Further: New Material
I Created this site to battle the Anti-Israel
slant the media has taken. My site stands
next to 250,000+ other sites, all with the
same purpose as this site.

The BBC seems to have taken upon itself,
to report on the Palestinian point of view,
but fail to show Israel's say. CNN is following
close behind in this slant, however, they are
usually less biased.

If you have any concerns over the historical
accuracy of the information presented in this
site, please do not hesitate to e-mail me,
and I will give you the source of information.
I am happy to receive any constructive
criticism of both content and presentation
of this site.

Please note this site has been newly designed,
and is viewed best in full screen and medium text
size ("View","text size", "Medium").

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Let the word get around: Jews and Israelis are
standing up for their rights, and their land.

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left to send us any comments you have about
this site: layout and design or information: We
are waiting to hear from you, whatever you want
to say!

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Outlook Express. Click here.

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Must-see links:

Awards? We got SOMETHING!

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