Hi there, I'm Mike. I'm bored, and I don't have much to say, other than this site exists only because I need something to do in my telecommunications class. Most of the stuff here was taught to me by my friend Will, who seems to know more about HTML than any human should.

I live in Japan, which you'd think would be full of things for a bored guy like me to do. But, guess what? There isn't. Really. Disneyland is the high-point in cultural entertainment in this country, and all that's there is one seemingly endless line of people. I guess if you go for massive amounts of people crushing eachother against plaster rocks trying to see Mickey, it's great. But for everyone else...yeah, you get the idea.

Really, the only thing for me to do is homework, and hang out with my friends. I used to work at Taco Bell, but I quit because (Guess what?!) I was bored. Oh, and I play guitar and video games. A lot. And people get mad when I say I don't have enough time in the day to do anything useful...