SAMPLE LETTER TO YOUR LEGISLATOR(S) and contact information:

Find out who to write to (or send them an e:mail) at: http://www.house.gov/house/MemberWWW.html
Learn more at:
http://www.narprail.org/ or http://www.amtrak.com

TO: The Honorable (name)
(your) Congressional District

SUBJECT: Support for Amtrak Is Critical and Prudent

Congressman (last name)::

As a veteran traveler and independent thinker, I urge you to support the flourishing of modern passenger rail alternatives in the Unites States for a myriad of reasons:

· Trains are energy efficient, safe (especially in bad weather) and provide mobility and travel choices to all Americans. Increased use of trains reduces America's dependence on foreign oil. Other nations have learned this lesson many years ago and have excellent inter-city rail systems.

· Trains contribute to development which is more compact and less wasteful than auto-oriented development. Trains pollute far less than other modes of transportation.

· Trains are an important travel choice for those who cannot or don't want to have only flying or driving as their long-distance modal options (this includes senior citizens, people in snowy climates, disabled people.

· The days following 9-11 proved dramatically rail's value as an alternative to all Americans. On 11 September 2001, I myself was stranded in Saint Louis, MO. The airlines were halted. No rental cars were available and the bus system was saturated. Amtrak got me home in a timely and reliable manner. Homeland security means alternative travel for all Americans, in both normal and emergency states of condition.

I urge you to support a system of long-distance trains -- not just corridors -- in the U.S. The federal government must expand rail services by providing a meaningful funding and planning partnership with states (as is the case with other modes). Please encourage your colleagues to unite with you in a bipartisan manner to foster this goal.

A government that does all it can to force people into "choosing" to fly or drive should not deny people the option of safe, comfortable, affordable, and environmentally friendly rail travel (over any distance). Many developed nations such as Japan and Germany are well aware of this and have so benefited.

As a practicing public safety professional, I have seen the immense value of intercity rail service to those who are disabled.

Despite the many attempts to make air travel safer and more secure, it will always have numerous vulnerabilities. Rail travel, by its very nature, lacks the serious vulnerabilities that will always plague aviation.

The advantages of inter-city rail's ability to be an environmentally friendly, reliable, safe, disability-friendly alternative must stand and be counted. Less efficient, less safe and environmentally destructive modes may have a right to exist and compete, but should not be shoved down our throats by a government so heavily lobbied and controlled by the oil, auto and aviation industries.

I urge you to support inter-city rail (Amtrak or the like) so it may flourish as a viable transportation alternative in America.


(your signature)

cc: (include your senators too !)

If you wish to send a copy to Amtrak:

ATTN: Government Affairs Office
National Railroad Passenger Corporation
60 Massachusetts Ave, NE
Washington, DC 20002


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