Are You a "God-Hater"?

What's a God-Hater? Well, a more accurate term might be a "Hater of the Truth." But just for fun, let's call them God-Haters, okay? Okay. (And I say that with all fondness for my "God-Hating" friends out there.) So how do you know if you are one? Here are a few simple questions to help you find out if you've got the symptoms. Here are some signs that you might be a God-Hater:

You might be a "God-Hater" if:

1. Hitler claims he's a Christian, and you think he's telling the truth, but George Washington claims he's a Christian and you think he's lying.

2. You claim the God of the Bible has no sense of humor - and yet you dismiss where the Bible says that God made Balaam's donkey talk.

3. You claim that Biblical prohibitions against homosexuality applied only to temple prostitutes, homosexuality was an abomination only in a ceremonial sense, the destruction of Sodom was only about rape or inhospitality - in short you claim that the Bible says nothing against homosexuality - and yet you turn around and tell Christians that their Bible tells them to KILL homosexuals.

4. You claim that the Bible teaches that Christians are supposed to murder unbelievers and commit genocide - and yet you also accuse Christians of not following the Bible if they don't act "meek" and "gentle."

5. You think it's just "silly" to believe that we began as two humans in a garden - instead you fervently believe that we began as one mutant ape in a tree.

6. You believe the theory of evolution despite the huge questions about it that are still unanswered - yet you claim that you have to know all the answers to every last possible question about the Bible before you can believe it.

7. You realize that scientists are still not sure what the worldwide catastrophe was that destroyed the dinosaurs - and yet you're positive that the one thing it could not have been was a flood.

8. You believe scientists when they say that a particle traveling faster than light could go backwards in time, that all the matter in the universe ("billions and billions" of galaxies) was once compressed into a dot the size of a period, that elementary particles can exist in two places at once - and yet you don't believe that God could cause the sun and moon to stand still in the sky.

9. You think that Bob Enyart is an extremist, but Forrest Bradford is a reasonable man.

10. You believe that God is uncaring, but Bill Clinton feels your pain.

11. You pride yourself on choosing your own path and your own values in life. You would never accept some "ready-made dogma" handed down from on high. No, your independence is what you value above all..... And yet when discussing the Bible you argue that God should not have created us with the ability to make our own choices.

12. You consider the crucifixion to be a horrific and barbaric example of the abhorrent practice of human sacrifice, making God a monster for requiring it - or on the other hand you claim that Jesus didn't really pay such a big price by undergoing a short period of suffering and then rising from the dead, so he didn't do anything that great.

If any of the above applies to you, you might be a "God-Hater." So what do you do if you find that you are one? Repent, and turn to God for forgiveness through Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38). Eternal life is yours for the asking.