Article I- Name

This organization will be known as the Middle Tennessee Biomedical Association (MTBA).
Article II- Purpose

The purpose of the Association is to provide a forum to enhance communication between members of the Association and the technical education of its members.
Article III- Membership

Section I- Qualifications

The Executive Committee will review and approve each candidate's application for membership. If the Executive Committee cannot unanimously approve a candidate's application, it will be referred to the Membership Committee for final resolution. Approval by the Membership Committee will require only a simple majority of  the committee.

Section II- Classifications

A. Regular - clinical engineers, biomedical engineers, or biomedical technicians employed by a hospital, educational institiution, manufacturer, or shared service, and actively involved in the field of biomedical instrumentation or engineering.

B.Student - full-time student in a clinical engineering, biomedical technology, or similar program.

C. Retired - individuals who have been qualified for Regular Membership but are now retired from employment.

D. Corporate - those companies or business organizations which manufacture, sell, service or otherwise support medical instrumentation.

E. Associate - individuals interested in joining the Association but are not qualified for membership in another classification.
Article IV - Voting

Only Regular Members may vote. Each Regular Member is entitled to one vote, which may be cast in person or by proxy.  A quorum will consist of one quarter (1/4) of the Regular Members in good standing. Passage of voting issues will be by simple majority of those voting, unless otherwise indicated in these bylaws.
Article V - Meetings

Section I - Notification

A notice will be e-mailed to each member at least fourteen (14) days prior to a meeting. It will include the date, time, and place of the meeting, along with notification of and issues expected to be discussed. The meeting notice for the Annual Election Meeting will include the slate of candidates from the Membership Committee
and the annual dues and budget proposal from the Finance Committee.

Section II - Schedule of Association Meetings

A. Associaton Meetings - at least five meetings will be held between September and May.

B. Annual Installation - will be held in January. New officers will assume office at this meeting.

C. Annual Election Meeting - will be in November. New officers will be elected and the annual budget and dues for the next year will be established at this meeting

Section III- Rules

Meetings will be conducted in accordance with the rules adopted by the Executive Committee.

Section IV - Attendance

All Association meetings and events are open to all members.
Article  VI - Officers

Section I - Election

A slate of candidates will be presented to the membership by the Membership Committee and included with the meeting notice for the Annual Election Meeting. Additional candidates may also be nominated by Regular Members from the floor and must be seconded by at least one other Regular Member. Officers are elected at the Annual Election Meeting and assume office at the Annual Installation Meeting. Outgoing officers will do their best to ensure that there is an orderly transfer of duties to the incoming officers.

Section II - Eligibility for Office

Candidates for office must be Regular Members in good standing. An officer may serve no more than two (2) full consecutive terms in the same office. A term of office greater than seven (7) months will be considered equivalent to a full term for the purpose of this provision. No one may hold more than one office at a time.

Section III - Duties

A. President - He/She presides at all Association meetings and all Executive Committee meetings. He/She is responsible for general management of the business affairs of the Association, including establishing ad hoc committees and appointing members as necessary. He/She serves as chairperson of the Membership Committee.

B. Vice-President - He/She assumes the duties of the President in his/her absence. He/She serves as chairperson of the Program Committee.

C. Secretary - He/She records the minutes of all Association meetings and all Executive Committee meetings. He/She is responsible for all notices, including meeting notices. He/She maintains the current membership roster. He/She serves as chairperson of the Newsletter Committee.

D. Treasurer - He/She is responsible for the collection and disbursement of all funds of the Association, and for keeping accurate records of those funds. The President must authorize all funds disbursed by the Treasurer. The Treasurer will submit a statement of accounts at each Association business meeting. He/She serves as chairperson of the Finance Committee. 

Section IV - Vacancies

If an officer is unable to complete his/her term of office, the vacancy will be filled in a manner chosen by the remaining members of the Executive Committee. If this Committee decides that it is practicable, an election to fill the vacancy will be held. In this case, the Membership Committee will be responsible for the nomination of candidates.

Section V - Recall of Officers

At any Association meeting, any Regular Member may introduce a motion to remove any officer from office for reasons related to performance. Approval of this motion will require approval by two-thirds (2/3) of the Regular Members present.
Article VII - Standing Committees

Section I - Committee Duties

A. Executive Committee - consists of the current officers of the Association. It is responsible for the business activities of the Association.

B. Membership Committee - is composed of volunteers from the Regular Membership and chaired by the President. The Membership Committee is responsible for soliciting and maintaining membership in the Association. In addition, the Committee reviews any membership application not unanimously accepted by the Executive Committee. The Committee is also responsible for nominating a slate of officers for the Annual Election Meeting. At the request of the Executive Committee, the Membership Committee will meet to nominate new officers to fill vacant offices.

C. Program Committee - is composed of volunteers and chaired by the Vice-President. The Committtee is responsible for providing all arrangements for the programs at Association meetings.

D. Finance Committee - is composed of volunteers and chaired by the Treasurer. The Committee is responsible for providing an annual budget and dues proposal for the fiscal year (June 1 through May 31) for consideration at the Annual Election Meeting.

E. Newsletter Committee - is composed of volunteers and chaired by the Secretary. The Committee is responsible for providing a Association newsletter, which is published at regular intervals.

Section II - Committee Membership

Except for the Membership Committee, committee membership is open to any member. Regular Members may join the Membership Committee. If a committee has more than five (5) members, the committee chairperson may remove from the committee roster and committee member for reasons of inactivity. Inactivity is demonstrated by failure to attend two (2) committee metings in a row, or by failure to carry out reasonable assignments given by the chairperson. If a committee has more than twelve (12) members, the committee chairperson may restrict new membership. Any person removed from a committee is not eligible for reappointment for a period of six (6) months.
Article VIII - Finance

Section I - Budget

An annual budget will be prepared by the Finance Committee for consideration at the Annual Election Meeting. This proposal may be adopted as is, or amended by the membership prior to adoption.

Section II - Dues

Annual dues will be set at the Annual Election Meeting. The Finance Committee, based on the budget prepared, will recommend the dues. Dues for Regular and Associate Members will be the same. Dues for Student and Retired Members may be no more than one-half (1/2) of a Regular Member's dues. Annual dues cover the membership period from January 1 through December 31. They are required for membership, and are not pro-rated or refundable. Any member whose dues are not current will be considered a deadbeat until those dues are paid.

Section III - Unbudgeted Expenses

When desirable for the welfare of the Associaton, the Executive Committee may authorize the expenditure of unbudgeted amounts up to $100.00 without the approval of the membership. In an emergency, the Executive Committee may authorize the expenditure of any amounts necessary to maintain the financial health or existence of the Association without the approval of the membership. The membership will be notified of any unbudgeted expenses at the next Association meeting, and through the Association newsletter.

Section IV - Audited

An independent council, prior to an incoming Treasurer assuming office, shall audit the financial account.
Article IX - Amendments and Revisions

Amendments or revisions to these bylaws must be submitted to the Executive Committee for inclusion in the agenda of the next Association meeting. Amendments or revisions require the approval by a simple majority of those voting.