Michael J. D.

What I am doing at this time:

At the moment I am studying an engineering degree in communications, computer systems, electric, and computer software. So far it is a great course. I am learning different programming languages, different mathematical concepts for problem solving, electric circuits and some pretty exciting physics. University is great, it has opened up many new opportunities that I did not know existed.

I live in a terrace house in the middle of Melbourne. The little room that I am renting costs $125 a week, this figure isn't easy when you have to pay it for yourself. I love the city life, there is a pub next door to my house and there is a nightclub 10 houses down. Just about wherever you walk in any direction from my front door you can find a pub.

I have many interests. Just about any out door sport I love and do. It is a bit hard to quench my adrenalin seeking thirst in the big smoke but I have managed to find a keen out door extreme club. There idea of extreme may be different to my own but I like to associate myself with these people. I like to learn and study, which is kind of strange. It is only new to me but I am glad I found a liking for knowledge. One of my most treasured interests out of everything is my sweet girlfriend. Carol has given me something to work for in the future, and I thank her for the goals she helped me set.

There are many people I want to thank for helping me on the way. I want to thank my parents for being with me and raring me with motivation and a keen edge to succeed and win. A big thank you to my grandparents and John and Sue for helping me with some funding for my studies. And a huge thank you to everyone who has helped me achieve my goals and get me where I am now.

See me live on my webcam.View My Webcam

Time spent here: