* This is THe DiNner for the people who went to the cottage.. BUT me and Adrian decided to come along anyways.. hehe.. since they missed us SOOOO much =)...

Anyways this is Jack AStor's for Joanne's birthday.. hehe just jokin' but this was June 23 2001... lotsa fun as always... here are some pics... thanks to Paul's Dig Cam.

OH OH and we went to THe DOCKS also after the get-together that MOST people ditched... tsk tsk..

The people who went were:
        Johann      Joanne      Mike        Miguel =)
        Sheila      Karen       Manter      Adrian =)
        Paul        Jett        Phong       
        Hector      Ivan        Shelley     
Mike, SHelley, Phong, Hec and Karen posing in front of Jack Astor's Jett, Karen, Paul and Hec posin' SHelly, Phong, SHeila and MEe Me, joanne, Adrian and Jett
Manter on the right and some1 he brought... =) Paul just taking pictures of anything... Paul and Sheila and me tryin to fit my head anywhere ... stupid straw got in the way. hehe Mike and SHelley.. Awww...
Ivan with his eyes closed. hehe Paul told us to point @ the COrOna.. o...k.... but yeah it was aDrian's and i put SPICY sauce all over the rim of the bottle when he left.. and He loved it when he tasted it hehehe...=P KareN! u have a boo boo on ur lip... lets make a close-up of it. hehehe GrouP PIc!
ANother GroUP pic with Jett's middle finger going in Adrian's Mouth... EWWwWwww HAHAHAHHAHAHA>. ... and HAHAHHAHA>. Joanne's pretend Birthday! it was JOhann and MAnter tho set it up.. it was HIllAriouS... CooL 4 joanne for being up for it. hehehhe Very Nice FoiL hat hehe Shelley and Adrian with the WiCked hat
Us Loitering after our dinner.. hehe Here's THe GirL i drew on the table. heehe just like in JOHANN'S BIRTHDAY before hehe... Here's A finished version of it... i actually got compliments from the waiter's HAHAHHAA.. Funny.. Very nice pic of most of us that went... i think karen's arm is on the left and Phong's face cut in half on the right hehe
another Group Shot =) Karen, Johann and Paul. hehe The last pic of the night... after our clubbin at the Dock's.. which was fun... but me here VERY sleepy.. hehe