Title: All Night, For You
Author: Mikee
Summary: Justin will stand out in the rain for JC, all night.
Dedication: Jaheim because you make me swoon and you take it back, son.
Note: So yeah, it's all kindsa corny but I like it. This was for the Closet's January challenge, yay! Now ya gotta use these words: Resolution, salty, quiver, amarous, and crinkle.
Feedback: I'll love you forever and ever! Lil_Mikee128@hotmail.com

All Night, For You

It was pouring rain; big fat drops of water splashing against the soft beds of grass, silent as they plummeted to the earth.

The wind whipped the rain against the window pane, small splatters whispered throughout the large house.

Little rivers formed on his chest as the water dripped from his curls, down his cheeks, across his neck to his front, the white t-shirt a sheer waste of material. His nipples were pink and hard against the fabric, and whenever he took a deep breath, they'd strain against the t-shirt.

And the other in the house, with his head poked out of the window, the wind passing him by with a gust, his eyes squinted from the attack of the rain drops, licking his wet lips, regarded the youth below with courage, but more of annoyance, and a little grief to add to the mix.

"I'll wait out here all night! You know I will!" the young man down below shouted, drops slipping into his mouth, his eyelashes plastered together by rain.

They had been playing this game for 15 minutes already and the man in the window was tired and cold.

"You're an ass if you do! You'll get sick!" the elder said, shivering himself as he wiped his face. "Fuck, Just--"

"Then you gotta forgive me!"

The man in the window closed his mouth and sighed, unheard by the man below. He didn't get it, didn't get what seemed so simple as getting drunk and sleeping with someone else did to him.

"I'm sorry, C! You know I would never deliberately hurt you!" he yelled and his chest was aching and he wanted to go inside but no, he couldn't. If his middle name wasn't determination, he didn't know what was.

The man up ahead sighed and goose bumps raised on his wet forearms stung as he quivered with cold, memories of before crept up.

He had one hand on a drink, the other around some girl, a girl that made JC fist his palms even harder, the other's hand resting low on her ass.

It was one thing to be shitfaced drunk.

Another to be flirting with a woman in front of your boyfriend.

It was just ridiculous Justin was doing both at the same time. Chris had always said Justin was too talented for his own good, and JC couldn't help but agree.

"Hey! They're playing our song!" he hooted and JC cringed, his voice high and jittery with a drawl as he sang, "Kiss me at midnight!" Justin sniffled and turned to the girl who had the oriental eyes JC knew he could never compete with and raised a bottle to her lips, laughing as she sputtered with a chuckle. JC watched as Justin licked his lips, then leaned forward and licked hers, the bottle dropping to floor with a thud.

Three steps back and JC's lower back was pressed against a chair and the picture of Justin's tongue down someone else's throat was ingrained behind his eyes, the ones that crinkled at the sides, not the kind that were exotic and sexy and like hers.

But never mind that. Justin was kissing another person, a woman in front of him. Fuck it if he were drunk. JC's blood started to boil and the anger arose quickly, his chest tight with hurt, his chapped lips salty as he licked them, suddenly cotton mouthed

Fuck Justin if he thought he could do him like that. Fuck everyone else, just sitting around watching...

They were making their way up the intricate stairs, her legs flexing as she walked, his smile amorous (the way he smiled at JC) as his hand tightened around hers.

JC swallowed, trying to get his heart out of his throat.

And fuck that, he thought, turning to leave.

"Justin, it's not that easy--"

"I know! And it's your call, baby. All yours! But just know that I love you! So much! I love you so much that I'd stand out in the rain all. Night. For you! Times that by... by a fucking million and you may come close, but baby, I love you too much for words! Call me corny, but I mean it. Every word!" Justin pleaded, loudly and JC sighed, caught.

"Do you even remember her name?"

Justin lowered his arms and blinked, streams of rain washing down his cheeks.


JC closed his eyes against a strong wind.

"I remember ‘cause I called your name out when I came, not hers, and she damn near kicked my ass for it!"

"Wow," the man in the window sighed, smiling despite the fact that he was supposed to be upset, even annoyed that the other was standing outside his house in the rain, just looking for a cold.

"I love you, C. Even if you call the cops on me, and I end up going to jail, and becoming some bitch to a man named Betty, I just want you to know--"

"Go to the front door!" And his mind was made up as he slid back in and closed the window, taking a deep breath as he padded down the stairs.

When JC opened the doors, Justin stood, dripping wet and even though his carpet would suffer, Justin would be in his arms and hell, fuck the carpet.

JC moved closer and Justin was hesitant but when their lips met, he couldn't deny it, neither of them could. JC pulled Justin further in, shutting the door with one hand, the other landing on Justin's slippery cheek.

"I'm sorry," Justin mumbled into their kiss, the bitter taste of dried tears on JC's lips somehow comforting on his tongue.

JC smiled against the blonde's lips. "I know," he replied and breathed in deep, closing his eyes from the sensation of Justin being so close. "And apology accepted."