News Section

- To post you own news here, just send me a mail. Make sure you have "News Section" in the subject line.
- We are still in need of members.



- We now have more weapons at the weapons page, they are only here until Cromtec sends our new ones.
- Agent Sepharus applied for Field Leader, if anyone else is interested, or against it, let me know.
- Agent Marshall is working on new page(s). Check for updates any day now.


- Agent Rayden was chosen to be in the next part of the Beta. He is very happy, very very very happy.


- Welcome to our newest hacker, Agent Nori.
- Agent Marshall is working on a new members page, this one is password protected, instead of the secret url.


- Agent Xerge is now our Negotiator, congrats to him to. There is still an opening for field leader, if anyone is interested, let me know.
- Cromtec has updated our side-arm, it is now stocked with a .357 clip, instead of the 9mm. And with a laser pointer, check it out Here. Oh, and the name changed to AP30.
- The application form is down, it will be moved to another server soon, if you wish to join in the meantime, send a mail to Agent Rayden.
- We have a new section, the 'NIA weapons' page, it will contain the weapons made by Cromtec, and used by us.
- We are allied with the Neocron Service Shop, thanks to Xerge.


- Agent NiteMare is now our 2nd Director, congrats to him.


- Site update, I changed the colour scheme.

8-5-01: important

- Neo-sites is going down, we need a new free host. If anyone has an idea, please let me know. We have 48 hours from now. If no other is found by then, I will use Brinkster for now, but that one really sucks.
- Agent Nitemare joined today, he will be in the Alpha team. And is going for team leader.


- Cromtec has made a handgun for us. It will be our standard sidearm, if the weapon ever comes into the game. For pictures of it, please look here.
- Agent Egam joined us today, he will be a hacker.


- We have some problems with the apply form, so, if you wish to join, send a mail to Agent Rayden with the information that is requested, which can be found on the form.
- The first pictures of BETA are available, check them out
- We are back on the old welcome page, it seemed that some people couldn't see it correct.


- I edited the welcome page a bit, I used the graphics from Agent Marshall.
It may not look as good, but at least I can add and delete banners and such without Marshall's help.
- The test for active members will end in 1 day, if you haven't replied, please do so.


- I wasn't able to post news until now. Sorry for the trouble.
- As you all know, or not know, Agent Calistic is disbanned from our Agency. Because of this the
password from our private forum changed.
- I am gonna test who is an active member, please, all members, send me a mail before 3-5-01. Or reply to the "
Active members" post in the news forum.
- We also have a application form now, the credits go to Agent Marshall.


- Agents Calistic, Xerge joined today, they'll be spy's.
- Agent Chrome joined to, he'll be a hacker.
- We have a new layout, at the moment the main page is new, the rest will get an update to. Thx to Agent Marshall for helping me.
- Agent McQueen joined today, he is our first detective.


- Agent Marshall joined us today. He shall be the Charlie Team Leader.
Agent Sepharus joined us to. He will be the Beta Team sniper.
- This brings our numbers to 8 Agents, we are growing fast.
- I changed the layout of the members page, let me know what you think of it.


- Major update, added new teams, and changed most pages.

09-4- 01

- Agents Gladiator, Z and Azrael joined us today.
- I am planning on adding more teams.


- Agent Sypher joined our ranks, he will be the team leader of our Beta Team.
- He also did that flash intro on the first page, and the "welcome to N.I.A." sign. Thx for helping me out.


- Agent Raven joined us today, he shall be the 2nd director.


- We moved to neo-sites.
- If you are good with design/graphics
let me know. The site could use some new stuff.
- The forum was added.


- The agency was founded by Agent Rayden.