G - K - R  Karate
(Rolling Wave / Tear Into Pieces)

6th & 5th KYU Grading
Heisoku Dachi                 (feet together)
Shiko Dachi                     (sumo stance)
Zenkutsu Dachi                (forward stance)
Sanchin Dachi                  (pigeon-toed stance)
Reverse Neko Ashi Dachi (reverse cat stance)

Punches / Strikes
Ura Uchi                          (backfist strike)
Morote Zuki                    (double punch)
Tetsui Uchi                      (hammerfist strike)
Shita Zuki                       (short punch)
Seiken Zuki                    (straight punch)
Teisho Uke                       (palm heel block)
Haito Uke                         (ridge-hand block)

Mae Geri                               (front kick)
Start in Heiko Dachi facing north, bow.
Step right foot forward two shoulder widths, turn to face the left (west), drag your left foot up and into heisoku dachi, with your right fist on right hip & your palm facing left, left hand open palm against the front of right fist.

Look to the right (north) & pull both hands onto the left hip rotating right fist so your palm faces down, step your left foot back into shiko dachi (facing west but keep looking north), left hand sweeps back & up, then does a descending teisho uke finishing next to the right elbow; right ura uchi (to the north) while left hand retracts to stomach, fingers pointing up, palm facing right.

Step left foot forward two shoulder widths, turn to face the right (east), drag your right foot up into heisoku dachi, left fist on left hip & your palm facing right, right hand open palm against the front of left fist.

Look to the left (north) & pull both hands onto the right hip rotating left fist so your palm faces down, step your right foot back into shiko dachi (facing east but keep looking north), right hand sweeps back & up, then does a descending teisho uke finishing next to the left elbow: left ura uchi (to the north) while right hand retracts to stomach, fingers pointing up, palm facing left.

Step right foot forward two shoulder widths, turn to face the left (west), drag your left foot up into heisoku dachi, right fist on right hip & your palm facing left, left hand open palm
against the front of the right fist.

Look to the right (north) and pull both hands onto the left hip rotating the right fist so the palm faces down: step your left foot back into shiko dachi (facing west but keep looking north), the left hand then sweeps back & up, & then does a descending teisho uke finishing next to right elbow; right ura uchi (to the north) while left hand retracts to stomach, fingers ponting up, palm facing right.

Step the left foot up to the right foot into heisoku dachi (facing north), drop the left hand next to the left leg palm facing backwards. Step the left foot two shoulder widths to the left, & raise your right foot next to left knee, then left jodan haito uke, right descending teisho uke, with the right hand finishing behind your body, look to the right (east).

Look to the front, right mae geri, step two shoulder widths to the right, raise your left foot next to the right knee, right jodan haito uke, left descending teisho uke, with the left hand finishing behind your body, look to the left (west).

Look to the front, left mae geri, then step your left foot back & right foot forward into zenkutsu dachi, reach forward with the right hand over your left, grab your opponent's collar, pull both hands back to both hips, then morote zuki at shoulder level.
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