Hajat Supplication

"La ilaha illallahul haleemul kareem subhanallahe rabbil arshil azeem, wal hamdulillahe rabbil alameen. Asaluka muje batirahmateka wa aza-ema maghfirateka wal ghaneemata min kulle birrin was- salaamata min kulle ismin la tada lee zamban illa ghafartahu wa la hamman illa farrajtahu wala haajatan hiya laka ridhan illa qadhaitaha ya arhamar-rahemeen."

(There is no god save Allah, the clement, the Bountiful. Glory be to Allah, Lord of the Magnificent Throne. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds! I beg of Thee the causes entailing Thy mercy and the purposes of (securing) Thy pardon gains from every righteousness and safeguard from every sin. Leave no sin of mine unforgiven, no anxiety unrelieved and no need of mine, where Thou art pleased, unfulfilled. O Thou, the most Merciful of those who show mercy!)