Caterpillar 112 grader
This is the 1942 Caterpillar 112 motor grader that I ended up selling to a local farmer, who was able to get it running and drove it the 3 miles to his farm. It had not run for about 8 years. All the controls, except for the power steering, are mechanical, with large gears and long levers. It is a lot of work to move that huge blade around. Although the paint is peeling, it is not really in bad shape, and there is no serious rust.

Mott mower being repaired
This Mott Hammer Knife (flail mower) came with the Farmall AV. The bearings for the roller were rusted to nothing, but I was able to locate two new ones, and everything works fine, even though the mower has been sitting outside for at least 20 years. It is true that "they just don't make 'em like they used to". In October of 1998, I got it all back together and mowed a couple of acres behind the Ford 860, and it did an excellent job. As you can imagine, it is mostly useful where there is not much maneuvering required.

  Toro gang mowers in action
Here is a set of Toro gang mowers that came with several other pieces of equipment purchased in August 2001. While this image shows them behind a Cub Lo-Boy, I usually use them behind the International 240 Utility. Even though they are probably almost 50 years old, they still do an excellent job on grass that is dry and not too high. 

 New Holland 5' brush ctter

This is a 5 foot brush cutting mower that came with the Case 430 CK. I have used it to do some cutting in the fall of 2001, but we were in a drought situation, and
there was little left to cut at that time. I used it with the Ford 860 which has little trouble handling that size implement.

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