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Title: Garden of Death
First broadcast: 10th of September 2000

Cully Barnaby...................Laura Howard
Joyce Barnaby..................Jane Wymark
Tom Barnaby....................John Nettles
Gavin Troy........................Daniel Casey

Midsomer Deverell

In Midsomer Deverell, the Inkpen-Thomas family has regained ownership of their ancestral Inkpen Manor after they bought it back from the Bennett family. Soon after, however, the Inkpen-Thomasses announce they will turn the Memorial Garden into a tearoom; a proposal that rubs many villagers the wrong way, in particular the Bennett family, who created the Memorial Garden some years previously. The events take a nasty turn when a member of the Inkpen-Thomas family - Felicity - bludgeoned to death with a spade in the Memorial Garden. Investigation reveals not only the deep running vein of antipathy against the Inkpen's, but also that Mrs. Bennett mysteriously disappeared some years before. The killer, in the mean time, hasn't stopped their murderous activities: Elspeth Inkpen-Thomas is murdered by means of poisoned pasta...


The murderer of Mrs. Bennett is her daughter, Jane Bennett. Mrs. Bennett was having an affair - and not making a secret out of it - and Jane couldn't see her father Gerald get hurt like that.

Jane strangled her mother with some stockings and then buried her in the freshly dug Memorial Garden.

The murderer of Felicity and Elspeth Inkpen-Thomas is Hilary Inkpen-Thomas. Hilary was Felicity's sister, but they had a different father: a fact Felicity made constant fun of, so Hilary killed her. Hilary also murdered Elspeth for having kept it secret for so long. She put some poisoned pasta in Elspeth's room, but when the dog refused to eat it, Elspeth got suspicious and didn't eat it either - Hilary saw herself forced to forcefed the poisoned food to her mother.

At the end Hilary also tried to shoot her grandmother Naomi, but failed due to timely arrival of the police.