Mrs. Durante's Seventh Grade Math Final Exam Review



1. Lyle needs to buy 96 plates for a family reunion. If the plates come in packages of 16, how many packages does he need to buy?

2. Rita drove 930 miles in three days. If she drove the same number of miles each day, how many miles did she drive each day?

3. Mrs. Bryson estimates that it will take each student 5 minutes to solve each problem on a test. If there are 8 problems on the test, about how long will it take each student to take the test?

4. Mikiah bought 9 packages of construction paper. Each package had 62 sheets of paper in it. How many sheets of paper did she buy?


5. 25 ÷ 5 X 5+8 - 2

6. 120 + 30 X 2

7. Evaluate l0c + 8d when c =3 and d = 7.

8. Evaluate 5u – v if u = l3 and v = l.

9. Write as a power: (7)(7)

10. Write as a power: (8)(8)(8)(8)

11. Evaluate j4 if j =3.

12. Evaluate t3 if t = 4..

Write the product using exponents.

13. a· a· a· a· a

14. q· q· q

15. Evaluate t4 if t = 3.

16. Evaluate p5 if p = 2.

17. Which of the numbers 9, 10, or 11 is the solution of 62 = 73 – x?

18. t + 6 = 40

19. Solve: 9t = 27, t = _____.

20. Solve: r = 9.


1. Find the area of a rectangle that measures 10 yards by 23 yards.

2. What is the area of a rectangle that measures 6 yards by 9 yards?

3. Find the area of the parallelogram that has a base of 81 m, a height of 65 m and a side of 75 m.

4. Find the area of the parallelogram that has a base of 66 feet, a height of 52 feet and a side of 60 feet.

5. Lola sold $15 in raffle tickets for her basketball team. If she sold 5 tickets, how much did each ticket cost?

6. Mr. Ricardo needs to buy five bags of potting soil. Each bag costs $3.89 including tax. If he has a $20 bill, does he have enough to buy all five bags?

7. Order the following decimals from greatest to least: 3.2, 0.4,1.12,1.07

8. Order the following decimals from least to greatest: 2.2, 2.06,1.8, 0.1

9. Round 63.557 to the nearest tenth.

10. Round 36.1155 to the nearest thousandth.

11. Estimate: $51.77 + $20.39

12. Estimate: $59.01 + $20.65

13. Estimate the product by rounding. 4.55 x 9.41

14. Estimate the product by rounding. 3.17 x 6.87

15. Starla has $120 to spend on computer supplies. She decides to buy a printer cartridge for $19.99, 2 boxes of disks for $15.89 each, and a mouse for $49.19. She thinks she will have enough left over to buy a keyboard for $38. Does this seem reasonable? Explain your reasoning.

16. Tamon has $15 to spend at the movies. His ticket will cost $6.50, and he decides to buy a drink for $1.95 and a box of popcorn for $3.95. He thinks he will have enough left over to buy $2 worth of tokens to play video games. Does this seem reasonable? Explain your reasoning.


17. 0.42 x 0.5

18. 5.58 x 1.7

19. 4.4 x 100,000

20. 0.45 x 1000



1. 1624 ÷ 0.4

 2. 1.25 ÷ 0.05

3. Write 15 as a decimal.
4. Write 3 as a decimal.

5. Complete: 43 km = _____ m

6. Complete: 41 cm = _____ m

7. 18 liters = _____ milliliters

8. 34 liters = _____ milliliters

9. Find the missing number: 9000 grams = _________ kilograms

10. Complete: 596 mg = ______ g

11. Write 2,850,000 in scientific notation.

12. Write the number in scientific notation.

Deimos, a moon of Mars, takes about I ,860 minutes to orbit the planet.  Source: The World Almanac and Book of Facts 1996

13. Find the mean of the data. 34, 28,37, 28, 32, 25,14,22.

14. Find the mean of the data. 28, 24, 30, 33,18, 24, 15,11

15. Find the median of the data. 7,22, 29, 7, 29,14, 21, 5, 25

16. Find the median of the data. 13, 26, 26,19, 36, 0, 23, 7, 30


1. Find the mode of the data. 13,18,11,12,18,11,13,12,11,17

2. Find the mode of the data. 14,18,11,19,18,11,14,19,11,12

3. Is 164 divisible by 3?

4. Is 61 divisible by 9?

5. Write the prime factorization of 12.

6. Write the prime factorization of 30.

7. Find the next three numbers in the sequence. 124,1240,12,400, ...

8. Find the next three numbers in the sequence. 50,100, 200,...

9. Determine whether the sequence below is geometric, arithmetic, or neither.  3,5,7,9, ...

10. Determine whether the sequence below is geometric, arithmetic, or neither.


11. Find the greatest common factor of 54 and 24.

12. Find the greatest common factor of 48 and 162. 

13. Write 18 / 27 in simplest form.

14. Write 21 / 28 in simplest form.

15. Simplify the ratio:  30:81

16.  Simplify the ratio:  49:63

17.  Express 3/5 as a percent.

18.  Express 2/25 as a percent.

                          FINAL EXAM REVIEW SHEET 5

1. Express 90% as a fraction in simplest form.

2. Express 32% as a fraction in simplest form.

3. Write 0.7 as a fraction in simplest form.

4. Write 0.65 as a fraction in simplest form.

5. A certain spinner is equally likely to stop on each of its regions numbered 1 to 12. Find the probability that the spinner will stop on a prime number.

6. A bag of marbles contains 12 blue, 7 green, 6 red, 9 yellow, and 6 black marbles. If you reach in the bag and draw one marble at random, what is the probability that you will draw a blue or a black marble? Express the ratio as a fraction in simplest form and as a percent.

7. Find the opposite of -6.

8. Find the opposite of 18.

9. Evaluate the absolute value: 

    ½ -2½

10. Evaluate the absolute value: 

    ½ 14½

11. Arrange the following integers in order from least to greatest: 

                        -1, 4, -5, 0, 2, 7, -3

12. Arrange the following integers in order from least to greatest:

                         -5, 6, -2, 0, 3, -6, 5

13. In which quadrant is the point with coordinates (6, - 5)?

          [A] first quadrant 

          [B] second quadrant 

          [C] fourth quadrant

          [D] third quadrant

14. In which quadrant is the point with coordinate 

(-5, -2)? 

                    [A] first quadrant 

                    [B] second quadrant 

                     [C] fourth quadrant

                     [D] third quadrant


15. –6 + (-1)

16. -7 + (-8)


17. -5 - (-6)

18. –18 - 7

19. Evaluate x-y if x = -l2 and y = 10.

20. Evaluate x - y if x = l4 and y = -5   



1.  4 X (-5)

2.  -4 X (-7)

3.  Evaluate xy if x = 5 and y = -5

4.  Evaluate xy if x = -8 and y = -3


5.  -9 / -3

6.  -42 / 7

7.  Evaluate x / y if x = 55 and y = -11.

8.  Evaluate x / y if x = -45 and y = 5.

9.  Graph triangle PQR with P(0,7), Q(3,6), and R(1,1).  Then graph the image of a translation 2 units to the left and 4 units down.

10.  Graph triangle PQR with P(-4, -3), Q(-4, -7), and R(-7, -5).  Then graph the image of a translation 10 units to the right and 9 units up.

11.  w + 4 = 9

12.  g + 8 = 4

13.  -19 = m - 2

14.  Solve:  -29  = m - 9

15.  On their vacation, the Martin family spent 1 day traveling, 2 days at the amusement park, 3 days camping, and 2 days traveling back home.  They arrived back home on July 6.  When did they leave?

16.  Jena says she is thinking of a number.  She says if she divides her number by 2 and adds 18, the result is 24.  What is Jena's number?


17.  -5x + 3 = -17

18.  2x - 9 = 1

19.  Write the following phrase as an algebraic expression.

the quotient of n and 5

20.  Write the following phrase as an algebraic expression

six times as many cards


1.Write the following phrase as an algebraic expression.

                 the quotient of n and 5

2. Write the following phrase as an algebraic expression

six fewer runs than the Dodgers

3. Write the following phrase as an algebraic expression

six times as many cards

4. Write the following phrase as an algebraic expression

eight increased by w

5. Lana is making a tier cake to decorate. The bottom layer requires 6 3/5 cups of cake batter and the top layer required 2 2/3 cups of cake batter. How much batter does she need in all?


6. Ted’s grandmother is making two recipes for Thanksgiving. The first needs 2/3 of a cup of flour, and the second needs 7/8 of a cup of flour. How much flour will Ted’s grandmother need to make the recipes?

Solve.  Write the solution in simplest form.

7.  6/7 - 1/3 = x

8.  7/8 - 1/5 = x

9.  2 1/2 + 4 1/6 = w

10.  6 1/4 + 6 3/28 = w

11.  y = 4 1/4 - 1 2/5

12.  y = 8 7/8 - 3 2/3

13.  y = 5 1/7 = 2 2/5

14.  y = 6 1/8 - 5 4/9

Multiply.  Write the product in simplest form.

15.  1/5 X 2/8

16.  1/4 X 2/6

17.  Find the perimeter of a rectangle with length 18 1/2 feet and width 8 3/4 feet.

18.  Find the perimeter of a rectangle with length 10 3/8 feet and width 4 1/4 feet.


1.  Find the circumference of a circle whose diameter is 2 1/3 ft.  Use 22/7 for pi.

2.  Find the circumference of a circle whose diameter is 3 1/2 ft. use 22/7 for pi.

3.  Name the property shown by the following statement.

                    3/4 + 1/3 = 1/3 + 3/4

4.  Which property is shown by the following statement?

                    18 + 0 = 18

5.  Which property is shown by the following statement?

                    2 1/2 X 4 3/4 = 4 3/4 X 2 1/2

6.  Which property is shown by the following statement?

                    (2 1/2 + 5 3/4) + 7 7/8 = 2 1/2 + (5 3/4 + 7 7/8)

Divide.  Write the quotient in simplest form.

7.  4 3/8 divided by 2 1/2

8.  4 2/5 divided by 2 3/4

9.  Write the ratio 44 to 84 as a fraction in simplest form.

10.  Write the ratio 14 to 16 as a fraction in simplest form.

11.  Express the rate 24 pounds in 8 weeks as a unit rate.

12.  Express the rate 492 beats in 6 minutes as a unit rate.

13.  Solve the proportion 16/k = 24/36

14.  Solve the proportion 2.4/6 = 2/y.

15.  Find the distance between New York City and Boston if the map distance is 6 7/16 inches and the scale is 1 inch : 32 miles.

16.  Find the height of a statue if the height of a scale drawing is 3 3/4 inches and the scales is 1 inch : 2 feet.

17.  Write 1/2 as a percent.

18.  Write 1/8 as a percent.

19.  Change 6% to a fraction.

20.  Change 15% to a fraction.


1. Express 0.528 as a percent.

2. Express 0.343 as a percent.

3. Express 37.3% as a decimal.

4. Write 32% as a decimal.

5. What is 50% of 72?

6. What is 32% of 600?

7. The measure of angle C is 90° , Classify angle C as an acute, right, or obtuse angle.

8. The measure of angle A is 119° Classify angle A as an acute, right, or obtuse angle.

9. The measure of the complement of an angle is 32° . What is the measure of the angle?

10. The measure of the complement of an angle is I 6° . What is the measure of the angle?

11. Name a polygon with 4 sides.

12. Name a polygon with 5 sides.

13. What is a regular polygon?

14.  Draw a regular polygon.

15.  How many lines of symmetry does a regular hexagon have?

16.  How many lines of symmetry does a square have?

17.  Find the square of 7.

18.  Find the square of 9.

19.  What is the square root of 64?

20.  What is the square root of 49?


1.  Find the area of a triangle with a base of 22 ft. and a height of 5 ft.

2.  Find the area of a triangle with a base of 40 ft. and a height of 9 ft.

3.  Find the area of a trapezoid with bases 3.5 mm and 10.5 mm and a height of 5 mm.

4.  Find the area of a trapezoid with bases 11.5 mm and 4.5 mm and a height of 7 mm.

5.  Find the area of a circle whose radius is 11 cm. Use 3.14 for pi.

6.  Find the area of a circle whose radius is 4 cm. Use 3.14 for pi.

7.  Find the total cost to the nearest cent of a $45 book if the sales tax rate is 7%.

8. Find the sales tax to the nearest cent on a $7.99 package of video tapes if the rate is 8.5%.

9. Find the amount of discount on a $125.50 suit if the discount is 12%.

10. Find the cost to the nearest cent of a $25.89 swimsuit with a discount of 25%.

11. Find the simple interest to the nearest cent for a principal of $875 invested at a rate of 4.5% for 1.5 years.

12. Thaddeus deposited $650 in an account that earned 8.5% interest. How much interest had the money earned by the end of three years?

13. Find the volume of a rectangular prism with a length of 5 m, width of 3 m and a height of 2 m.

14.  Find the volume of a rectangular prism with a length of 11 m, width of 7 m and a height of 6 m.

15.  Find the volume of a cylinder with a radius of 20 ft. and a height of 24 ft.  Use 3.14 for pi.

16.  Find the volume of a cylinder with a radius of 3 ft. and a height of 7 ft.  Use 3.14 for pi.

17. There are 6 blue cards, 3 white cards, 5 yellow cards, and 2 red cards in a box. Suppose you select one card at random. What is P(blue or red)?

18. Sam makes an average of 4 baskets for every 18 attempts. What is the probability that he will make the next basket he attempts?

19. Suppose you are choosing an outfit from among 3 different colors of shirts, 4 different colors of pants, and 2 different colors of jackets. How many different choices do you have?

20. Suppose you are decorating your bedroom and you have choice of 5 different paint colors for your walls, 4 different colors for your carpet, and 3 different wall paper borders. How many different choices do you have?