*Name: Micki

*Birth Location: Montgomery, Alabama

*Shoe Size: 7 or 8...it depends

*Relatives you love to death: Cousins

*Friends: lots of peoples

*Closest (tell anything to) friend: Cayla

*Favorite phone friend: Clara

*Favorite online buddy: people

*School: Lake Oswego High School

*Future School: Harvard! Stanford! Ivy League!

*Future Occupation: Psychiatrist

*Most loved pastime: Track, flute, sports, everything! (except homework)

*Do for fun: see the above

*Favorite book: ???

*Favorite color: yellow...and every other color.

*Favorite celebrity: none really

*Favorite movie: Right now... the matrix

*Favorite CD: Savage Garden

*Favorite song: Bailamos....no! Jordy!

*Favorite quote: "hello!"

*Favorite radio station: 105.1

*Favorite TV station: ABC or the WB

*Favorite Show: Roswell

*Favorite concert (you've been to): no...

*Favorite class (if any): band and English

*Least fave class: math and science and history..

*What do you like in a guy: kind, nice eyes, chivalrous, smart

*What Dont you like: pompous, self-absorbed, too masculine

*What do you do on weekends: homework.. mall... tv..sleep

*What do you do that you wouldn't suggest others to do: to many commitments

*What's your favorite kind of car: new beetles

*My favorite web site: Mine!