Hunters Moon



It's a hunters moon tonight
and the stars are shining bright
the Southern Cross is floating overhead.

Well the dogs are on the wind
there's a soft breeze drifting in
and the winter fog is crisp around my legs.

We're goin' out and huntin' pigs tonight
the track through the pines is shinin' bright...
If the Ranger doesn't chase us
we'll be back before the dawn
on a cold and frosty Mangakino morn.

The old rifle ain't the best
it's a cut down three-nought-three
but a good "Green River" blade will see you right.

The finder gives a bark
now there's breakin' down the side
and we're up and runnin' through the moon-lit night.


The kill was clean and quick
and we're bringin' home the meat
a tun and fifty pounds of fightin' boar.

When we reach Waipapa dam
take a good look for the man
then the old V-Eight is roarin' back to town.


© Mike Subritzky 2001
The Dinkum Kiwi Collection

(Background: During the 1950's and 60's my brother Dave Subritzky lived in Mangakino and worked on various hydro projects throughout the Waikato. He was a renowned pig hunter and was said to have the best pack of dogs in the district. He was also an avid poacher and often used to take myself and another brother Joe pighunting in the pine plantations at night. Cold nights were always best as the Rangers tended to stay in their warm huts...We got chased a few times but were never caught).

Kelly Clarke from Tokoroa wrote a book called 'Hunters and Drifters' in about 1992, and in the book he recounts many pig hunting yarns about himself, Dave and another mate Jim's a bloody good read!

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Copyright© 2000, SIX RIVERS Enterprises and Mike Subritzky - The Flak Jacket Collection
Last modified: Monday, 27 August 2001