Title: By Day, By Night
Author: Mikee
Summary: Justin leads two different lives.
Dedication: More like inspiration, but this goes to the writers of Boston Public, lol.
Note: Yeah, hate crimes suck a fat one. And bashing can suck my right buttcheek. Well, this is a short little thing and I am sure you won't like it but I do, so... yeah. Oh also, this is an AU.
Feedback: It's really nice ;o) Lil_Mikee128@hotmail.com

By Day, By Night

By Day

"Fucking fag."

Josh stared into his locker, determined to ignore the shallow pricks that we're slowly closing in on him.

"Do you even have a dick?" One guy with hazel eyes sneered and Josh closed his own, afraid one of them would try and cop a feel. It wouldn't be the first time.

"I bet you don't, fucking sissy." the biggest one spat and pushed Josh harshly, snarling as he tumbled into the other side of the crowd. Trapped.

"Yeah, princess here likes him some dick. You want my dick, bitch?"

Josh groaned as he struggled against the two guys holding his arms.

His knees stung as the men behind him pushed him to the floor, grabbing his hair roughly, shoving his face into the main one's crotch. He let out a muffled whimper that was only noticed by the curly blonde who was looking at the floor.

"You want this in your mouth, princess?" The guy unzipped his pants, holding himself in his hand and Josh swallowed turning his head away. Hell on earth, that's what this was.

"What the hell do you boys think you're doing?!" A loud voice boomed and the group scattered like roaches, leaving Josh to sit on his knees, his eyes still shut.

The curly blonde turned back once, watching as the P.E. teacher asked if the brunette was alright.

"I'm sorry." It was nothing more than a strangled whisper but the brunette looked up quickly, shaking his head at the closed locker room.

By Night

Justin let his hand glide back and forth over the muscled stomach, his head resting against a sweat glazed chest. He shifted and his curls brushed against the brunette's beside him chin.

"I'm sorry." He always said that when they were alone together. He meant it every time also.

Josh stared at the ceiling, absently tangling his hands in Justin's hair. "I know." he replied softly, sighing as Justin cuddled close, bringing the sheet higher upon them.

Justin's hand stilled as it reached Josh's nude hip, his fingers smoothing over the jutting hip bone.

"I'm sorry they treat you that-"

"Justin, stop."

The blonde shut his mouth immediately but he still felt the guilt weigh upon him heavily.

"But I-"

Josh looked down at him. "You could so something, stick up for me and they'd deem you a queer too." Josh looked at Justin with warm eyes. "I don't want that risked. At all." he whispered leaning in to give Justin's forehead a kiss. "It's alright." Justin closed his eyes at the sensation and sighed. This was the only time he felt real, and grateful.

With Josh. At two in the morning. In the dark.

"I don't see why you look out for me so much. I don't deserve anything you've given me, ya know." Justin thought aloud, his hand returning to wandering Josh's stomach.

"You should know why."

Justin sighed, but stayed silent.

"Because I love you, that's why."

Justin nodded. "I know, and I love you too." He added a whispered, "more than you'll ever know" but he was sure Josh didn't catch that.

Josh nodded. "I know."

Justin sighed one last time before kissing Josh's jaw, then settling his face into the crook of his lover's neck.

Heaven on earth. That's what Josh was. And he knew he certainly didn't deserve it, but he was more than grateful to have it.
