
While most people are just arriving home from the office at 6:15 p.m., a hardy group of individuals is meeting in Roseville at the Ground Round restaurant near Har Mar mall to enjoy dinner or a snack and engage in improving communication skills in a fun, low-pressure scenario where everyone participates. 

Midland has Just the Right Mix.  If you are looking for a balance between age ranges, male/female, occupations, and political views, then Midland is just the Toastmasters Club to join.  John L. still attends the evening meetings because mid-week at 6:15 to 8:00 is the most convenient time to meet. He likes Midland Toastmasters because it is a nice mix of different age groups and neighborhood residents and he was warmly welcomed as a newcomer. The group, he adds, enjoys meeting in a nice room and can practice using audiovisual equipment (microphone, overhead projector) before speaking in other settings at work, church and in the community. 

Midland Toastmasters was founded on May 31, 1949 by Melvin Milbarth of Midland Co-op Wholesale. The Club was organized on September 21, 1949. Meetings were held at 5:30 pm on Wednesday at the Downtown YMCA. They have recently celebrated their 50th anniversary. 

Toastmasters helps to develop skills in the art of communication.  Using the speaking and leadership skills developed in Toastmasters people have become more active in business, churches and service and charity organizations. Midlands’ members are able to organize activities, conduct meetings and speak in public as their organization’s representative. Some even become active in local, state or national government. 

Enhance self-confidence, both professionally and personally.  Lou N. says participating in Midland Toastmasters meetings is a typical activity of "sharpening the saw" as Stephen Covey (author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) would describe it.  In addition to the support he receives from other members Lou adds that he believes the communication skills he is learning in Toastmasters enhances his self-confidence, both professionally and personally. 

Overcome anxiety and facilitate effective meetings.  Christine D. says she joined Toastmasters to overcome anxiety when talking to people she didn’t know. Toastmasters was a tremendous help in teaching her how to control that anxiety, she adds. The anxiety is still there, but knowing that she can control it gives her the confidence to speak publicly and carry on a conversation. She has had a chance to grow and meet with other dynamic individuals while in Toastmasters. Also, the weekly feedback, education and seminars have provided training she otherwise wouldn’t have had. 

Speaking Engagements and group presentations.  Rich D. says he was exposed to public speaking through a timely Toastmasters speaking workshop. The class helped prepare him for speaking engagements he was doing as a consultant. His manager knew he was in Toastmasters and that he had done presentations before. Rich has since appeared before groups, lead meetings, and trained clients in the Twin Cities and out of state. 

Lifelong learner Jerry W., a long-term member, has attended Midland Toastmasters meetings regularly for 30 years. Jerry says he considers himself to be a lifelong learner and says he is still learning. He appreciates the leadership opportunities, has participated in speech contests and Toastmasters conventions.

Midland Meeting Time, Location, and Contacts