Chat Rules: From today ( 09/06/2006 ) forward, only 1 lvl in an attribute, skill, quality can be added / A real months time. So, you can no longer buy an stat from 1 to 3 in one experience expenditure. After a month you can up it one more and so on until you reach your normal maximum in your stat ( normally 6 human and none human 12, Skills max is 10, quality max is lvl 10 ). *Note: Sorcery, Resources, Pyrokinesis, Supernatural attack, and Telekinesis can be raised 1 lvl per every 2 weeks to a full month RL time, Depending on if the character has had time to train up by role playing means.

Here is the infor for using your exp points

Experience points help you improve your character in several ways. The show the learned wisdom from fighting and investigation the supernautral (this means months and months of studing occult books). Physical improvements are due to a character doing full dynamic tension workout and learned abilities (which we assume the character took in-game night classes)

Improving Attributes
Str, Dex and con can be improved through physical means (like by always swinging a axe, or lifting heavy boxes at work, etc) Explaining the improments for mental attributes is a lil harder but not impossible. Perception can get better if the character learns to pay more attention to the world around them. Willpower improves after undergoing severe ordeals; whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, and all that jazz. Intell might get better as a result of maturity and simple exercise-given a workout and they may start to improve.

Attribute cost is as followed.
*cost is 5 points per lvl or the cost of the next attribute doubled, which ever is higher (for example: raising an attribute from two to three cost 5 points; Raising it from five to six cost 12 points)

Note: Humans usually improve each attribute by one lvl and no more. However, if they start out as a teenager (if the drawback was taken)might be allowed to improve attributes by up to two lvls, reflecting a growth spurts which can happen before they reach the age of 18. (Keep in mind max for humans is lvl 6 in attributes). Demons, vampires and other supernatural beings can improve their attributes up to 12, beyond 12 the cast member becomes a npc.

Raising a skill has a cost equal to the new lvl times 2 (to go from lvl 3 to 4 cost 8 skill points). A skill can't be improved by more then one lvl at a time at the end of the game session (there is no limit to potential skill lvls)
Getting a brand new skill cost 5 exp points for just the first lvl from zero. After this it improves like any other skill that has a lvl beyond zero.

Note: Keep in mind when improving a skill it must ne one that you used and if trying to learn a new skill you must have tried it at lvl 0 more then once during a game session.

No matter what a cast member can't just up and learn a new lang by snapping their fingures. To learn a new lang one must study the lang intensively and only then you can spend skill points to gain the lang.

Qualities and Drawbacks
Some qualities are inborn and if you don't have it you can't buy it with exp. Others are possible to additions to a character. An Investigator might gain a psychic powers, or pick up situational awareness in a training room. All added qualities cost their normal value in experience points, but this should be only if their is a compelling plot rational for it. (Having exp points and saying "I think my character will have telepathy" doesn't cut it).

The Qualities that have no cost to them;
If the character member becomes rich through his own efforts during game play, he should not be charged for the increase to the resources lvl.

Note: the setting is in Vegas so if your pc is going around making bets then they may lose money or not. But this still must be done during game play and a Direactor must be there to witness.

Drawbacks can be bought off (although some compelling reason must be for this change in the pc) The cost is that of the original value given for assuming that particular Drawback.

Note: now if during game play a drawback can be lost if the reason pops up and also a Diretor must approve this change.

Drama Points
Drama points maybe purchased with exp. Champion/Hero characters gain one Drama point per two experience points spent. Investigator/whitehat can exchange the two on a one for one.