Title: I Just Called To Say...
Author: Mikee
Summary: JC just called to say...
Dedication: I want to give this to my iguana whos' fucking chilling on my back porch tree, damn, talk about owning our backyard. And to my mother because instead of sending me to summer school you let me settle for excersising everyday... anyone else want a cool mom?
Note: So, yes. If you didn't know, the title song is a Stevie Wonder song... also. Lol, as if I dont sweat him enough, now I'm writing stories and stealing his titles. Though, I'm not sure if thats what the songs called. Anyway, yeah, this is a Stevie-inspired story. The man's greatness, dude.
Feedback: It makes me feel tingly inside. Lil_Mikee128@hotmail.com

I Just Called To Say...

Justin's phone was ringing but someone was touching up his nose in makeup and he couldn't reach it.


The woman stepped right in his face and Justin groaned. He pushed her away slightly and reached for his phone on the table. He gave her an apologetic smile that she took with pink cheeks.


"I just called, to say, I love you. I just called to say how much I care. I just called to say I love you and I mean it from the bottom of my heart." Justin gasped and then he growled, his face hard.

"I'm not speaking to you. And by the way, you sound nothing like Stevie."

JC smiled.

"Are you sure? I thought it was perty damn good-"

"Well it wasn't."


Justin scowled and narrowed his eyes at the mirror in front of him.

"I'm so happy you decided that you can actually call, ya know, you being all busy and shit."

JC smiled at the pout in those words.

"How's taping going?"

Justin's jaw was in his lap and he pushed away a make up girl.

"JC, you better fucking be kidding me. I haven't heard from you in months-"


"Month and you ask me how taping is? No, ‘God, I miss you'. Or, ‘How are you doing, since I haven't talked to you because I'm a dickwad who doesn't care about my boyfriend'." Justin was flushed with red and an assistant looked worriedly to the make up artist who shook his head.

JC smiled and toyed with the hem of his shirt. "God, I missed you. How are you doing since I haven't talked to you because I'm a dickwad who doesn't care-"

"Smart ass. Where are you now?" Justin asked, calming down, picking up the magazine in his lap.

"Well, now that you're over your hissy fit-"


"I'm doing great! I am in um, Belgium right now. I was in France last week and Venice before that-"

"That still doesn't explain why you couldn't call. I thought something was wrong." Justin whined and Adrien, the make up artist rolled his eyes. Justin narrowed his eyes at him.

"JC," Adrien called out. "You better get here soon, I think Justin's on the rag and your the only one who can calm his down on those days of the month."

JC was laughing on the line and Justin pouted into it.

"Adrien's a bitch. And you need to get here. Dammit, you and your ‘traveling' needs. What the hell is up with that?"

"I'll be home in a month. And until then we can talk to each other on the phone 24/7-"

"I wouldn't hold you to that, because obviously you don't keep promises well."

JC sighed. "Justin, just because I forgot to call-"

"For a month! Did I just slip your mind?"

JC realized this was getting heavy and it wasn't play anymore. He didn't want it. "Come on, Jus. I was busy-"

"Busy enough to forget-"


"And not even remembering that you have a boyfriend at your home, our home, wait-"

"Justin, st-"

"Because, ya know, I'm not that important-"

"Shut up."

"And-... excuse me? You call me after a month and you actually have the balls to tell me to shut up?"

JC smiled as the car stopped. "Yes, you were just babbling. Now, can we get onto the ‘God, I've missed you so much. Your voice, your eyes, your body-"

"My body?" Justin asked with a slight smile and Adrien smirked above him. The young blonde turned with a snarl, and pushed him away.

"Yes, baby. Your body. Your beautiful, beautiful body. I just miss touching you. Touching your flat stomach, your hard back-"

"I got something else hard you can touch." An assistant blushed somewhere along with JC. But his accompanied a smile.

"And your kisses, damn sweetie if you knew how much I've wanted to kiss you ever since I stepped on that plane. Damn... I miss you." His feet were louder than he wanted them to be on the cement ground.

Justin closed his eyes, licking his lips, a frown settling on his face. "I can't taste you anymore."

JC chuckled and his eyes crinkled. "God, do I love you or what." he mumbled and Justin smiled, though he wasn't quite sure what he had done.

"I love you too... And I want you here." The whining was back and this time he crossed his arms, the phone resting between his bent neck and his shoulders.

"I want to be there too." He tried to hide the smile out of his voice. "Hey, close your eyes."

Justin's brow scrunched together. "What?"

"Close your eyes. Just for a few seconds."


"Never mind why. Just do it."

Justin laughed. "No."

JC stopped walking and sighed. "Justin, come on, just do it."

Justin stopped laughing, his smile even gone. He could hear it in JC's voice. "Why?"

"Stop being so suspicious. Just do it, for me."

Justin was silent and raised his hands. "I don't get it-"

"Please, baby, just do it."

Justin narrowed his eyes. "Fine, I'm doing it."

JC laughed. "No you aren't. Just do it!"

Justin looked around him, then squinted looking through the bundle of people on the set.

"JC, what the fuck?"

"I'll give you something real special if you do it."

A corner of Justin's mouth lifted and he settled in his seat.

"And what is that?" he asked teasingly.

JC smiled and continued on. "I'll tell you when you're closing your eyes.

"Ugh! Fine." He snapped his eyes shut and crossed an arm. "Now, what the hell am I supposed to do and what is this thing you're going to give me?"

"Do to you."

Justin was sure there was a big question mark over his head. "What?"

"This thing I'm going to do to you." His feet were silent on the mat.

"What? JC, what the hell. I don't get- Ah!!"

Their lips were connected and Justin's eyes were wide with shock, JC's full of amusement. Justin pushed back and looked at JC, with amazement.

"You... I... no Belgium." His eyes narrowed immediately and Adrien laughed beside him. "You little fucker!" He grabbed JC's collar and brought him close, giving him a sweet, love radiant kiss that made JC sigh.

His hand came up to Justin's cheek and he realized Justin was crying. He pulled back quickly and examined Justin's tear stained cheek and his trembling lower lip.

"Whats wrong baby?" he whispered and Justin shook his head.

"God." He reached up and wiped at a cheek. He looked, embarrassed, at the people on the set all watching them. JC took him by the chin and made their eyes meet.

"You ok?"

"I missed you so much. I couldn't help it." More tears sprung to his eyes and he took a shaky breath.

JC smiled, blinking back his own. "And you cried for me?"

Justin laughed and pushed at him, sniffling. "God. I can't believe you played me like that." His eyes weren't red now, and not as shiny but his pale nose was pink and JC leaned up and kissed it.

"I love you."

Justin smiled and brought JC's face close for another kiss, his tongue sliding fluently into JC's open, welcoming mouth.

"I love you too."
