The window slowly creaked open and a hand appeared on the sill. Slowly but surely the hand became an arm and then two arms, then a head. a torso and finally the legs. Whoever it was, was dressed completely in black from head to toe. The figure picked up the thick book that was laying on the desk. It was a diary, an assassin’s diary from the looks of it. What kind of efficient assassin would write everything they did on paper. Either whoever it is is very morbid or very proud of their work.  Opening the bookto the most recent page the intruder started to read what was written.

                        You wouldn’t believe it but I think that I might have been caught out. Now I’m not sure but I think I was followed from my last hit. I was as always very careful on my way there and on the trip back but I just got this really bad feeling. Maybe it’s just me being paranoid, after what happened to Mikala  I seem to see shadows and people following me behind every corner and in every shadow.
                       The hit itself went as you would expect the guy went down before he even knew what was going on him. The look on his face when he fell though that was magnificent, to think it  must have only just dawned on him then the kind of enemies he had made because of his business dealings,  shady and the like. But on the upside (for me and the rest of the world at least) he will never be doing anything of the like EVER again.
                        The money I’m getting paid for this had better be worth the trouble I went to pull this off. Imagine that an assassin that’s almost broke. Believe it or not there is actually not that many jobs going for someone with my skills at the moment. Maybe in a couple of weeks there will be so much work that I don’t know what to do with myself. In my dreams!  I should probably think about getting my experience in other fields or something but I am just so darn good at what I do at the moment.

Whoever this person was they took a lot of pride in their work. Although the thought of a paranoid assassin certainly seemed quite humorous.

The figure replaced the book and kept searching. For an assassin this was not a very interesting place to live. Maybe it was just the on the job home or something.

            The thief (for that is what the figure is) moved around the home hoping to find something of value in this extremely humble apartment.

Even something taken from the site of a kill would have been good.