Page Four
This is a silly guess on my part, conserning how "I" think jokingly how the X-Box will look. Notice the infinitely spanding X-extensions. The mouse is a bit weak, but the Atari controler turned out nicely. I know that the X-Box will have 4 controler ports, and there are only two here, but hey, who cares right?
This room turned out nicely. It is a bit stark, but simple is sometimes good. I am personally a fan of Bob, so I decided on this bitmap, among the myriad of poster choices I had. The art on the wall was made simply by useing the "Gear" plug-in for Max. The Clock on the wall utilizes a Coka-Cola bitmap, found on the net as well. The Television turned out realistic, so I'm pleased with that, and the entire image.
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