Title: Conversations of the Stupefied
Author: Mikee
Summary: Erm, JC and Justin watch porn.
Dedication: To Roxanne and Stacey because if you wouldn't have been there, this would have never ever been done :o)
Note: So this probably won't make sense to anyone but I love this story. Read it and then at the end, I'll tell you what inspired certain things in this story, haha. Dude... it's so great, haha.
Feedback: NativeHvkte@htmlizedbeaux.com

Conversations of the Stupefied

“Mmm...” The tan built soccer player stood from his knees, wiping his lips with the back of his hand.

The stocked, and hung mind you, football player pulled up his sport shorts with haste, tucking himself in quickly.

The soccer player smiled and licked his fingers obscenely. “Done with my dinner.”

A low chuckle passed between the two before--

The screen snapped to bright blue and Justin turned to JC with a deadpanned look.

“Are you fucking me?”

JC shrugged and shifted on the couch, his head rolling back to the top of the sofa.

“I never said it was good porn.”

Justin sighed and switched the VCR off, joining JC on the leather couch.

“Gimme the remote.”

JC grunted. “Excuse me? Who’s home--”

The remote fell into the brunette’s lap deftly and JC’s eyelashes fluttered closed, Justin’s skilled tongue working on the outer shell of the older man’s ear.

“Thanks.” he whispered huskily, his hands snatching the remote.

JC growled and pushed away the blonde, reaching for the neglected bag of Chee-tos.

“Ey.” Justin looked over from ESPN. “Lemme get some.”

JC turned away and shrugged. “None left.” He raised a cheddar-y piece, his tongue slipping out to touch a tasty morsel before dropping the cheese snack into his mouth. His teeth ground against the food as his taste buds exploded with flavor. His chews were loud and crunchy, Justin watching with narrowed eyes.

“You’re a bitch.”

JC smirked. “A no longer hungry bitch, thank you very much.” Just for fun, JC flipped his wrist and Justin rolled his eyes.

“You’re such a flamer.”

“And you’re a queen.”


“Is better. Hets suck ass.”

Justin smiled. “No, fairies suck ass. YOU suck ass.”

“If you’re good.” JC grinned and Justin smiled, ignoring that JC was still chomping on his Chee-tos.


“Well, ya see officer...”

“They’re gonna have sex on the shoulder of the highway.”

“Of course.”

“Yes, Mr. Dix?”

“C, what the hell? Mr. Dix?”

“The reason I don’t have my registration is because...”





The power flickered a few times before everything ceased with an electric zap. JC and Justin were blanketed in darkness as a sliver of moonlight glowed on JC’s leg.

“Your porn is cursed.”

JC smiled into the night. “It’s yours.”

Justin blindly reached out to slap his friend, his fingertips only brushing the side of the leather couch.

“I was wonderin’ why it was so familiar.”

“Porn sucks.”

“Yeah. Real sex is better.”

“Definitely... Hey, give me some.” JC’s hand tried to take the peanuts from Justin’s hand but was unsuccessful as his hand gripped the rug instead. Justin raised the can of nuts high, wearing a childish grin.

“None left, fairy.”





And they were still horny...

“Porn sucks.”

“You suck.”

JC shrugged. “I do. Very well, mind you.”

“Oh, no complaints here.”

“You suck too, but you use your teeth too much. Just imagine if you had braces.”

“Fuck you. I’m good. You’re just a pussy.”

“Don’t say pussy. It reminds me of girls when you say that.”

“Pussy puss puss! You act like you’ve never munched.”

JC bit at his lip as he squinted in the dark, searching for the nuts[no pun intended]. “I have since blocked such memories. Hey.”

“What?” Justin looked up from the window.

“I can kinda see you now. You know, you’re a hot silhouette.”

Justin chuckled and blew on his knuckles. “I’m a hot everything, if you haven’t noticed.”

“Hmm, seems I haven’t.”


“You just totally killed that conversation.”

“Yeah... So, porn sucks, eh?”



“Hey C?”


“You think my songs suck?”

“No... Don’t look at me like that. I mean it. Totally R&B. Love that shit, man.”

“Good, I was tryna go for that.”

“Why you asking?”

“Everyone’s getting their panties in a bunch over it.”

“Hmm. Mine didn’t even ruffle.”

“The yellow ones?”

“Dude, you know I don’t wear yellow. Pink’s so much more me.”


“I was kidding.”


“Dude, I was!”

“You’d look good in a thong... cherry red.”


“Sike! Neckbone!”

“Fucking- Ow! What have I told you about doing that? That shit hurts.”

“Hey C?”


“We should write our own porn.”

“We should. And it should be called... ‘Sensuous Storm of Ecstasy: II Horny Men Stranded In A Room Full Of Random Sex Toys’.”



“You have sex toys?”

“Maybe... wait, I wasn’t talking about us--”

“You’ve been holding out.”

“You’d come in seconds.”


“Nah, I like to take my time.”


“Dammit, what now?”

“You sounded kinda psycho right there.”

“Oh... like killer crazy?”







“C, we should so write a screenplay.”

“Huh? Oh yeah. And I’d star in it.”

“Why you? I’m the arguable lead of Nsync here. Plus, I’m hotter. And I can last long--”

“I can suck my own dick.”


“If you keep looking at me like that...”

“You set yourself up.”

“It’s true though. Being limber takes you far, my friend.”

“It does. Lucky bastard... Ever done it?”

“Hah! I knew you would ask. And no, I will though. Cats and dogs could do it, if they wanted.”

“Yuck, don’t talk about that shit.”




“I like big--”

“Marshmallows. I love huge--”

“Clothes. Hairy--”

“Dogs are the coolest. My favorite body part is the... Aren’t you going to stop me?”

“Nah. What is your favorite body part, J?”

“Oh... the mouth.”




“Sexual tension is the best.”

“Yeah, especially when it’s with you’re ex who is stalking--... Why are you looking at me like that?”


“God dammit Justin!! Why the fuck must you give me those fucking looks?!”

“You ruin all the jokes.”

“Fuck you, Mr. Sense of Humor.”

“Hey, C?”


“You’re fucking hot when you cuss.”

“I’m fucking hot all the time.”


“You are too... when you’re not all on-drugs looking.”

“... Right.”

“Hey you never said anything about my eyes.”

“Huh?... Oh shit, C... You’re wearing eyeliner.”

“Yup, hot ain’t it?”

“I could take you right now.”

“Yeah, that’s what they all say. No one can handle this.”

“You’re such a dork.”

“I know, and I’m supposedly corny too.”

“And you’re my bitch.”

“Of course. Hey, J?”


“You’re hot.”

“You too, man.”

“We should kiss now.”

“Ah, such the romantic.”



“Kissing always leads to more, kids.”


“So remember to supply yourself amply.”

“Hey, C?”

“Mmm... Yeah?”

“You still got that video camera?”


“Porn World, here we come!!... Heh.”


“You and Freud can suck my toes. I meant it in the most-- Yeah.”



“Oh... shit, right... there.”

“No but really... you still got that camera?”