


Tanka is quite simply a haiku with an added 14 syllable couplet which should give 'relish' to the poem. Originally, for many centuries tanka was the norm in Japanese society and no social occassion was considered complete until a tanka had been written to celebrate it. Many tanka were written between lovers. Just like haiku, some poets choose to reduce the number of syllables, I always use 5/7/5/7/7.

1963 miners camp

near old miners camp
penny shines in morning sun
rusted pick at door

memories of times past
and yesterdays golden dreams.

2000 albatross

albatross at sea
sweeps low above dark wave tops
alone but not sad.

far from home and distant land
southern ocean voyager.

1970 homeward bound

free and homeward bound
good sea room and a fair breeze
southern cross shines bright.

phosphorescence lights bow wave
your heart and love guides me home.

2000 lake rotoiti

lake rotoiti
soft breeze swirls across surface
trout jumps at sandfly.

ducklings scamper to water
kea ambush blue camper van.

1999 blood

near the old castle
ancestors lie beneath me
shamrock in the snow.

I weep for my grandmother
in the land of her old ones.

© Mike Subritzky - The Flak Jacket Collection

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Copyright© 2000, SIX RIVERS Enterprises and Mike Subritzky - The Flak Jacket Collection
Last modified: Monday, 13 November 2000