This Is My Drawing Of Mike:

Anna's ( Awesome Pic:

This Awesome pic Was Made By: SailorLP

This Awesome Pic Was Made By: LinnkinGurl16

These Awesome Pics Were Drawn By: SYLVERLINE

These Awesome Pics Were Drawn By: independence2001sk8

2 Wonderful Poems Written By: Keisha23

*A Womans Pain*

The moss of time,percieves my mind,
Alone i sit as i try to find,
Something inside to explain why,
These eyes that are mine refuse to cry.

The pain i feel grabs hold of me,
Wrenching and twisting i hear my plea,
But you don't care,you never did,
Your cold and evil,your hearts acid.

You take your pleasure from my pain,
My hurt and hatred is your gain,
But i've learned to ignore your game,
And with time,i'll forget your name.

Because your bitter,with so much anger,
I won't take the grief any longer,
So with this i'll bid you farewell,
And i'll see you when you get to hell.


I can't stand this,
I hate my life,
Its full of rage,
Confusion sets in.

Why am i here,
What did i do,
No-one deserves,
This much pain.

The knives,the pills,
They seem so inviting,
I've had those thoughts,
I won't let it happen.

I've been there,
But now i'm better than that,
I can be who i want,
I'll never give in.

And as my sanity returns,
I realise my answers, I'm here doing what i'm supposed to do.....

And that would be.....


A cool collage Made By: 13Ways2Bleed

A cool Pic Drawn By: Carro

Another Cool Collage, Made By: HazordPark23

A CooL Hand Drawing Made By: LinkinParkWorshiper

A Cool Pic Drawn By: Lili

This Was Made Out oF Anger By: C6H12O6..A.K.A..(C6)

If You Have Some Awesome Lp Art Work You Want To Share With Everyone, Just E-Mail I'll Add It To This Page...ThAnX!