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RIVER: Lake Michigan (ok, so I'm "cheating" here; this isn't a river)
        LOCATION: Um . . . duh!

PUT-IN: many choices; depends on what's most convenient to you
TAKE-OUT: same

           SHUTTLE: Carry from parking lot to beach.

                   DIST: N/A

CLASS: varies (depending on wind and waves); 0-I-II-III-?
    CHARACTER: varies (depending on wind and waves)

GAUGE: Check out NOAA bouy information and other 'small craft advisory'  and weather sites.
min=0, opt.=5', max=?
            SEASON: All. Best when fall winds whip it up.

As I said up top, yes, I'm "cheating" here. Including a lake in a "RiverGuide" site. But let us not forget, and pass up a potential opportunity when it sits so close for so many of us. When the wind and waves are right, the surfing can be great.
  Caution: keep in mind that while the dynamics may seem the same, many are completely reversed. Most significantly, in a river, playable waves and holes are most often caused by a 'sudden' decrease in gradient accompanied by an increase in depth (a 'pool'). On the lake, the waves are generally 'created' by a decrease in depth ('shore break'). In the river, as you surf a hole, you are not moving (significantly) relative to the bottom (and any rocks which may be present). It is only if/when you flip that you begin to accelerate to match the speed of the current (which generally will be diminishing in the 'pool' below the wave/hole). On the lake, you are moving (relative to the bottom) at the speed of the wave. If you flip, you only begin to slow down if/when your boat washes through the wave (which is probably breaking, and turning into a 'river-wide uniform keeper' type situation at this point). As a result, you are likely to be pummeled and ground unmercifully into and along the bottom for a whle, eating whatever sand is being stirred up, getting it in your eyes (if you open them while setting up for your roll), and/or bashing into any rocks which may be present.
  That said, there are a great many proponents of the fun which can be had when the lake is 'up.' I recommend you 'start small' (2-4'), work into moderate (3-5'), before going for the GUSTO (4-7' and up)! It will also help to 'know your beach.' Some places seem to 'catch' the waves better than others. I have no specific recommendations, other than I've heard there is a great beach around Manitowoc, where they actually have had an annual fall classic surfing 'championship' (surf-boards)!

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