* My Grade 8 GRAD! Hehe.. this is super old... like June'94? Look at all the faces!
JOANNE (nice peach dress!), Me (looks the same), Paul (mY has he grown), Suni
VictOR, Rennie, Laurie, Natasha, Jeimi, mark, Brent, DAMN and More this was fun
to get around to... HAHAHAH!... gotta love these pics..Im gonna die for this but
Brent, Mark P. and Me. PAUL! and me.. LOOK AT PAUL! he has grown MASSIVELY! me and paul won AWARDS WOOHOO!... Paul has 2 MORE THO! the bastard... Just posin' .. Look at Natasha and Jeimi! Me and My dad with my CHEESY smile.
Group shot with me Missin cuz i was @ the other SIde. yet another... BUT LOOK at JOANNE! and others.. heheheh... i know u love this Joanne! Mark C., Mark P., Paul (loook at HIM!) and ME. Me, jeimi and Natasha.
VICTOR! my best friend in Elementary and Mark P. too. Genevieve (sp?)... Me and Rennie.. damn we were such freaks.. Natasha S. and Laurie P... with Suni @ the back!
LOOK AT JOANNE! MUHAHHAHAHA! and PAUL! and me .. Me and My teacher... Mr. Something.. thats it.