Hi all
Welcome, I am going to go  though some basic Nutrition. As we all know the key to physical fitness are  EXERCISE,MOTIVATION,AND GOOD NUTRITION. Optimal nutrition is a basic training  component necessary for the development and maintenance of top physical  performance. The principles of sound nutrition apply to everyone,But can give  the martial artist the competitive edge. The energy cost of a particular sport  depends on the intensity demanded of that physical activity,the length of time  for intense exertion, and the total participation time. Almost any moderate  sport can become one of high energy need if it is carried on for a long period  of time.
Just as your car will run best with a full tank of  the proper fuel,the body will perform at its maximum capability when filled with  the right nutritional fuel. For martial artist's that fuel is complex  carbohydrates(starches) and is found in foods such as cereal,pasta,breads, and  baked potatoes. NOT CHIPS CRISPS AND BISCUITS During digestion,the complex  carbohydrates are broken down into glucose,an important energy source used by  the muscles during exercise.Glucose may be used immediately or stored in the  liver and muscles as glycogen. The greater the stores,the longer the body can  delay the onset of exhaustion-the point at which the body"runs out of gas" and  fatigue sets in. martial artist's Who fail to keep themselves nutritionally  fueled may lack the energy to maintain peak performance. The best way to prepare  the body is to build and maintain muscle glycogen levels,by eating foods high in  complex carbohydrates. The high carbohydrate diet is the best choice for  suppyling energy and prolonged endurance. Body fat is essentialy stored energy.  In order for fats to be efficiently used as fuel, they need to be metabolized in  the presence of oxygen. This makes them less efficient than glycogen(a more readily available energy source) and at less of an energy expense to the body.  Excess fat also represents extra weight that the martial artist must carry and  then get rid of for competition.
Importance Of Fluids
Nearly two thirds of the human body is water,which provides the aqueous  enviroment needed for all essential biochemical processes. Of all the nutrients  essential to good performance,water is perhaps the most critical, and least  appreciated.
Experts agree that fluid replacement is important  not only after but before and during a workout. The body needs to maintain water  balance as a part of homeostasis. Water is essential to regulate body  temperature, maintain proper circulation,maintain salt and electrolyte  balance,and to remove wastes through urine production. Exercising muscles  generate an increased amount of heat that must be eliminated from the body.  Water acts as a coolant to working muscles by evaporating through the skin as  sweat. This cools the skin and the blood circulating near the skin surface.  Inadequate cooling can result in heat exhaustion. Unfortunately,thirst is not  among the early symptoms of dehydration. It is possible to lose up to 1.5lt of  water before becoming thirsty. Thirst is also quenched before body fluids are  fully replaced. Most people stop feeling thirsty when they have drunk only about  two thirds of the fluid they have lost. It is important to prepare for training  by compensating for fluid losses BEFORE,DURING,and AFTER the workout.
*DRINK at  least eight 8 ounce glasses of fluids the day before.(64 ounces)
*DRINK 16 to  20 ounces of fluids about 2 hours before exercising
*DRINK 6 to 16 ounces of  fluid 15 to 30 minutes before a workout

*DRINK 3 to 7 ounces of fluid every  15 to 20 minutes during a workout
*DRINK 16 ounces of fluid for each pound lost (routinely  cheak weigh before and after workout)
Although athletes involed in sports can  benefit from special sports drinks that contain calories and sometimes  electrolytes (sodium and potassium) simple fluid replacement is the goal for the  martial artist.Carbohydrate and protein supplemented sports drinks are most  useful immediately after a workout. Plane water iced tea,sugar-free drinks and  fruit and vegetable juices are all appropriate choices. In general, cool drinks  are absorbed more quickly than warm or room temperature drinks.
In addition, cool drinks are recommended during  warm weather because they can help lower body temperature. Although sugar is  often thought of as a quick source of energy,heavily sugared drinks and juices  are NOT advised in the final hour BEFORE exercise. Sugar stimulates the release  of insulin from the pancreas which slows the release of glucose from the liver,  the form of energy needed by the working muscles. Insulin's job is to speed the  remocal of glucose from the blood. Hence, if you drink a heavily sugared drink,  and then begin to exercise strenuously,glucose is removed too quickly and the  blood sugar level drops to sharply. Muscles are then deprived of the fuel they  need most, and the martial artist experiences fatigue.
Carbohydrates are the primary fuel for exercise.  The martial artist's extra caloric needs are best met through increasing the  amount of complex carbohydrates in the diat. At least 55% of the martial  artist's calories should come from carbohydrate sources. After  digestion,carbohydrates are stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen. The  amount stored equals about 1,800 calories for the 150 pound male,the  trained,conditioned, and well nourished martial artist will store more 

The Grain group  consists of bread, rice, cereal, pasta, crackers, waffles, tortillas, etc. A  serving size is 1 slice of bread, or 1 cooked cup of rice or pasta; not quite as  much as you might have thought. Because of its' starch content, corn and  potatoes may be included in this group, or counted as a  vegetable.
A minimum of 6  servings from the grain group should be eaten each day; for weight loss only 6  (women) or 7 (men) should be eaten. The higher end of the servings, 11, is more  for weight maintenance and gain in a controlled eating  program.
The Vegetable Group  includes carrots, broccoli, beans, cabbage, brussel sprouts, etc. A serving size  is one-half cup of cooked vegetables or vegetable juice, or 1 cup of raw  vegetables.  Vegetable such as celery and cucumbers--foods that require  more energy to digest than contained in the food--are considered free foods. 3-5  servings of vegetable are recommended per day
The Fruit Group  includes bananas, apples, oranges, grapes, strawberries, etc. 2-4 servings are  recommended per day. For weight loss, only 2 servings of fruits should be eaten;  a serving size is 1 small to medium sized fruit, one-half cup of canned or fresh  fruit juice, or one-quarter cup of dried fruit. Remember, fruit is high in sugar  (fructose) which will metabolize into fat if consumed in larger quantities. This  includes juices.
The Milk group  includes milk, yogurt, and cheese. 2-3 servings are recommended per day;  preteens, teenagers, pregnant women, and lactating women need 4 servings from  the milk group to meet their increased calcium needs. A serving size of milk is  8 ounces. If yogurt is eaten as a milk group serving, choose low fat, or  preferable fat free. For those who are lactose-intolerant, look for lactose free  varieties of milk.
The Meat group  includes beef, chicken, turkey, beans, and eggs. Only 2-3 servings are  recommended each day, no more than 2 servings if weight loss is a goal. A  serving size will surprise you; 2-3 ounces of cooked meat is a single serving  size. The higher the fat content, the more calories there will be per serving.  Very lean beef contains about 35 calories per ounce; high fat meat contains 100  calories per ounce.
The Other Group  contains fats, oils, and sweets. this also includes, peanut butter, bacon,  avocados, nuts, butter, and cream. these should be very limited to maintain good  health. Saturated fats are linked to cancer and heart disease. In general, 1  serving size of fats equals about 1 teaspoon of margarine, 1 tablespoon of a  salad dressing, or 2 tablespoons of peanut butter.
So that's  it for now but see ya round the dojo.
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