
Intro to Philosophy

Shadows Can Be Real: A Challenge of the Ideas of Plato and Descartes
This is my first Philosophy paper. It's pretty decent, I was pleased. Some parts might seem repetitive, but I was trying to get at least 5 pages since it was a day late. Written March 8, 2005.

Science and Popular Opinions

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
My final paper for the class. In Word it was about 18 pages, but that's including the table. I'll try to get a hold of the table and put it in, but I'm not sure when I'll have the chance. This is a pretty good piece. My mom says she's actually going to use it for work (She's a therapist), but she's always raving about me. Personally I think she's off her rocker. Written between November 7 and December 15, 2004.
This piece is about the herbal medicine Comfrey. It's pretty interesting, I chose comfrey because I read that it resembled Foxglove, something highly poisonous and the two sometimes got mixed up. Give it a look. Written October 14, 2004.
OK, I'll be honest. I wrote this one stoned. It's rambling, a page and a half too short, and it gives no background or science at all. Worst thing I've written for the class. Written September 24, 2004.
Water Reaction
This was our first assignment. Pretty much just read this article and write a one page reaction to it. I liked it. Written September 9, 2004.

Intro to Writing

The Undisputed Tooth: A Scientific Review
Prompt: Take this scientific article and review it. Did not understand it at all for the longest time. I think it was a week and a half late because I didn't get it until after the fifth time I read it. Written October 18, Revised December 4, 2004.
Tooth or Dare: A Review of a Scientific Article (Intended to be written as a magazine article)
Prompt: Use your scientific review and dumb it down to be read as a magazine article. This wasn't too hard, it was late because it took forever to get the first thing done though. Written October 18, 2004.
The Stone Boy Analysis
Prompt: Analyze the Stone Boy. Awesome short story, if I can find it, I'll put up author info. Literally one of the best short stories I have ever read. This is a pretty damn good analysis, if I say so myself. I found a copy of it online, here. Written Spetember 15, Revised December 4, 2004.
Car Crash While Hitchhiking Analysis
Prompt: Compare and Contrast Car Crash and Stone Boy. This is about a piece called Car Crash While Hitchhiking. Also a very good short story, but once again, this doesn't make sense if you haven't read. I'll try to find it somewhere. Written September 23, Revised December 4, 2004.

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