
Karen- a web site made by one of my best friends, Karen. It has an online journal, some of her writings, and the popular "KarenCam"

Julie- another fabulous page made by another one of my best friends. There are lots of great photos here, and an online survey.

Clara- wow, this is the best web page I have ever seen! I mean, truely Clara should be worshipped for her work on this site. Here we have music files, a survey, and writings by the goddess herself. ((note- yes, this links section was made by Clara =) ))

Kristen- Her site has lots of spunky things like an online journal, photos, and some of her writings.

Amanda- The rumors are true: Random chaos does prevail here

Lauren- All about her life and her student ambassador experiences

JK Pals- The joint web site of Julie and Karen

The Micki Fan Club- Gee, it sure is fun to have a stalker. Anyone with information as to who made this web site, please contact me. Thanks

Chris's Web Page - Never before has so much evil gathered in one place

Main- Wow... it's fabulous, it's terrific, it's.... the link you need to click to go back to my main page!