -460 Hippocrates of Chios (quadrature)
Parmenides (astronomy)
Herodotus the historian -450 Zeno of Elea (490-430 B.C.E.) (paradoxes of motion)
Pericles becomes supreme in Athens -444  
Phidias begins the Parthenon -443  
  -440 Leucippus (atomic theory)
Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (geometry)
  -432 Meton, Phaeinus, Euctemon (astronomy)
  -430 Antiphon the Sophist of Rhamnos (480-411 B.C.E.) (method of exhaustion)
  -425 Hippias of Elis (quadratix)
Theodorus of Cyrene (irrationality)
Philolaus of Croton (gnomon)
Socrates (induction and definition)
  -410 Democritus of Abdera (460-370 B.C.E.) (atomic theory, irrationals)
  -400 Archytas of Tarentum or Taras (proportion)
  -380 Leodamas of Thasos (analytic proof)
Plato (427-347 B.C.E.) (Foundations of mathematics)
  -375 Theaetetus of Athens (geometry)
Callippus of Cyzicus (astronomy)
Chinese coins with weight or value stamped
  -370 Eudoxus of Cnidos (400-347 B.C.E.) (proportion)
  -350 Menaechmus (conics)
Deinostratus (quadratix)
Philippus Medmaeus (geometry)
Theophrastus (history of mathematics)
Chinese compass
Xenocrates of Chalcedon (396-314 B.C.E.) (theory of numbers, history of geometry)
  -340 Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.) (applications of mathematics, logic)
Speusippus (proportion)
Alexander the Great begins his reign -336  
  -335 Eudemus of Rhodes the Peripatetic (history of mathematics)
Alexandria founded in Egypt -332  
  -330 Autolycus of Pitane (geometry)
Alexander the Great dies
Ptolemy Soter begins his reign in Egypt
  -320 Aristaeus the Elder (350-330 B.C.E.) (solid loci, conics)
Dicaearchus (mensuration)
  -300 Euclid (geometry, The Elements)
  -260 Aristarchus of Samos (310-230 B.C.E.) (astronomy)
Conon of Samos (astronomy, spiral of archimedes)
  -250 Nicoteles (conics)
Berosus introduces Chaldean astronomy into Greece
Ptomely Euergetes begins his reign in Egypt. Patron of learning -247  
  -230 Eratosthenes of Cyrene (276-195 B.C.E.) (prime numbers, Eratosthenes' Sieve, geodesy)
-225 Apollonius of Perga (260-185 B.C.E.) (conics)
Archimedes of Syracuse (287-212 B.C.E.) (geometry, infinite series, mechanics)
Ch'eng Kiang Chen (knotted cords)
Shi Huang-ti, emperor of China, burns all the books -213
-200 Ch'ang Ts'ang revises the "Nine Sections"
-190 Chinese use powers of 10 to express magnitudes
-180 Hypsicles of Alexandria (astronomy, number series)
Nicomedes (conchoid)
Diocles of Carystus (cissoid)
Zenodorus (isoperimetry)
-150 Perseus (sections of an anchor ring)
-140 Hipparchus of Nicaea (astronomy, trigonometry)
Pompey and Cicero born -106
Caesar born (100 - 44 B.C.E.)
Wu-ti opens comunications with the west
-100 Chinese introduce negative numbers
-77 Poseidonius (geometry, cosmography)
-75 Cicero discoveres the tomb of Archimedes
Augustus born (63 B.C.E. - 14 C.E.) -63
-60 Geminus of Rhodes (history of mathematics)
P. Nigidius Figulus (astronomy)
Marcus Terentius Varro (116-27 B.C.E.) (mensuration)
Caesar completes the subjugation of Gaul -51
-50 Dionysodorus of Amisus (geometry)
-46 Caesar, assisted by Sosigenes, reforms the calendar
-40 Cleomedes (astronomy, arithmetic)
-20 Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (applied mathematics)
-8 Diodorus of Sicily (history of mathematics)
Probable date of the birth of Jesus -4
Rag paper known in China 1
10 Strabo (in his geography considerable history of mathematics)
25 Columella (surveying)
50 Heron of Alexandria (a.k.a. Hero) (geodesy, mathematics)
Serenus of Antinopolis (cylindric sections)
Sun-tzi wrote the Wu-ts'ao Suan-king
Buddhism introduced into China 64
66 Liu Hsing devises a new Chinese calendar
75 Pliny the Elder. His Natural History is valuable for the study of Roman numerals
Pan Ku (bamboo rods in use in Chinese computation)
90 Chinese invent magic squares
100 Nicomachus of Gerasa (theory of numbers)
Menelaus of Alexandria (spherics, anharmonic ratio)
Ch'ang ch'un-ch'ing (commentary on the Chou-pei)
Theodosius of Tripoli (geometry, astronomy)
Balbus (surveying)
Frontinus (surveying)
120 Hyginus (surveying)
125 Theon of Smyrna (theory of numbers, history of Pythagoras)
Ch'ang Hong (astronomy, geometry, pi = root 10)
150 Claudius Ptolemaeus (Ptolemy) (100-170) (astronomy, trigonometry, geodesy)
Marinus of Tyre (geodesy, geography)
Marcus Aurelius sends an embassy to China 166
180 Nipsus (surveying)
190 Ts'ai Yung (Chinese calendar)
200 Epaphroditus (surveying, theory of numbers)
Domitius Ulpianus (mortality table)
Quintus Sammonicus Serenus (general mathematics)
220 Sextus Julius Africanus writes an encyclopedia with some history of mathematics
235 Censorinus (astronomy)
245 Wang Pi writes on the I-king
250 Siu Yo (arithmetic)
Hsu Yueh writes commentary on Siu Yo
Beginning of the Classic Period of Mayan mathematics. (250 - 900)
263 Liu Hui wrote on the Hai-tau Suan-king (Nine Chapters of the Mathematical Art). Using a polygon with 192 sides, he calculates pi as 3.14159.
265 Wang Fan (astronomy, pi = 142/45)
275 Diophantus (Algebra, history of numbers)
Sporus of Nicaea (history of mathematics)
280 Anatolius (astronomy)
Porphyrius (life of Pythagoras)
289 Liu Chih possibly the one who gave pi = 3.125
300 Pappus of Alexandria (300-350) (geometry)
Constatine becomes sole emperor 323
Constantinople founded 324
325 Iamblichus (theory of numbers)
Metrodorus possibly here or 500 C.E.
340 Julius Firmicus Maternus (astrology)
Pappus of Alexandria writes Guide to Geometry
Buddhism introduced into Korea 372
Theodosius the Great, emperor of the East 379
390 Theon of Alexandria (geometry)
400 Fa-hien, Chinese Buddhist in India. Hindu mathematics becomes known in China
Surya Siddhanta written in the 4th or 5th century
Sack of Rome by Alaric 410 Hypatia of Alexandria (370-415) (geometry and astronomy), first recorded female mathematician.
Synesius of Cyrene (370-415) (astrolabe)
425 Wang Jong (arithmetic)
Tun Ch'uan wrote the San-tong-shu
Attila, king of the Huns 433
440 P'i Yen-tsung (circle measure)
450 Ho Ch'eng-t'ien (astronomy)
Wu, a Chinese geometer, calculates pi = 3.1432+
Sack of Rome by Genseric 455
460 Proclus Diadochus (410-485) (geometry)
Capella (encyclopedia)
470 Tsu Ch'ung-chih (429-500) calculates pi = 355/113
485 Marinus of Flavia Neapolis writes on Proclus
500 Metrodorus writes arithmetical epigrams in the Greek Anthology
505 Varahamihira (505-558) (Hindu astronomy)
510 Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius (480-524) (geometry, theory of numbers)
Aryabhata the Elder (476-550) (general mathematics, pi = 3.1416)
Damascius (geometry)
Hui-sing, Chinese Buddhist, visits India 518
520 Flavius Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus (480-575) (computus, encyclopedia)
Buddhism introduced into Japan 522
525 Dionysius Exiguus (Christian calendar)
Anthemius (architecture, conics)
Justinian's reign begins 527
St. Benedict founds the monastery at Monte Cassino 529
535 Ch'on Luan wrote the Wu-King Suan-shu
550 Hsia-hou Yang wrote his Suan-king
Codex Arcerianus written probably about the 6th century
554 Korean scholars introduce Chinese mathematics into Japan
560 Eutocius of Ascalon (history of geometry)
575 Ch'ang K'iu-kien (arithmetic)
The Sui Dynasty (581 - 618) unified China and placed importance on education and mathematics. 581
594 Decimal notation is used for numbers in India. This is the system on which our current notation is based.
600 Prince Shotoku Taishi (arithmetic)
602 Korean priests bring works on the calendar to Japan
610 Stephen of Alexandria (astronomy and general mathematics)
Isidorus of Miletus (encyclopedia)
Arab ambassadors visit China 615
618 Li Chunfeng and colleagues begin compiling the Ten Mathematical Classics under the rule of the first T'ang Emperor Li Yuan.
Flight of Mohammed from Mecca. Beginning of the Hegira era. 622
625 Wang Hs'iao-t'ung (numerical cubic equations)
628 Brahmagupta (598-670) (geometry, algebra, is the first to use zero and negative numbers consistently)
Huan-tsang goes to India and translates Hindu works 629
635 Asclepias of Tralles writes on Nicomachus
Priest from Rome visits China 636
640 Joannes Philoponus (astrolabe, writes on Nicomachus)
Library of Alexandria burned 642
650 Sebokht (Hindu numerals)
Emperor Tenchi (Tenji) reigns 668-672 670 Emperor Tenchi establishes an observatory
700 Mayans introduce a symbol for zero into their number system
710 Bede (673-735) (calendar, finger reckoning)
Saracens invade Spain 711
Arab ambassadors visit China and foreign ships sail to Canton 713
727 I-hsing (or Yi Xing) (683-727) (Chinese calendar, indeterminate equations)
Battle of Tours. Charles Martel defeats the Saracens 732
750 Akhmim Papyrus written c. 7th or 8th century
Cordova made the seat of the western caliphate 756
Baghdad founded by al-Mansur c. 762-763 762
766 The Sindhind translated into Arabic and Hindu numerals become Arabic numerals
770 Geber (alchemy, astrolabe)
Charlemagne's reign begins (771-814) 771
775 Alcuin called to the court of Charlemagne to present mathematical problems.
Ya'qub ibn Tarq (sphere)
Abu Yahya (translates Ptolemy)
Harun al-Rashid (reigned 786 - 808/9) is a patron of mathematics 790 Al-Fazari (mathematical instruments)
Harun al-Rashid sends an embassy to China 800 Jacob ben Nissim (theory of numbers)
Messahala (astrolabe)
Al-Tabari (astronomy)
Al-Mamun (reigned 809 - 833) is a patron of mathematics 820 Mohammed ibn Musa al-Khowarizmi (al-Khwarizmi) (780-850) coins the term "al-jabr" or algebra from Hisab al-jabr w'al-muqabala (Calculation by Completion and Balancing)
Hrabanus Maurus (computus)
Al-Nehavendi (astronomy)
Al-Hajjaj (translates Greek mathematics)
830 Al-'Abbas (Greek mathematics)
Al-Astorlabi (astrolabe)
840 Honein ibn Ishaq (Greek mathematics)
Walafried Stabus (Strabo) (teacher)
850 Mahavira (arithmetic, algebra, mensuration)
Sahl ibn Bishr (astronomy, arithmetic, algebra)
Al-Arjani (Greek mathematics)
Abu'l-Taiyib (trigonometry)
860 Alchindi (astronomy, optics, proportion)
Almahani (trigonometry, cubic equation)
Al-Mervazi (astronomy)
870 Tabit ibn Qorra (conics, Greek mathematics)
The Three Brothers (geometry, astronomy)
Alfred the Great begins his reign 871
880 Al-Himsi (Greek mathematics)
Albumasar (astronomy)
890 Ahmed ibn al-Taiyib (algebra)
Ahmed ibn Da'ud (algebra)
Tenjin (Japanese patron of mathematics)
900 Abu Kamil (geometry, algebra)
Ishaq ibn Honein ibn Ishaq (Greek mathematics)
Remigius of Auxerre writes on Capella
Muslim ibn Ahmed al-Leiti (arithmetic)
Al-Qass writes on Euclid
Qosta ibn Luqa writes on Diophntus
Al-Misri (geometry)
910 Al-Nairizi (geometry)
Al-Faradi (arithmetic)
915 Sa'id ibn Ya'qub (Greek mathematics)
920 Rhases (geometry)
Albategnius (astronomy)
Odo of Cluny (abacus)
Aethelstan's reign begins in England, learning fostered 925 Al-Hasan ibn 'Obeidallah writes on Euclid
940 Al-Farrabi writes on Euclid and Ptolemy
950 Hasan (date very doubtful) (calendar)
Bakhshali manuscript (algebra)
960 Abu Ja'far al-Khazin (geometry)
970 Hrotsvitha, a nun (number theory)
975 Al-Harrani writes on Euclid
980 Abu'l-Wea (trigonometry)
Abbo of Fleury (computus)
987 Abu'l-Faradsh The Fihrist
993 Bernward (theory of numbers)
Al-Masihi writes on Ptolemy
1000 Gerbert (Sylvester II) (Arithmetic)
Avicenna (geometry, arithmetic)
Alberuni writes on Hindu mathematics
Firdusi, Persia poet, dies 1020 Al-Karkhi (algebra)
1025 Al-Nasawi (Greek mathematics)
Edward the Confessor becomes king 1042
1050 Hermannus Contractus (arithmetic, astrolabe)
Norman Conquest - William the Conqueror becomes King of England and Normandy 1066
Turks capture Jerusalem 1076
1083 China prints Liu Hui's classic. Block book
1084 China prints Ch'ang K'iu-kien's arithmetic
First Crusade proclaimed 1095
1100 Savasorda (geometry)
Omar Khayyam, the poet (algebra, astronomy)
1115 China prints the Huang-ti K'iu-ch'ang
1120 Plato of Tivoli Translates from the Arabic
Adelard of Bath (1075-1164) Translates from the Arabic
1140 Abraham ben Ezra (Rabbi ben Ezra) works on Theory of numbers, magic squares, calendar
Avenpace (geometry)
Johannes Hispalensis translates from the Arabic
Robert of Chester translates from the Arabic
1144 Rudolph of Bruges translates Ptolemy
Second Crusade proclaimed 1146
1150 Gherardo of Cremona translates from the Arabic
Bhaskara (algebra)
Fujiwara Michinori (mensuration)
1175 Averroes (astronomy, trigonometry)
1180 Ts'ai Yuan-ting writes on the I-king
1200 Ta'asif writes on Euclid
1202 Leonardo Fibonnaci (1170-1240) (algebra, arithmetic, geometry)
Genghis Khan's great expedition to Europe 1220
1225 Jordanus Nemorarius (algebra)
Michael Scott translates from Greek and Arabic
1230 Barlaam (algebra, Euclid)
Rise of European universities
Europeans visit the Mongol court 1250 Sacrobosco (numerals and the sphere)
Nasir ed-din (trigonometry)
Roger Bacon (1219-1292) (astronomy, general mathematics)
Ch'in Kiu-shao (higher numerical equations)
Liu Ju-hsieh (algebra)
Kublai Khan's reign begins 1260 Campanus translates Euclid into Latin
Ibn al-Lubudi (algebra, Euclid)
1261 Yang Hui on the "Nine Sections"
Marco Polo begins his travels 1271
1275 Oldest algorithm in French
1280 John Peckman (perspective)
1286 Friar Odoric goes to Canton
Western learning
1299 Chu Shih-Chieh (algebra)
1300 Albanna (algebra, proportion)
Pacymeres (general mathematics)
Dante (1265-1321) 1315
1320 William of Ockham (1288-1848) (logic, Ockham's Razor)
Battle of Crecy. Attack on feudalism. 1346
Black Death destroys large percent of European population. 1349
Boccaccio (1313-1375)
Petrarch (1304-1374)
1350 Joannes de Muris (arithmetic, calendar)
Ibn al-Shatier (trigonometry)
1360 Nicole Oresme (exponents, proportion, coordinates)
1365 Heinrich von Hessen (geometry)
Albert of Saxony (geometry)
Wycliffe's English Bible completed 1384
1390 Uniform weights and measures in most of England
1392 Moschopoulus (magic squares)
Era of the Medici in Florence 1420
1424 Rollandus (theory of numbers, algebra)
1430 Johann von Gmunden (trigonometry)
Joan of Arc burned 1431
Donatello the artist, Florence (1386-1466) 1440 Al-Kashi (geometry, arithmetic, astronomy
1449 Jacob of Cremona translates Archimedes
Printing from movable type 1450 Nicholas Cusa (geometry, theory of numbers)
Fall of Constantinople 1453
1460 Georg von Peurbach (trigonometry)
Sack of Nassau affects printing 1462
Lorenzo the Magnificent, Florence 1469
1470 Regiomontanus (trigonometry)
1475 Al-Qalasadi (theory of numbers)
1478 First printed arithmetic, Treviso, Italy
1482 First printed edition of Euclid, Venice
First printed German arithmetic, Bamberg
1484 Nicolas Chuquet (algebra)
1490 Johann Widman (algebra, arithmetic)
Columbus lands in America 1492
Maximilian I, emperor of Germany 1493
1494 Pacioli (general mathematics)
1500 Leonardo da Vinci (optics, geometry)
Jacques le Fevre d'Estaples (geometry, arithmetic)
Scipione del Ferro (Ferreo) (quadratic equations)
Raphael (1483-1520) 1510 Albrecht Dürer (geometry of curves)
1515 The Taglientes (commercial arithmetic)
1518 Adam Riese (arithmetic)
1520 Jakob Kobel (arithmetic)
Copernicus (astronomy, trigonometry)
Martin Luther excommunicated 1521
1522 Cuthbert Tunstall First arithmetic printed in England
Erasmus (thinker) 1525 Micheal Stifel (algebra, arithmetic)
Christoff Rudolff (algebra, decimals) First German algebra book.
1532 The vast Incan empire uses no writing, but instead relys on quipus and mathematics for storing numbers and managing the government.
Jesuit order founded by Loyola 1534 Gerardus Mercator (Mercator projection) used math to create the first map of the world.
Calvin goes to Geneva
Tyndale is burned
1540 Gemma Frisius (arithmetic)
De Soto explores the Mississippi 1541
1542 Robert Recorde (algebra, geometry, and arithmetic)
1543 Copernican system published
1545 Ferrari (biquadratic equation)
Tartaglia (cubic equation, general mathematics)
Cardan (cubic equation, general mathematics)
Titian (1477-1576)
Michelangelo (1475-1564)
1550 Rhaeticus (trigonometry)
T'ang Shun-ki (circle)
Ramus (geometry, optics, arithmetic)
Mohammed ibn Na'ruf (algebra, spherics, arithmetic)
Elizabeth becomes queen of England (dies 1603) 1558
1562 Juan Perez de Moya (algebra, arithmetic)
1570 Billingsley and Dee write the first English translation of Euclid.
1572 Bombelli (algebra)
Tycho Brahe (astronomy) first published observations of a supernova.
1577 Herbestus (Polish arithmetic)
Girjka Gorla z Gorlssteyna (arithmetic)
1580 Francois Viete (algebra)
Ludolf van Ceulen (on pi)
1583 Christopher Clavius (geometry, arithmetic, algebra, the calendar)
Petrus Bongus (mystery of the numbers)
1587 Fyzi writes a Persian translation of the Lilavati
1590 Pietro Antonio Cataldi (perfect numbers, arithmetic, continued fractions, algebra)
Stevin (decimal fractions)
1592 Mori Kambei Shigeyoshi (abacus)
1593 Adriaen van Roomen (value of pi)
Shakespeare (1564-1616) 1600 Thomas Harriot (algebra, analytic geometry)
Jobst (Joost) Bürgi (logarithms)
Galileo Galilei (geometry, astronomy, mechanics)
Beha Eddin (the sphere, arithmetic)
James I proclaimed king of Great Britain 1603 Matteo Ricci, Hsu Kuang-ching, and Li Chi Ts'ao translate Euclid into Chinese
Telescope invented 1608
1610 Johannes Kepler (astronomy, geometry, optics, logarithms, calculus) Discovered three laws of planetary motion that still bear his name.
1612 Bachet de Meziriac (on Diophantus, recreations)
1614 Sir John Napier (logarithms)
1615 Henry Briggs (logarithms)
Savilian professorships (Oxford) founded 1619
Francis Bacon, Novum Organum published 1620 Edmund Gunter (logarithms)
Willebrord van Roijen Snell (geometry, trigonometry)
1621 Raganatha (Hindu mathematics)
1630 Mersenne (Greek mathematics, theory of numbers, geometry)
Oughtred (algebra, slide rule, logarithms)
Albert Girard (algebra, trigonometry)
1635 Pierre de Fermat (analytic geometry, theory of numbers)
Cavalieri (indivisibles)
1637 Rene Descartes (analytic geometry, Cartesian coordinates)
1640 Desargues (projective geometry)
Florimond de Beaune (Cartesian geometry)
Torricelli (geometry, physics)
Borelli (Greek mathematics)
Antoine de la Loubere (curves)
Roberval (geometry)
Civil war in England between the Royalists and the Parliamentarians. 1643 John Wallis (cryptography, calculus)
Thomas Hobbes (geometry, mechanics, motion)
Charles I executed. England declared a commonwealth 1649
Milton 1650 Blaise Pascal (geometry, probability, theory of numbers, Pascal's triangle)
John Wallis (algebra, series, history of mathematics
Frans van Schooten edited Descartes and Viete
Nicolaus Mercator (trigonometry, logarithms)
Louis XIV crowned in France 1654
1655 Robert Boyle (chemistry, mechanics)
Robert Hooke (geometry, mechanics, chemistry)
John Wilkins (astronomy)
1658 Kamalakara (astronomy, measurement, trigonometry)
1660 Rene Francois Walter de Sluze (calculus, geometry)
Lucasian professorship (Cambridge) founded 1663 Muramatsu Kudayu Mosei (geometry)
John Locke (1632-1704) 1665 Nozawa Teicho, Sato Seiko, and Sawaguchi Kazuyuki integrate geometry and the native Japanese
Spinoza (1632-1677) 1670 Christiaan Huygens (geometry, physics, astronomy)
Isaac Barrow (geometry)
James Gregory (series)
William Leybourn (surveying)
1675 Takakazu Seki Kowa (calculus)
Royal Observatory at Greenwich founded
1680 Sir Isaac Newton (fluxional calculus, physics, astronomy, entire field of mathematics)
Pennsylvania granted to William Penn 1681
1682 Wilhelm Leibniz (calculus)
1690 Guillaume François Antoine Marquis de L'Hôpital (applied calculus)
Jacques (Jacob) Bernoulli (applied calculus, geometry, probability)
Edmond Halley (astronomy, physics, life insurance)
1696 Nakane Genkei (Japanese calculus)
Peter the Great (died 1725) 1700 Jean (Johann) Bernoulli (applied calculus)
Michel Rolle (equations)
Anne becomes queen of England 1702
1704 Charles Hayes (calculus in English)
1710 Roger Cotes (geometry, analysis, calculus)
Parent (solid analytic geometry)
De Lagny (analysis)
1720 Brook Taylor (series)
Abraham De Moivre (complex numbers, probability)
Giulio Fagnano (curves, elliptic functions)
1722 Takebe (geometry, pi to 41 figures)
1727 Charles Etienne Louis Camus (architecture, mechanics, astronomy)
Georges Leclerc Comte de Buffon (probability, pi, binomial theorem)
1730 Nicolas (I) Bernoulli (differential equations, probability)
Matsunaga (geometry, pi to 50 figures)
Joseph Privat de Molières (calculus)
Frederick the Great (Frederick II) becomes king of Prussia 1740 Colin Maclaurin (algebra, series, conics)
Gabriel Cramer (determinants, equations, curves)
George Berkeley attacks fluxional calculus
1745 Voltair writes on Newton
Émilie de Breteuil Marquise du Châtelet, translates Newton into French
1750 Leonard Euler (analysis, physics, astronomy)
Montucla (history of mathematics)
Thomas Simpson (algebra, geometry, calculus)
Johann König (calculus, physics)
Seven Years' War (1756-1763) 1760 D'Alembert (differential equations, astronomy, physics)
John Landen (elliptic intervals)
Alexis Claude Clairaut (geometry, geodesy)
1770 Johann Lambert (hyperbolic trigonometry)
Maria Gaëtana Agnesi (geometry) Although extremely religious, known as the "Witch of Agnesi" for solving a difficult problem known as "The Devil's problem"
United States declares independence from Great Britain 1776
Rousseau and Voltair die 1778
1780 Lagrange (theory of numbers, analysis, elliptic functions, astronomy)
Pierre François-André Méchain (metric system)
1781 Caroline Herschel (astronomy) helped her brother, William, discover the planet Uranus.
Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey become the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd states. 1787
Georgia, Conneticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York join the U.S. as states. 1788
North Carolina becomes the 12th state in the U.S.
Bastille falls - French Revolution and Reign of Terror
Rhode Island becomes the 13th U.S. state 1790
Vermont becomes the 14th U.S. state 1790
Kentucky becomes the 15th U.S. state 1790
1795 Ecole normale superieure and Ecole polytechnique founded about this time
Napoleonic Wars (1796 - 1815)
Tennessee becomes the 16th U.S. state
1800 Laplace (astronomy, physics, least squares)
Legendre (elliptic functions, theory of numbers, geometry)
Carnot (modern geometry)
Gaspard Monge (descriptive geometry)
Jean Baptiste Delambre (astronomy, geodesy)
Sylvestre Lacroix (analysis)
Lorenzo Mascheroni (geometry of the compasses)
Johann Pfaff (astronomy, analysis)
Ohio becomes the 17th U.S. state 1803
Napoleon made emperor 1804
1809 Carl Gauss (theory of numbers, gemoetry, analysis, physics, astronomy, general field of mathematics) establishes mathematical geometry.
1810 Jean Robert Argand (complex numbers)
War of Independence in Latin America (1811 - 1826) Led by San Martin and Bolivar, the colonies were able to effect the separation from Spain. 1811 Joseph Fourier (series, physics)
U.S. declares war on Britain over control of Canada. British-American War (1812 - 1814)
Louisana becomes the 18th U.S. state
1812 William Wallace (hyperbolic functions)
British forces burn Washington, D.C. 1814 Robert Woodhouse (differential calculus)
Battle of Waterloo 1815 Robert Adrain (least squares)
Indiana becomes the 19th. U.S. state 1816
Mississippi becomes the 20th U.S. state 1817
Illinois becomes the 21st U.S. state 1818
Alabama becomes the 22nd U.S. state 1819
Missouri Compromise. Maine enters the Union as a free state and Missouri as a slave state 1820 Peter Barlow (tables)
Sophie Germain (1776-1831) (elastic surfaces, mathematical physics)
Siméon Poisson (definite integrals, series, physics)
1825 The Bolyais (Farkas and János) and Nikolai Lobachevsky (non-Euclidean geometry)
Nathanial Bowditch (celestial mechanics)
1826 Mary Fairfax Somerville (algebra, Laplace transfers) publishes her first paper
Nikolai Lobachevsky develops his system of non-Euclidean geometry.
Slavery abolished in Mexico 1829
1830's George Peacock (differential calculus, algebra)
August Möbius (geometry)
Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi (elliptic functions)
Jean-Victor Poncelet (projective geometry)
Evariste Galois (groups)
Augustin-Louis Cauchy (functions, determinants, series
Pierre Dupin (geometry)
1833 János Bolyai publishes his system of non-Euclidean geometry
1834 Charles Babbage (calculating machine) invents the principle of the "analytical machine," the precursor to the modern computer
Ada Byron Lovelace (1815-1852) (computer programming) writes the programs fro Babbage's machines, even though they are never built
Texas wins independence from Mexico and becomes a republic with Sam Houston as President.
Arkansas becomes the 25th U.S. state
Victoria becomes Queen of Great Britain, start of the Victorian era
Michigan becomes the 26th U.S. State
Upper and Lower Canada united by an act of Parliament 1840 Gabriel Lamé (elasticity, surfaces)
J. F. W. Herschel (astronomy, analysis) nephew of Caroline Herschel
Florida becomes 27th state, Texas is annexed as the 28th state. 1845
U.S.-Mexican War (1846 - 1848) U.S. declares war on Mexico, moves into Santa Fe and annexes New Mexico
Iowa becomes 29th U.S. state
Ireland potato famine
1846 Johann Galle discovers the planet Neptune
U.S. forces capture Mexico City. Mexico abandons claims to Texas and cedes New Mexico and California 1847
First U.S. Women's Rights convention meets in Seneca Falls, NY
Wisconsin becomes 30th U.S. state
California becomes 31st U.S. state 1850 Arthur Cayley (invariants)
Crimean War (1853 - 1856) brings British and French troops in to support Turkey against Russia 1853
1854 George Boole (logic, differential equations) Investigation of Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probabilities
1855 Florence Nightengale (nursing) uses mathematics to prove how hospitals can reduce the mortality rate due to unsanitary conditions.
Minnesota becomes 32nd U.S. state 1858
Oregon becomes 33rd U.S. state 1859
Civil War begins in the U.S. between the Union (North) and the Confederacy (South) (1861 - 1865) over slavery
Kansas becomes 34th U.S. state
West Virginia becomes 35th U.S. state 1863
Nevada becomes 36th U.S. state 1864
13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution abolishes slavery
President Lincoln is assassinated
Nebraska becomes 37th U.S. state
U.S. buys Alaska from the Russians for 7.2 million dollars. Becomes known as "Seward's Folly" 1867
Canada purchases the NorthWest Territories from Hudson Bay Company 1869 Sofia Kovalevskaya (differential equations, physics) learned math from the papers used as wallpaper in her bedroom. She married in order to leave her hometown and study abroad, where she contributed to differential equations and physics.
Franco-Prussian War (1870 - 1871) Prussia and France quarrel over succession to the Spanish throne 1870
Iceland becomes independent from Denmark 1874
Korean-Japanese treaty secures Korean independence from China 1875
Russo-Turkish War (1876 - 1878)
Colorado becomes 38th U.S. state
Samurai revolt suppressed in Japan 1877
Cologne Cathedral completed (began in 1248) 1880
War of the Pacific (1881 - 1884) Chile defeats Bolivia and Peru in fight over the saltpeter mines of Antofagasta and Arica 1881
Germans occupy Southwest Africa 1884
Gustave Eiffel builds the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France
North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and Washington become U.S. states
Global influenza epidemic
Idaho and Wyoming become the 43rd and 44th U.S. states
1890 Alfred North Whitehead (algebra) began actively publishing in the 1890's, remained active until the 1930's.
Sino-Japanese War (1894 - 1895) China loses Formosa and Port Arthur to Japan
Abyssinian-Italian War (1894 - 1896)
Utah becomes the 45th U.S. state
First Olympic games
Beginning of the Klondike gold rush
Spanish-American War 1898
1900 Max Planck (phyiscs, laws of radiation) introduces quantum theory
Marconi transmits telegraphic messages
First Nobel prizes awarded (one to Max Planck)
U.S. President McKinley assassinated, succeeded by Theodore Roosevelt
Voting rights for women in Australia 1902 Dmitry Aleksandrovich Grave (algebra, number theory) Appointed professor at University of Kiev, where he remained the rest of his life.
First flight by Wright brothers
Anti-Jewish pogroms in Russia
1903 Waclaw Sierpinski (number theory, set theory, topology, fractals, Sierpinski triangle) begins his career. Active until 1967.
Ruso-Japanese War (1904 - 1905) 1904 Teiji Takagi (algebraic number theory) received many international honors for his contributions.
Mary Boole (education) daughter of the famous George Boole, she invented curve stitching (string geometry) to help teach children about the geometry of angles and spaces.
Norway separates from Sweden 1905 Niels Nielsen (special functions, number theory, Bernoulli numbers) University professor in Copenhagen until a nervous breakdown in 1917.
Position of the magnetic north pole established by Roald Amundson. 1906 August Adler (geometric constructions)
Baden Powell founds the Boy Scouts
Lumiere develops color photography
Japan's protectorate over Korea
Oklahoma becomes 46th U.S. state
Henry Ford produces the first Model T
Congo becomes Colony of Belgium
Union of South Africa established
Austria occupies Herzegovina and Bosnia
Louis Bleriot crosses the English Channel by airplane
Robert Peary reaches the North Pole
1910 Marie Curie's treatise on radiography
Portugal becomes a republic
China abolishes slavery
Roald Amundsen reaches South Pole
Manchu Dynasty falls; Chinese Republic proclaimed
Mexican Revolution (1911 - 1914)
1911 Rutherford formulates theory of atomic structure
"Titanic" sinks
Arizona, New Mexico become U.S. states
1912 Detection of protons and electrons
World War I (WWI) begins (1914 - 1918). The Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey) were opposed by the Allies (England, France, Russia), joined by the U.S., Japan, and Italy.
Woodrow Wilson becomes 28th president of the U.S.
1913 Niels Bohr (physics) formulates his own atomic theory
Srinivasa Aaiyangar Ramanujan (theory) Without formal university education, Ramanujan wrote over 30 papers that significantly influenced 20th century mathematics.
Panama Canal opened 1914 Erwin Schrödinger (quantum theory, Schrodinger's cat) first important paper published.
Tetanus epidemics on warfronts 1915 Emmy Amalie Noether (theoretical physics) was finally allowed to be a full professor of her own right. Her work was the basis for Einstein's Theory of Relativity.
Georg Cantor presents his Theory of Transfinite Numbers
Irish revolt suppressed 1916
German-Russian Armistice signed
Russian Revolution and Civil War (1917 - 1920) Red armies defeat Bolshevik white armies
Trans-Siberian Railroad completed
Finnish Republic proclaimed
World-wide influenza epidemic strikes; 22 million dead
Czechslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Poland independent.
Germany and Austria become republics.
U.S. Prohibition begins 1919
League of Nations established in Geneva 1920 Helmut Hasse (quadratic formulas, rationals) Published the Hasse "local-global" principle.
Faisil I King of Iraq 1921 Harold Marston Morse (calculus, topology) Morse theory is perhaps the single greatest contribution of American mathematics; in all, he wrote about 180 papers and eight books on a whole range of topics.
Britain recognizes Kingdom of Egypt
Irish Free State proclaimed
Soviet States form U.S.S.R.
1923 Harald Bohr Although he never quite attained the fame of his older brother Niels (except as a soccer player!), he did produce some mathematics of the very highest importance.
Hubble calculates distance to star nebula
Hitler's "Mein Kampf"
U.S. Immigration Bill excludes all Japanese
1924 Louis de Broglie (theoretical and experimental physics) He theorized that electron waves have properties of both particles and waves. Winner of the Nobel Prize in 1929.
Solmon Lefschetz (topology) Lost both hands and forearms in a laboratory accident in 1907. "It was my lot to plant the harpoon of algebraic topology into the body of the whale of algebraic geometry."
1925 Wolfgang Pauli (quantum theory, chemistry) He is best known for the Pauli exclusion principle which states that no two electrons in an atom can have the same four quantum numbers.
Germany admitted to League of Nations
Hirohito succeeds as Emperor of Japan
Charles Lindbergh flies across the Atlantic 1927
Amelia Earhardt is the first woman to fly across the Atlantic 1928 Wolfgang Krull (commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, topology) was greatly influenced by Emmy Noether. His most productive period was from 1928 to 1938.
"Black Friday" world economic crisis begins
"Talkies" kill silent films
1929 Albert Einstein presents his Theory of Relativity (E=mc²)
The planet Pluto is discovered 1930
Empire State Building completed 1931 Kurt Friedrich Gödel (calculus) He is best known for his proof of "Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems".
1932 C. Anderson discovers the positron
J. Chadwick discovers the neutron
First U.S. aircraft carrier launched
President Roosevelt introduces "New Deal"
Adolf Hitler appointed German Chancellor, first concentration camps in Germany
Japan withdraws from the League of Nations
"Long March" (1934 - 1938) Japanese invade China and seize Peking, Nanking, and Shanghai
U.S.S.R. admitted to the League of Nations
President Roosevelt signs Social Security Act
Persia changes its name to Iran
1935 Max Zorn (field theory, set theory) best known for "Zorn's Lemma"
Spanish Civil War (1936 - 1938) Facist forces, helped by Germany and Italy, defeat Republican government
General strike in France
Mussolini and Hitler form Rome-Berlin Axis
Germany and Japan sign Anti-Comitern Pact
German troops march into Rhineland
"Hindenburg" airship disaster
Italy joins Anti-Comitern Pact
1937 Maurits Cornelius (M. C.) Escher (plane symmetry) never felt that he was good at math or art, yet his artwork and fascination with symmetry and tiling is widely published and fundamental to geometers and artists everywhere.
Hitler annexes Austria 1938 Otto Hahn finds evidence of nucleur fission
World War II (WWII) begins. (1939 - 1945) Germany invades Poland, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, and France. France and Britain declare war.
Battle of Britain
German U-boat war
1939 Radar used in Britain
Churchill becomes British Prime Minister 1940 First electron microscope
Attack on Pearl Harbor (December 7, the Day of Infamy)
Germany invades Russia, lands in North Africa
1941 McMillan and Seaborg discover Plutonium
Mass murder of Jews in gas chambers begins 1942 Jacob Wolfowitz (statistics, sequential analysis, information theory)
Alan Turing (logic, cryptology) Developed "Turing machines" in the 1930's, which followed a specific set of rules depending on the instruction it was given. Decoded the German "Enigma" coding machines during WWII. Turing was arrested for violation of British homosexuality statutes in 1952 when he reported to the police details of a homosexual affair. He had gone to the police because he had been threatened with blackmail. He was tried as a homosexual on 31 March 1952, offering no defence other than that he saw no wrong in his actions. Found guilty he was given the alternatives of prison or oestrogen injections for a year. He accepted the latter and returned to a wide range of academic pursuits.
Enrico Fermi splits the atom
Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt hold Teharan conference
Mussolini dismissed, Italy declares war on Germany
Vietnam declares itself independent of France
Warsaw uprising
D-Day landings in Normandy
Bombing of Germany. Russians and Allies meet at Torgau. Germany surrenders.
Americans invade Okinawa and drop atomic bomb. Japan surrenders.
1945 First atomic bomb detonated in New Mexico
Greek Civil War (1946 - 1949)
Chinese Revolution (1946 - 1949)
First Indochina War (1946 - 1954)
1946 Mauchly and Eckert build ENIAC, the first fully electronic computer
India becomes independent and is partitioned into India and Pakistan
Burma becomes an independent republic
1947 Chuck Yeager flies first supersonic flight
Israel becomes a Jewish state, war between Israel and Arab states for Palestine
Gandhi assassinated in India
N.A.T.O. treaty signed
Aparthied established in South Africa
1949 Grace Murray Hopper (computer programming) was key in developing first computer programs. Discovered first computer "bug" (a real moth). Convinced the Navy to let her join in 1943, she retired in 1986 as a Rear Admiral and the oldest active duty officer in the United States.
U.S.S.R. tests atomic bomb
Korean Conflict (1950 - 1953)
Chinese forces occupy Tibet
Senator McCarthy begins his anti-communist charges
French War in Indochina (1951 - 1954) 1951
Elizabeth II becomes Queen of England 1952 Hsien Chung Wang (algebraic topology) discovered the "Wang sequence"
Discovery of pre-historic cave paintings in France
Stalin succeeded by Malenkov and Khrushchev
Royal coup d'etat in Iran (Persia)
1953 Watson and Crick decipher structure of DNA
Race segregation in U.S. schools declared unconstitutional
Laos and Cambodia gain independence
French war in Algeria (1954 - 1962)
Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott
Revolt in Argentina, Peron resigns
France, West Germany, and Italy establish the European Union
1955 Ultra-high frequency (UHF) waves produced at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Cuban Revolution (1956 - 1959) 1956
Ghana independent 1957 U.S.S.R. launches Sputnik (first earth satellite)
Egypt and Syria form United Arab Republic
Revolution in Iraq ends monarchy
1958 U.S. launches Explorer I earth satellite
Charles de Gaulle proclaimed President of Fifth Republic in France
Alaka and Hawaii named 49th and 50th U.S. states
1959 U.S.S.R. Lunik reaches the moon
Robert Noyce makes first microchip
Second Indochina War (Vietnam Conflict) (1960 - 1975)
16 African nations become independent
1960 Laser developed
First weather satellite, Tiros I, launched by U.S.
President Kennedy establishes the Peace Corps
Bay of Pigs invasion
Berlin Wall constructed
1961 Yuri Gagarin first man in space
1962 John Glenn orbits the earth
President Kennedy assassinated in Dallas, Texas 1963 Valentina Tereshkova first woman in space
Matthews and Sandage discover quasars
Kruschev replaced by Kosygin and Brezhnev
King Saud of Saudi Arabia deposed
Race riots in Watts, L.A., Malcom X shot in N.Y.
Rhodesia, Singapore gain independence
1965 Leonov first astronaut to walk in space
Cultural revolution in China 1966 Luna 9 (U.S.S.R.) makes soft landing on the moon
Six-day war between Israel and Arab nations 1967 China explodes its first hydrogen bomb
Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy assassinated 1968 Pulsating radio waves (pulsars) discovered
1969 Neil Armstrong first man on the moon.
Salvador Allende, a Marxist, elected President of Chile 1970
Church of England and Vatican end a 400 year dispute 1971
President Nixon visits China
Ceylon changes its name to Sri Lanka
Bangladesh (East Pakistan) established as an independent state
1972 Venus 8 space probe photographs Venus
"Wounded Knee" occupied by Native Americans
SALT I treaty signed to limit nuclear war
1973 Pioneer 10 sends television pictures of Jupiter
Watergate scandal, President Ford succeeds President Nixon
Coup deposes dictatorship in Portugal
1974 Soviet space probe lands on Mars
American scientists disciver new subatomic particle (psi mesons)
6,000 life-size pottery figures found in China
Helsinki accord signed
Juan Carlos I becomes King of Spain
Portugal grants independence to its African colonies
Khmer Rouge troops terrorize Cambodia
1975 U.S. Apollo and Soviet Sojus link up in space
Lenore Blum (algebra) founded Association for Women in Mathematics. Committed to increased participation of women and girls in mathematics.
Hua Kuo-feng succeeds Mao Tse-tung in China
North and South Vietnam united
Soweto riots in South Africa
1976 Report about ozone layer damage from spray can gases
Panama Treaties signed 1977 First flight of space shuttle Enterprise
New species of bacteria found in deep sea vents
Sandanistas fight guerilla war in Nicaragua 1978 First "test-tube baby" born in England
Margaret Thatcher becomes first woman Prime Minister of Britain
Shah of Iran ousted by Ayatollah Khomeini
U.S.S.R. invades Afghanistan (1979 - 1988)
1979 Voyager I discovers ring around Jupiter
Gulf War (1980 - 1988) Iraq invades Iran
Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) gains independence
1980 World Health Organization announces world-wide eradication of smallpox
Mitterand becomes President of France 1981 Personal computer launched by IBM
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) identified
Falkland War between Britain and Argentina 1982 Benoit Mandelbrot (fractal geometry, Mandelbrot set) publishes The fractal geometry of nature. He is largely responsible for the present interest in fractal geometry.
U.S. President Reagan announces Star Wars Initiative
Lebanon expels Arafat
1983 First flight of U.S. space shuttle Challenger
Compact Discs (CDs) launched
British coal miners strike
25,000 Jews secretly airlifted from Sudan to Israel
Indira Ghandi assassinated by Sikh bodyguards
1984 Macintosh computer with mouse launched
U.S. and French teams discover the AIDS virus
United Kingdom and Ireland sign Anglo-Irish Agreement
Palestinians hijack Italian cruise liner Achille Lauro
Prime Minister Olaf Palme shot dead in Sweden
South Africa raids A.N.C. bases in Zambia and Zimbabwe
1986 Space shuttle Challenger explodes, killing all 7 crew
Chernobyl nuclear disaster
Gorbachev launches "glasnost" and "perestroika" 1987
Pan Am bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland
Ethiopia and Somalia sign a peace treaty
National strikes in Poland
Nationalist demonstrations in the Baltics and the Caucauses
Ethnic Albanians demonstrate against Serbs in Kosovo
1988 Stephen Hawking (quantum physics, cosmology) publishes A Brief History of Time despite many physical handicaps
Internet virus jams over 6,000 military computers
Hungary creates multi-party democracy
East and West Germany unite, Berlin Wall falls
Thousands of students killed in Tiananmen Square in China
U.S. troops invade Panama and install new government
Akihito named Emperor of Japan
Iraq invades Kuwait
Gorbachev receives Nobel Prize for Peace
Operation Desert Storm launched to free Kuwait
Gorbachev resigns as last president of the U.S.S.R.
Leningrad changes its name to St. Petersburg
5,000 year old mummified body found in Austrian Alps
South Africa approves reforms giving blacks equal legal rights
27,000 year old cave paintings found in France
1992 Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Convention on Protection of Species and Habitat signed.
"Velvet" Revolution: Slovakia separates from Czechoslovakia 1993 Space telescope Hubble repaired by Endeavor shuttle crew
Nelson Mandela sworn in as President of South Africa
Genocide in Rwanda's killing fields
U.S. troops seize Haiti
1994 Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 crashes into Jupiter
Serbia, Bosnia, and Croatia sign peace agreement in Dayton, OH
Jacques Chirac elected president of France
Clinton re-elected U.S. President
Talibans conquer Afghanistan
Indian Hindu Nationalist Party wins national elections
1996 Roger Penrose (relativity, quantum theory, Penrose tiling) publishes The Nature of Space and Time with Stephen Hawking. He also published many other award-winning books about computers and consciousness.
Discovery of a new planet near the fourth closest star to Earth
1997 Scottish researcher clones lamb (Dolly) from adult sheep DNA
India and Pakistan conduct first nuclear tests
Peace accord in Northern Ireland
1998 E-mail becomes popular, explosive growth on the Internet
Czech Republic, Poland, and Hungary join NATO
President Yeltsin resigns, succeeded by Vladimir Putin
King Hussein of Jordan and King Hassan II of Morocco die
1999 Lene Hau and Stephen Harris slow light to 17 meters per second.
Fox elected President of Mexico
Milosevic ousted in Serbia
First meeting ever between the presidents of North and South Korea
2000 DNA sequencing of human genome roughly completed
International Space Station up
Terrorists crash hijacked airplanes into N.Y. World Trade Center and the Pentagon. President Bush vows to destroy the al Quaeda network in Afghanistan.
Argentinian riots cause change of government
2001 Space probe makes "impossible" landing on asteroid Eros
U.S. Congress authorizes President Bush to use armed forces in Iraq
Euro becomes legal tender in Europe
Hindu-Moslem violence in India escalates
U.S. captures Saddam Hussein
World-wide protests against war in Iraq
Clashes between opponents and supporters of President Chavez in Venezuela
SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) spreads from Asia to Europe and North America
2003 Space shuttle Columbia breaks apart during re-entry over Texas, killing all 7 crew

~ Literature-Based Math Activities: An Integrated Approach Alison Abrohms, Scholastic Professional Books 1992, ISBN 0-590-49201-2
~ The Development of Mathematics E. T. Bell, Dover Publications 1992, ISBN 0-486-27239-7
~ Ethnomathematics: A Multicultural View of Mathematical Ideas M. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole 1991
~ A History of Mathematics Carl B. Boyer and Uta C. Merzbach, John Wiley and Sons 1991, ISBN 0-471-53297-7
~ Native American Mathematics Michael P. Closs (Editor), University of Texas Press 1986, ISBN 0-292-71185-9
~ Women Mathematicians (Portraits for Classroom Boards Series) S. Edeen and J. Edeen, Dale Seymour Publications 1990, ISBN 0-866-51506-2
~ The Norton History of the Mathematical Sciences: The Rainbow of Mathematics Ivor Grattan-Guinness, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 1998
~ * The Universal History of Numbers from Prehistory to the Invention of the Computer Georges Ifrah, Translated by David Bellos, E. F. Harding, Sophie Wood, and Ian Monk , John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2000, ISBN 0-471-39671-0
~ The Crest of the Peacock: Non-European Roots of Mathematics George Gheverghese Joseph, I. B. Tauris & Co Ltd 1991
~ Multicultural Science and Math Connections: Middle School Projects and Activities> B. Lumpkin and D. Strong, J Weston Walch Books 1995, ISBN 0-825-12659-2
~ The Story of Mathematics Richard Mankiewicz, Princeton University Press 2000, ISBN 0-691-08808-X
~ Number Words and Number Symbols: A Cultural History of Numbers Karl Menninger translated by Paul Breneer, Dover Publishing 1992, ISBN 0-486-27096-3
~ Mathematical History: Activities, Puzzles, Stories, and Games M. Mitchell, NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) 1978
~ Women Becoming Mathematicians: Creating a Professional Identity in Post-World War II America Margaret A. M. Murray, MIT Press 2000, ISBN 0-262-13369-5
~ * Women in Mathematics L. M. Osen, MIT Press 1999, ISBN 0-486-27239-7
~ Math Equals: Biographies of Women Mathematicians and Related Activities Teri Perl, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company 1978, ISBN 0-201-05709-3
~ Women and Numbers: lives of women mathematicians plus discovery activities Teri Perl, Wide World Publishing 1993, ISBN 0-933174-87-X
~ A Concise History of Mathematics Dirk Jan Struik, Dover Publications 1987, ISBN 0-486-60255-9
~ Math Projects for Young Scientists David A. Thomas, Franklin Watts 1988, ISBN 0-531-10523-7
~ Africa Counts Claudia Zaslavsky, Lawrence Hills Publications New York, NY 1973
~ Multicultural Math: Hands-On Math Activities from Around the World Claudia Zaslavsky, Scholastic Trade 1996, ISBN 0-590-49646-8
~ Multicultural Classroom Posters by Key Curriculum Press
~ The Multicultural Game Book: More than 70 Traditional Games from 30 Countries ISBN 0-590-49409-8

* Recommended

~ recommended by Britannica Internet Guide by Encyclopedia Britannica
~ MacTutor History of Mathematics at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland
~ Mathematicians of the African Diaspora
~ Biographies of Women Mathematicians at Agnes Scott College
~ History of Mathematics Web Sites
