Clear Lake Prom
Okay, Prom 02.. very very awesome. Date: Alan... very very silly buddy =).. had tons of fun...actually most fun ever at a dance...Plans: Simi's house to take pics, limo bus on to LA ZulA for dinner... then Radisson Hotel for our ' An Enchanted Evening' - Alan actually danced for me yay!...and finally limo bus took us to Jamba Juice parking lot full of our cars on westheimer ... so that we could go to hotel yup yup. That was crazy stuff... but yeah everything was okay after all and was fun. Sorry I took FOREVER to get these onilne..but my schedule was so full with sci fair crap that yeah but now thats all over and so here are the pics =) I only have some so far..i took FIVE ROLLS of pictures! hahaha so yeah i have tons but i only put up some so if I took a pic with you and its not up its not cuz i dont like..its cuz im lazy.hehe see the difference? .so keep hitting me up to look at the rest =)  Thanks for such an exciting and memoriable night Alan. or shall i say Nala !? hehe
~ An Enchanted Evening ~
          April 6, 2002
Our group at Simi's.. Emphasis: @ Alan's very very funny =)
All the studly  with their peace signs haha ..and gotta love blick's grin lol

Props to Bhavna for this pic! It's inside simi's lil wood porch thing.. its really cool..u have to cross this water pond thing to get to it...and my dress was about to fall  in haha. Actually.. props to Bhavna for a lot of the pics taken @ simi's house..she came over and took tons of pics for Alan and me =)
~ Alan & Miho ~
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