   This is the Biographical Note used by Trafford Publishing

East of Mourning is Michael Markus' second novel.  His first, a popular children's novel, Lumps, Bumps & Bodyslams, was published by Scholastic.
     The lifelong resident of Pembroke, Ontario in the heart of the Ottawa
Valley has decided to branch off into Adult fiction.  In
East of Mourning,
Markus has relied on his educational background in Social Work and his
years of experience as a volunteer in Minor Hockey to provide the dynamics
and details for the novel.  His knowledge and appreciation of the culture of the Ottawa Valley, its speech patterns, its unique way of life, are central to
all his work.  Recently,  he has finished a screenplay, a colaborative effort with the front man, Jordon Zadorozny of the musical group, Blinker the Star, about Elvis Presley.
     Also, Markus and several friends have formed Philistine Records an independent recording label and talent management company.

If I was inclined to add anything to this, and I am, I would add:
Negotiations are ongoing with publishers to have
Lumps, Bumps & Bodyslams reissued.

My young adult novel,
If I Had Wings, is to be published by zanderebooks in the near future.

When I was very young I optioned a screenplay written with a friend titled,
Dormies, that, mercifully, was never filmed.

Philistine records is going to release a CD of tunes inspired and linked to
East of Mourning recorded by the talented bands in our Philistinerecords stable.

The teleplay based on East of Mourning is being considered for production by the CBC.

I am working on a novelization of our Elvis Screenplay,
Gracefalls.  Jordon and I are now writing a science fiction screenplay called The Disappearing Man.
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For the morbidly curious here is a picture of the author.