
Song Playing is "I Could Sing of Your Love Forever"

Melissa's Flag/Dance Ministry Vision



The Lord Is Present

1 Thessalonians 5

16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 19 Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not despise prophecies. 21 Test all things; hold fast what is good. 22 Abstain from every form of evil.



The MOTIVE of Ministry is LOVE
The MEASURE of Ministry is SACRIFICE
The PURPOSE of Ministry is the GLORY OF GOD
The TOOLS of Ministry are PRAYER and the WORD of GOD
The PRIVILEGE of Ministry is GROWTH (personal)
The POWER of Ministry is the HOLY SPIRIT
The MODEL of Ministry is JESUS


My Vision for Adult Flag/Dance Ministry

April 4, 2004
Written in about 20 minutes.
Edited for 2 weeks.
I know It Was The Lord,
writing through me.

Flags were symbolic in the Old Testament in several ways. They were also called Banners, Standards or Ensigns. Flags identified armies marching into war and displayed God's protection over His people.

I was asked Easter Sunday morning, 2004, to bring and introduce Flags to our church. The Pastor's wife called Easter morning. I was so Blessed! There is an interest, and I was asked a week later if I was prepared to teach the adults and help bring this forth. I know, in my heart, that is why God had me write this so quickly. Our Pastor's wife said she has had this vision for years. I Thank and Praise God that it is now coming to pass and manifesting in this church.
I know the Lord, through writing this, wants me to help rise up others that are "Called". This is the teaching/training session that He has given me to share with others.

If you would like to use anything for your Dance/Flag Ministry, or to begin your Dance/Flag Ministry, please feel free to use anything that you would like. You can copy/paste to save it on your computer. I know alot of it is my testimony, but God can use others testimonies to help many.

My primary purpose for this Teaching/Training is:
I know that there are/will be others that are called into the Dance/Flag remnant. I pray that by my step of Faith and Obedience that others will be *Encouraged* to step out if they feel the "Call". I do believe, through revelation in this writing, that He wants me to Share, Teach and Help Train others.
In my "Heart" I want to do this as well:)

The Lord gave me the Vision for Flags in December of 2002
& Dance in October of 2003.

I do believe, through revelation in this writing, that He wants me to Share, Teach and Help Train others.

It is now November 2004. After some time has gone by, I believe the Lord has placed me in the paths of many that are interested in operating and have a Dance/Flag Ministry. It is really "Awesome" to see this Ministry off the ground and operating in and through others and at local Churches. He was right. Never doubt:)

Can a New Christian be "Called" into the Dance/Flag Realm and Ministry? YES! OF COURSE! I believe that in order to be a "Seasoned" "Mature" Dancer/Flagger, You have to start somewhere. There will be a lot of room for Growth, but it will come in time. I don't think the Lord wants people "Sitting" on this "Gifting". He wants them to be "Operating" in this Ministry. I believe that is why the Lord wants this Teaching/Training for New and Seasoned Christians.

Have I had attacks from the enemy? YES!!! However, God keeps moving me right on through each and every attack and trial that comes my way. He keeps telling me, you will be hit hardest when your work for me and my Kingdom is vitally important and is going to reach "many". Praise be to God that He has removed every obstacle, doubt, fear, and attack that has "TRIED" to stand in the way. God has given us all Authority over the enemy. We HAVE to use that Authority and STAND strong!!!

If we meet and you forget me, you have lost nothing. But if you meet Jesus and forget Him, You have lost everything

Galatians 6:1,2 Bear One Another's Burdens

2 Corinthians 1:3,4 Give Back To Others Once We have Recovered

I am currently, in 2004, in college to be a Social Worker. I have six courses left, for my two year degree. I have maintained a 3.4 Cumulative GPA. I received my Christian Counseling Certification in March of 2002, through the American Association of Christian Counselors. I passed all of the tests, in the different study areas, with A's and B's. I gave my life to Jesus Christ in 1997, after my brother was killed instantly, at age 20, in a car crash on September 11, 1997. The Lord Jesus has Healed my heart, and He delivered me from drinking and using drugs. I was in Sin badly, in 1997 and before, but Jesus and His amazing Love, Forgave me and had such Mercy on me. Thank You Jesus.

My brother was riding with one of his friends that had been drinking. My brother was also drinking, but his blood alcohol level came back as being right at the limit. My brother used to be in church all of the time. He was an assistant to a Youth Pastor. You know that saying, Sin usually takes you further than you ever want to go. Well, I do believe that. My brother backslid and lost his life because of it. He went to Akron University and got with the "Wrong" kind of crowd. Do I blame God? No. I know that it was the Devil that killed him. My Mom was in the hospital the night my brother lost his life. He told me, before he left from our Mom's room the night he was killed, Mom's illness and her brush with death made me realize anyone can die at anytime. "I am going to get back into church" Those were his exact words. Well, the Devil really seen to it that never happened. That temptation came...and my brother chose the wrong path. God would never do such a thing as kill my brother. They ran a stop sign, and there was an S-10 truck there that did not have time to stop. The Lord has done mighty things for me, since 1997. I forgave his friend that was driving that night and brought him to know Christ, while he was in jail. I sent him the salvation prayer. The Lord had been dealing with my heart to forgive him, and I knew that is what I had to do. It took me about 4 months to forgive him. See, I know the Lord understood all of my feelings, but he knew my heart longed to be "Set Free" He knew that Forgiveness was the only way that that could happen. (As I grew in the Lord, I learned that we would be "HELD" ACCOUNTABLE" for NOT Forgiving some-one). No matter what the person(s) have done or who the person(s) are-- We HAVE to Forgive Them.
I know that The Lord does NOT want ANY of us walking around Hurting, Depressed, Oppressed, Broken, Shattered or Sick.
He wants us to Heal and have an Inner Most Personal Relationship with HIM. He WILL supply ALL of our needs.
(Ephesians 4:29-32)(Philippians 4:19)

I want to share how Loving He is with everybody! In the "secular" world I have worked in factories, through temporary agencies, as a waitress, and with MADD speaking to high schools about the dangers of Drinking, and as a Volunteer with Social Services Agencies in North Carolina and Ohio. (I was adopted at three days old. I found both of my biological parents at the age of eighteen). I share(ed) with other families that are going to adopt about emotions and feelings adopted children may have.

It is after I gave my life to Christ, I seen His Will for me manifest over the years. He created a web Ministry through me in 2001. It is still there today. People are Saved, Rededicated, Holy Ghost Filled, Healed, Forgiving, and Delivered every day from all over the world. He put me in college and had me get certification for Christian Counseling. I have previously worked in Youth Counseling, Evangelism chair person, Children's Church teacher, Pre-teen Church teacher, A Christian Pregnancy Life Center (I created the parenting lessons and taught the parenting class and counseled young girls that became pregnant), an on call Christian Counselor, and as a Pastor's Laymen. I have seen the Lord put my life together, piece by piece and bit by bit. I knew as I matured in Him and grew in my Christian Walk, He would increase my responsibilities. It took me 4 years to really feel my maturity level rise to new heights. Christian maturity comes from the time that we spend with the Lord. It comes from our hearts. When we discipline ourselves and commit ourselves to spend time with the Lord seven days a week and strive to live Holy. Jesus sees that in us. He knows the "Heart". We have to be SINCERE in Our Hearts, Our Walk, and Growth in HIM, & Repentance. ALL of the answers- ALL of the ways that we need to change- and ALL THAT we need to become ARE in God's WORD. He is the Authority that will provide us with ALL of the answers. We should NOT change Our "Core" Personality "as God created ALL of us as "Unique Individuals" But, We should be "Transformed" into the Mind of Christ Jesus.
(2 Corinthians 3:18) (Romans 12:2)
(Romans 14:12)

One of the very first scriptures the Lord stopped me at, when I first gave my life to Christ, and told me to meditate upon was (PROVERBS 2:2-11). I prayed so earnestly to have the mind of Christ and the Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding that I knew He wanted me (and I know He wants others) to have.
(2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17)

I believe that the Lord wanted me to give an introduction about myself, because we need to know those that Labour among us (Work for the Lord). I pray that my introduction has allowed for you to get to know about my past and about myself a little better.

My vision for the flags and colors of the flags came to me, through a dream/vision in December of 2002.{I believe, now in March of 2004, the time between December 2002 and January 2004, the Lord combined the Flags and Dance into one Vision.}In Decemeber of 2002,I awoke in the middle of the night, twirling a flag as fast as I could (Not twirling a "real" flag but rather twirling a flag in my "spirit"). I knew the Holy Spirit wanted me to take heed of what it was He wanted me to do. I knew that He wanted me to begin using a flag, primarily for "Spiritual Warfare". I knew that I needed to be obedient to the "Calling" and what the Lord was revealing to me through this dream/vision. The Lord placed it so heavily upon me to do this that I was using a dish towel, until I could find information on where to obtain a flag and to meet the right person that could help me with the "Basics" of using flags in spiritual warfare.

The Lord did place just the right person in my path that could help me get started. I didn't know at the time (I remember the Holy Spirit telling me before service one night that I needed to ask her about Flags) that she has danced and used flags for years. She belongs to a Dance Ministry.She is very seasoned and matured in dance/flags. She is the one that used Flags freely and openly at our church home on Saturday nights. I remember the Holy Spirit gently whispering in my ear one night during service: "I want you to do that". I know I looked around in amazement. I guess maybe knowing I heard it, but did I want to hear it? Soon after, the dream/vision started. I purchased a purple flag, because that is the color that the Lord revealed to me in my dream/vision. I started with a smaller flag. A lady, that is now a close friend in Christ, at church ran a Christian bookstore and had flags there for others to purchase. It was only a few weeks later, and I then knew the Lord wanted me to have "full sized" flags. I was kind of scared, because I really had never used a flag before, and I had no prior experience. I kept hearing the Lord whisper to me, it would be fine and that He would be my "teacher" and show me ALL things.
(PSALMS 149)

I found a nice web site that looked honest, and I made my purchase of flags. My intention was 1 purple flag but as I sat down to place my order the Lord said "Loudly" I want you to have every color that there is! I knew the call was big at this point. I also knew I had to be obedient to this calling. I was so excited and scared at the same time. I knew the Lord was going to really expand my learning and take me to places and heights that I had never been before with Him. I knew He was calling me in a different way than ever before. I told the lady that helped me get started with learning about Flags that "I did not hear the Lord calling me to go in front of people, especially not in a church". I just could not imagine, at the time in 2002, that He would ever call me to go forth in front of others in a church. She said, "That is O.K.", but that doesn't mean He will never call you, one day, to do this in a church. She said this with a smile :)

I have had a lot of years that have been hard. I lost my brother when he was twenty, and my mother's health has never been real well. She just got out of intensive care the day of the night my brother passed away. He whispered to me, I want you to be strong in me and to help many people. Take them into spiritual realms they have never been in before. You and Others with the "Call"- Help lead them to the
"Holy of Holies".

I learned the Biblical basis of using flags and that it is a physical flag that we use, but it is by the Holy Spirits leading that we use them. He HAS to lead and NOT us. I did not use my flag in front of anyone for about 3 months.The lady (that is now a friend in Christ) from church on Saturday nights and I felt the Lord telling us we needed to get together for Praise/Worship/Prayer time, after some time went by. {She was the very first person at our church that the Lord had me approach. He said "I want you to be close friends with her and her family". I thank God for her and for all the time she took to come over and Praise/Worship/Pray together with me.} She and one of her close friends started coming over. I will tell you, the Lord sure did know what He was doing by placing both of these wonderful ladies (that are now close friends in Christ) in my path. We were so "Free" together, and the Lord always showed up mightily. After some time went by, the three of us started "Breaking Ground" for the Lord's room in March of 2003.
I remember: One of the last times it was just the three of us; the Lord's Presence was so heavily draped in and over the room. She bent down and Prayed for the Lord to anoint my feet for "Dancing". Her friend (that is now my friend in Christ:) stood in agreement. Well, now that time has gone by, I believe He did/has anointed me for "Dance". God Bless Both of these wonderful Ladies.

Soon after, the Lord added and led a small remnant of ladies in my path, and we formed a Praise/Worship/Prayer evening at my home once a month, in June of 2003. We had these Praise/Worship/Prayer evenings until November of 2003. I Thank God daily for each of these wonderful ladies! Some were seasoned and matured in Flags and/or Dance, others were introduced. Not everyone used a Flag every second. That is NOT how it works. Some could be praising the Lord (with either Flags, Dances, Scarf's, Tambourines, the Shofar, Shouts, Songs, or Clapping and Raising of hands), while at the same time others were on the floor weeping or praying etc...Sometimes He would bring unity all at one time, and we would all be doing the same thing. Sometimes He would lead some-one to Minister to others. It was total Freedom. That is what the Lord wanted. We wanted Him to have His way.
(PSALMS 150:6)
Some people never used a Flag or Praise & Worship instrument at all, but I still believe that they were really touched and basked in the mighty presence of the Lord. Remember, we are to be "Sensitive" to the Holy Spirits leading and be Obedient to that. People can be touched by watching others. If it is the Lord, He can use anyone to Minister to others. The Lord told me to leave it open and let others invite people. I do believe that each person that attended and that was invited had a touch from the Lord, whether they came once every month or just one or two times. I believe that people were blessed, by the Lord. The Lord always showed up mightily. It was always based on whatever He wanted to do at the time; we let HIM reign and have HIS way.

He then showed me that the three different reasons we use the flag are:
Praise and Worship
Intercessory Prayer
Spiritual Warfare

We "Flow" in different ways for each reason we are using them at that time. I do know the power and deepness that this takes others into. It enhances what one has, when doing any of the three above. I do believe that there are those that are specifically "Called" to do this in front of others. He showed me over time that it DOES NOT EVER imply that just because some-one uses a flag means that they are any more Holy than anyone else. I believe that He "Births" this calling into His people. Just as we know we all have spiritual gifts that differ within the body of Christ, I believe that this is one of the callings that He can place on some-ones heart and "Birth" it in them and ask them to perform it.
(PSALMS 149:3,6)

Every part of the Church is "Important" *Each* person who volunteers and helps is "Important" There is a need for people in ALL areas in the Body of Christ, From Greeters to Office Administration and People Employed. The People behind the scenes are Just as Important! My *First* Position in a Church was a Greeter :) Often, it is when the Lord sees that we are Faithful and True in a small area, HE will move us to other areas that Require More Responsibility, Maturity, and Accountability on Our Part (l TIMOTHY 3) *GOD* knows what you should be doing and when. It is when *Everyone* uses their "Spiritual Gift(s)" as a "Whole" in the Church, the Body of Christ functions at it's Very Best!

I always seek the Lord and His provision and ways for my life, and I always pray for others. That He reveals Himself in a special way in their lives and shows them their "Calling". I know that if we have ears to hear Him, He will always tell and reveal these things to us.

I have a room at my home that we remodeled, and I believe that It was/is the Lord's room. Thank God for our friends that remodeled the room with no labor charge to us. They also did some extra touches:) He also sent some-one in our path that had a sectional couch. They offered it to my husband at work at no charge to us. He also placed it on good friends of ours hearts to give ceramic tile and all of the things we would need to place it in front of our door. Thank You Jesus. I dedicated the room to Him, when it was completely finished in March of 2003, and I gave it to Him to have His. I still say that today. If He needs it for ANY purpose, it is His.

I was asked to take a position at our church as a Congregational Care Captain leader in February of 2003. I was told that this position was a Pastor's Laymen. This church has nearly 2,000 members. One or two Pastors could never correctly and effectively Minister to and Pastor that many people. God gave them the Vision to allow carefully chosen men and woman help be an extension to their arms. They trust and believe God to send forth people that are called to do this. I would have families that were members of the church placed in my care. I would be "Accountable" to call them 2 times per month, pray with them, encourage them, counsel them (if needed), make hospital visits (to a local hospital), supply meals for them after hospitalizations and births, and schedule and organize atleast 2 group get togethers, in a year, with the church member families in my group. When the Congregational Care Head Leader came over and presented us with the responsibilities of the position, I thought...WOW, that is a HUGE, HUGE responsibility. As I read the book he left, about the ministry position, I thought Lord- am I able to do all of this? I enjoyed being available if they ever felt I could help others by Counseling them. I knew, Congregational Care was a HUGE responsibilty. After prayer and confirmation, I knew that I was supposed to take this position. I kept this position until January of 2004.

I think the Lord knew He was getting ready to rise me up in Dance/Flags. I kept praying that it was HIM I was hearing from. I kept "testing" and making sure it was the Lord Jesus. I know I hear from Him. I think the Enemy can try and confuse what we know is from the LORD. I was meeting a Dance/Flag leader at another church, 3 days after I stepped down. He knew, if I would of had this position, I would of really said NO to any other Ministry Position(s). He knew I had enough on my plate, and I could not do all of these things (Now) :). He was ready--to bring the Vision of Dance/Flags to Pass. I really did love all of the people, and I did form close bonds with many of them. I made myself available anytime, day or night. I heard the Lord tell me to do that. I told them not to wait for me to call. If they needed anything to call me and let me know-Anytime. If the Lord has given a "Heart" to do this (Or Any Ministry Position) I believe that He will tell and ask you to do above and beyond what is expected. I did hear the Lord tell me that it was time to let it go. I still talk to and remain in touch with some of the families though:)

In the middle of January 2003, I knew that the Lord was showing me a distant "Vision" of a Bible Study in the room. I didn't know exactly who was going to be teaching it, at the time, but I was believing that He was going to place it upon some-ones heart and rise them up to teach. He did place a Bible Study, under submission of our church, in the room from May of 2003 until November of 2003. The teacher/leader for the Bible Study was in my Congregational Care Group and is an Ordained Minister. How Blessed I was! He and His wife are such Godly people. His wife said he had felt the Lord stir in him that he was supposed to be teaching. She said she prayed for him and for that door to open and the next day...there we were sharing about the room here and him teaching. God is Good! What a Blessing this was, for others and myself. We/I were able to get Good "teachings" and expand in the Word from a man that was/is "Gifted" and "Called" by the Lord to teach. We always began the Bible Study with Praise and Worship and ended in Prayer. We formed bonds, and the Lord blessed me with new friendships in Christ. Actually, these activities were going on during a hard time for me and a time I know the Lord knew I needed others. He also knew others would really need others at that time. He knew all of that. The rest of my brother's settlement money came through unexpectedly in August of 2003. It had been six years, since his death. It made it feel like it happened yesterday to me. Thank God for all of these special Christian people/friends that the Lord led into my life. Thank you so much Jesus.
(Revelation 3:8)

He told me I was supposed to remain in college, through this season. He told me that I would have divine Favour. I believed Him. However, Every time I thought I just could not do one more thing, I would hear the Holy Spirit whisper to me, "How Faithful Are You Going to Be Melissa"? Are you going to rely upon me to fulfill these things? Are you going to Seek me in ALL things? Are you going to Faithfully and Diligently do all of these things that I have asked you to do? Yes, there were many days that my flesh felt that I couldn't, but I knew through Christ that I could do ALL things. It was Him. I could never have done all of those things in my own strength. He kept whispering to me, I want to see just how Faithful you are going to be. My husband and I were abundantly Blessed during this season from 2003-2004, but I also knew the Lord was seeing how Faithful and Diligent I would be with these Ministry responsibilities. I knew I had to do everything that I was expected to do. I knew that I could not let go of any Ministry Position that the Lord had given me until I heard
"Thus Saith The Lord, Let It Go".
(Isaiah 40:31)(Matthew 25:21)

The Lord "Healed" me in the middle of all these things He asked me to do. I became ill with slight Depression, dizziness, feeling like I was going to pass out, nausea, and these attacks that made me feel like I was having a heart attack. I even had a vision of being in the hospital on a ventilator. Of course, I went to the hospital and doctor to make sure that this was not something that Jesus could heal me through, through the help of doctors. When I was checked out, I had no signs of physical health problems. This illness came on me so suddenly! I was fine, and then WHAM! I started "Rebuking" this...whatever it was!!! I KNEW that it was NOT from GOD. I didn't accept that I needed Ativan, Xanax, Zoloft, or any other form of these medicines! I have NEVER needed these before. NEVER. This is what the doctors thought I needed, for a period of at least six months or a year.

I remember, one night I got out of bed at about 2 a.m. I layed on my couch, hurting so badly. My head hurt, and I was having so many pains all over my body. I said, Lord...I am tired of feeling this way but for whatever reason I am going through this, I will make it. His voice whispered so softly, and He said: "it hurts me to see one of my children hurting so badly"...and I felt Jesus' tears pouring all over me.

He said, after He comforted me, "STAND" up in me! Use what you know and Claim and Declare Healing IN MY NAME and DO NOT let the ENEMY win! He gave me these scripture verse to cling to:
(John 10:10)(Luke 10:19)
(2 Chronicles 33:12)
(Ephesians 6:10-18)
(Psalms 55:22)(Matthew11:28,29,30)

I didn't accept this illness! I believe, this was the scariest thing that has happened to a long time, if ever! It started on our way to sign the settlement paper for our settlement and continued (for a SEASON) after the settlement money came through for my Brother's death. I do believe that the "Enemy" wanted to pervert the "Blessing(s) and stop me from doing Kingdom Work.Of course, I miss my brother and cry sometimes. God told me this is "Healing", and He knows how hard it is to lose some-one you Love. I knew, in my heart, this was much more than just "Missing My Brother". It was an "Attack". Some days I thought, what has/is happening to me? I felt like I was about withered down to about nothing. Even keeping this online Ministry going (with replies, emails etc...was such a chore to me at this time) Until, the Lord said...Look Up, Seek Me, Carry on! Seek me in the Word. Find some more scriptures to "meditate" upon, during this "Season". I carried on with each Ministry Position, and I remained in college!
(Psalms 118:17) (Psalms 115:14) (Revelation 21:3, 4)

The Lord told me not to tell a lot of people about this, at that time. Whatever His reason(s) were, I am sure He knew what He was doing. I told a few "Close" friends in Christ and those the Lord led me to tell. I was led one night, after our Bible Study, to tell the teacher and his wife (that are now friends in Christ) what had been happening for the past 3 weeks or so. The leader/teacher of the Bible Study and his wife prayed over me. They instantly knew they were supposed to. I kept hearing; call upon them to pray over and for you. We formed a circle, and I felt the presence of the Lord there but also this whipping force. I wanted to see what they were feeling and what way they were led to pray. The first words out of the teacher's mouth, as he and his wife began to pray over me, was "Satan" you are such a liar! I did feel this was a dark, evil scheme and tactic of the "Enemy" himself. He also gave me a book, at our next Bible Study, that our Pastor wrote- 10 reasons that God will heal you.
(JAMES 4:7)

I was also aware that others were under attack(s) as well. I mean "Major" attack(s). I started praying on behalf of the whole congregation-Everybody. Family, Friends, the Congregation, Everybody. Sometimes, during this season, I would pray for hours at a time. The Lord just told me to, and I was obedient.

God had previously healed me in 1997 instantly. I knew He was so able to do it again. After my Brother died, in 1997, I had an overwhelming amount of Depression and Suicidal thoughts. I remember laying on my bed, in 1997, telling the Lord that I just could not stand feeling this way. I was confused and hurt. I asked Him to please help me. Instantly, in 1997, I felt this surge of warmth embrace me, from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet, and I knew the Lord had performed a mighty "Miracle" that only He could do. Thank You Jesus. Oh Jesus, I thank you and Praise You for all that you have done for me.
He Healed me and took this attack on my health and physical body away, again in 2003. Thank You So Much Jesus. Since this illness came upon me in August of 2003, and the Lord imparted the "Call" for me to Dance in October of 2003, - If I would have stopped...I would have never had the Lord impart Dance in me and give me that "Call".

You showed me that I must always look to you and focus on you Jesus. I will never forget what you have done for me Jehovah Rophe--
My Healer.
God Is No Respector of persons. He will Heal anyone. Ask in Faith and Believe everyday that you are Healed.
(Psalms 6:6)(I Peter 2:24)
(Colossians 3:25)

In October of 2003, I know the Lord imparted the "Call" to Dance. I felt Him take my bones and start moving them in ways that I had never danced before. I knew He wanted me to go further and expand in dance.

In January of 2004, I felt the Lord giving me a more organized way of dancing and using flags. (I thought He was getting ready to put me in another churches Dance/Flag Ministry! I had NO idea that I would be doing this, until March of 2004 when I started Dance/Flags with Children and now in April 2004, Adults). By the middle of January, I was meeting the dance leader for the Dance/Flag Ministry at a church. I had called the church thinking that I would find out some "Basic" information on their Flag policy use for their church services. I thought that He may want my family and I to begin attending church there. It turned out, the leader and I formed a bond over the phone. We talked for about 3 hours and met a month later. I think the Lord knows others will bond quickly and easily that are called to be in this remnant. They have "Like Hearts". She gave me a whole folder full of Dance information and guidelines for their church dance Ministry. Praise God! I did and am getting more knowledge in the area of Dance. I felt the Lord giving me many ideas to use in and for a Dance/Flag Ministry. I didn't know what was going to happen, but I sure felt the Lord stirring in me more and more that He was getting ready to rise me up in Dance/Flags. As she was showing me uniforms, in Ruby Tuesdays:) I remember, I sat there thinking Lord?Why am I seeing uniforms? What are you getting ready to do?

I admit, I did say, Lord it would be much easier to join another churches Dance/Flag Ministry that was already off the ground and operating. I knew He was saying to me, "that would be easy wouldn't it Melissa?" "But, if it is my Will for you to teach, rise others up, and start a Dance/Flag Ministry then you will be being "Disobedient" in my plan and Will for you, if you DON'T do it". He brought me to (DEUTERONOMY 28). He tells us about "Blessing" and "Cursing". We HAVE to be Obedient to His Voice. I knew the Lord was right. He told me to keep my eyes and ears "Open" and do what He wanted me to do. He would open the door in His timing. So, I was waiting on the Lord. I know He is Faithful.
(PROVERBS 3:5,6)

He was sending us to a church, from January 2004-March 2004, for a three month Season. We went out to dinner with some good friends in Christ(the lady that helped me get started with Flags/Dance and her family) at the beginning of Janaury. We don't get to see them often but when we do it is always a Blessing I told her, as we talked, I felt the Lord was wanting to do something, but I just wasn't sure what. I didn't know where we were supposed to be. I was feeling really "Lost". She looked at her husband and said "Do you want to go to a church we know tomorrow?" He said yeh..she looked at me and my husband and said lets go tomorrow morning. She said it is alittle ways away, but they are very free in Worship there. She had never told me about this place before. I guess the timing had to be right. So, we were on our way in the morning with them. She said, "You just need to see what the Lord wants to do". I knew I did. What a drive it was from here! Two hours one way. Not only that, but I was much attached and so LOVED the church and Pastors where we had been attending, for almost three years (since we moved here in 2001).(I still love them and their church. I still pray diligently for them and their church). However, I knew the Lord was moving. For a time and a season, I am not sure. I know that the Lord knows. The church He was sending us to, regularly for three months, is very "Free" in the Worship, Dance, Flags areas. That is the "Vision" that the Lord has given to these Pastors. I loved going there and just being so free with others.

I just didn't hear from the Lord to look for or attend a local church. We kept going two hours away. I said, Lord if you're Will is to keep us here; we will be obedient and drive here every weekend. I just wasn't sure about how long the Lord would keep us going "regularly" there. It would be very hard for us to be involved in a church that is that far away. Our children would have a hard time participating in extra Ministry activities and mid week service would defiantly not be possible for us.

Well, the Lord moved in March of 2004. I was talking to a friend, and she recommended some churches, especially, this one church here in our area. I prayed about it, and I knew I heard the Holy Spirit telling me to go. She did tell me that the possibility may be open for Flags at this church, but she wasn't positive about it. She knew that the Lord placed a Call on my heart for Flags.

She gave me the number of the Pastor and his wife, as they are really good friends. I decided to call and say hello. I spoke to the Pastor's wife briefly, and she said we do want to welcome you to come to our church. I told her about my call and heart and that I did use Flags. She didn't say much for a reply. I told her if we did decide to attend church there, we would probably still go to the church we had been attending (I explained we had been going there) once a month so I could use Flags. She said, that is fine:)
We went to church there the following on Sunday morning. I was so earnestly seeking direction from the Lord. I didn't know where He wanted me to be. I had felt like I was walking around waiting and not seeing much happening, other than going two hours away. I knew what the Lord had told me about stepping out in Flags and Dance. He kept telling me it was time for me to rise up in this area. I knew that He is faithful.
As the Praise and Worship started there, I felt the Lord so strongly. I seen, in my spirit, bright white lights all over and just felt His Presence in such a mighty way! We felt right at home, and my oldest son knew some of the kids there. My youngest son loved his class. We sure didn't feel like this was our first visit there! I knew the Lord knew my heart and how I had been feeling the past three months. The Holy Spirit whispered, as I was leaving, "you need more "Confirmation" that I want you here don't you". "I am going to give that to you and more!" "I am going to Bless You today". It was almost a rumbling in my Spirit. He spoke so bold and direct! I said, I accept that! Thank you Jesus!
The Pastor's wife had asked us to go to dinner, when I called her earlier in the week about attending service there. We decided to go to a local restaurant after service. Of course, they had to say Good Bye to all of their members, so we waited until the line had gone down, for the most part.
I was saying good bye and making sure that we were still going to be able to have dinner. As we were standing there a member there came from behind me and grabbed my hands. She looked at me and said, "Those Hands" and I seen you "Dancing" back there. I said, in my seat. :) As she held my hands, I knew that the Lord was "Confirming" to me that I was in the right place at the right "Time". Praise the Lord! I know we all stood there in awe. My husband was behind me and had tears in his eyes, and I am sure I looked so amazed, and I know that the Pastors did:)
The Pastor said, that is the Lord. I knew that it was to. I knew because I knew because I knew. I thought maybe they said something to a few members about praying for Flags to come in there. I know when she took my hands and said that, I looked at them and said "Did you say anything?" They both nodded their heads, with huge smiles, and said "We have not said a word". They said they had been praying about it and seeking the Lord. It was/is almost overwhelming. I felt so free and light because I knew the Lord had moved, and He was right when He spoke to me. I would be Blessed before I left. I sure was! I didn't know if I would be able to eat! We went to the restaurant and waited for them to get there. I was so excited! (I still am:)) When they came in the resteraunt, about the first words out of the Pastor's wife's mouth was, "we would like for you to do something with the children". Children were not in the vision that the Lord had gave me, teens and young adults are though, but I do know He was starting the Dance/Flag Ministry there. The Dance/Flag leader I met said that her Pastor started her with children also. But, the day came when they moved her up as leader of the adults. I knew I was supposed to start with children. It lined up with my spirit. I was then Blessed times fold, all in one day:) It was amazing to me.
I have been really Blessed for the month and a half we have been attending here. The Pastor's wife shared with me, as we talked more, that this has been a Vision for her for a long time. The time was just not right before. She is excited and Blessed to help. She is a part of it, and I am so Blessed by that. I know the Lord paired us together:) Now, it is coming to pass and the Lord is Manifesting this in this church. Praise God!
The phone rang Easter morning, and it was the Pastor's wife telling me that Pastor felt the Holy Spirit stirring in him that I was to bring the Flags. They had a lot of specials going on for Easter, and they would like for me to do something. I said, I will bring a purple flag and go forth if the Holy Spirit leads me to. She said that is fine. We want you to be sensitive to what He wants. I also asked not to be introduced :) At the end of the service, I knew the Holy Spirit was telling me to go forth. I prayed over myself quietly and went forth. I felt Him. He sure has stepped me out! He said He was in January 2004, and He meant it. I am ready to teach, train, and help others rise up in this calling here. We are ready to put together an adult Dance/Flag Ministry here. I am so Blessed to be a part of it all! I have also been put in a teaching position with the children, and I am on call for fill in in all of the classes. I am at the church once a week (sometimes more) to pray for and with others. I see Him using me more and more here.
(HEBREWS 10:23)

My friend that went with me to meet the Dance/Flag leader, as we felt the Lord telling us that she needed to be a part of it, said "I believe if we purchase a uniform, in Faith, the Lord will use us somewhere". Well, I do think she was right. I have purchased 1 uniform so far. However, I still dance at home, in the remodeled room we have, behind closed doors:) The Dance/Flag leader I met has helped (even if just by her prayers) seven other churches get Dance/Flag ministries off the ground. I felt so Blessed that the Lord placed her in my path. I know it was Him.

I felt Him giving me songs and taking my body and telling me to flow with the music and to use more facial expressions. I said, Lord if I dance before others, or do anything that you have called me to do before others, if others do NOT see YOU in whatever I am doing, I want no part of it. I know He told me that if it is done correctly, others will see Him glorified and Salvations, Rededications, Healings, Deliverances, etc...Would be brought forth. This may not happen every time, but the Presence of God would always show up.

In January of 2004, I started seeing a Vision in my "Spirit" of a group of people dancing and using Flags before the Lord. It was so beautiful and anointed! I was in my car, on the way to get my youngest son from school, and all the sudden the vision was there! All of these dancers using flags in a church. I was listening to a Christian band called "Third Day". I see dances to about every song I listen to now. I couldn't fully understand all of the vision, and I didn't know exactly what the Lord was trying to bring to pass, but I knew that He was faithful and that He would reveal the fullness of the vision in His timing.

He tells me not to abandon the vision that He has placed in my heart. What started as a "distant" vision, in December of 2002, keeps getting stronger and stronger.

Even if a dance is done in a more constructed way, it can still send Praise, Prayer, and Warfare directly to the Throne. He told me a group will flow in "Unity" at all times, and it will be so powerful! This applies to Children OR Adults. Not all children will grow up in the Dance/Flag calling. But, they will have time to know if they are called into this realm or not. They will also be able to do this on their own, even if they do not Minister in front of others their whole life. The Lord also told me "Loudly" to never lay the Spontaneous use of Flags and Dance down. There will be a "Time" for everything. If the Holy Spirit says, use this color flag or do this..then I need to do it. I have been and seen others renewed and "set free" through their Spontaneous use of Worship/Flags/Dance. I have seen High Praises of God Manifest in peoples lives. Praise God!

I felt Him from January of 2004 until March 2004; give me guidance and direction in the Dance. He laid it upon my heart to just flow organized and to just give my whole self to Him and let Him do what He wanted to do. I knew, even though I was shaky on the inside that I had to be Obedient to this calling. Even if it was only Him I would ever dance before, if JESUS was the only audience that I ever had that was enough for me. In January of 2004, I heard Him tell me that I needed to prepare myself to step out. I was not sure what I would be stepping into to or what His plans were (at the time) but I knew that the Lord knew what He wanted to do. I have been behind closed doors for 2 years. I do believe that the Lord did NOT want me to step out right away. He needs time to prepare and teach us. I am not saying that He will keep everyone behind closed doors for that long. I believe in my case that is what He wanted me to do.

He so longs for others to know Him in a special way. He longs for them to know just how much He loves them. He longs to have an atmosphere where He is welcomed and given complete control.

The Lord has given me the foundation of why I am dancing before Him. He wants me to share and reveal to others that He is real and that He is
FORGIVING, MERCIFUL, COMPASSIONATE, JUST & FAITHFUL. HE IS THE ALMIGHTY KING OF KINGS. He wants His Presence to show up mightily. I do believe that is part of why He creates Dance/Flag Ministries. The Devil tried to steal dance and corrupt it. God IS going to restore Dance and use it for His Glory. *Jesus seeks hearts that truly Worship God.

I know that there will be others that are called into the Dance/Flag remnant. I pray that by my step of Faith and Obedience that others will be encouraged to step out if they feel the "Call". There are different types of dance. We are all called or probably all have been led to do the first few mentioned.

Dance Types:
(Explained further at the bottom of this page)
Spontaneous, Dancing in the Spirit, Interperated, Intercessory, Prophetic, and Congregational Dance.

I do believe Congregational Dance is a higher call to the dance, but I do believe that those that the Lord wants in this remnant are going to know it. Pray and ask God to show you. Ask Him to reveal to you His Will for your life.

Congregational Dance should always be about Glorifying the Lord Jesus. It is not a fun activity or exercise.(Your weight, others approval etc...should not matter) It should never be done to draw attention to ourselves. I believe that others know and will know if we are dancing for the "Lord" or for "Show". (Psalms 139:23,24) Our clothing and our heart/attitudes must be right. Our heart must be right above all. JESUS looks in our hearts. He KNOWS our "Heart" and "Intentions". (Our Weight, Others approval etc...should not matter) We are going forth, in front of others, therefore we need to be rooted, grounded and "Committed" to spend time with the Lord every single day! You will need to make every effort to attend church service. We never stop growing and learning in the Lord. We must always have a teachable spirit. We never know everything. I learn new things everyday in the Lord. Anyone that thinks they know it all, I believe, is deceiving their own self. I think when we, Dancers & Flaggers, flow in "Unity" together; Our Dance/Flag Spiritual Giftings can be used to there fullest. (Example) Maybe I am strong in one area and not as strong in another. Well, another Dancer/Flagger may have that as their strong area. Dancers and Flaggers Spiritual Gifts can all work TOGETHER and make it that much better and anointed! There will also be practices and meetings that you will need to attend, however, we know that circumstances can arise. There will be some uniforms/shoes that you will have to purchase. You will have to Pray and make sure that you are being "Called" and that you can commit yourself to Dance/Flag Ministry. You will reap what you Sow.
(Galatians 6:7, 8, 9)(Jeremiah 17:10)
(I Corinthians 13:11) (Joshua 1:8)

The proper order for our lives is:
*God*, Your Spouse, Your Children, Your Family, Church, Your Job

Battles and Spiritual Warfare WILL come, but if we are in the Word and ready- We WILL overcome ANY obstacle or distraction the Devil tries to place in our way! Glory to God! The Heart of the Lord Jesus...Even During the Midst of Our Own Troubles and Trials-We Praise, Intercede {Pray For} & Reach Out to Others. *We also knock DOWN Barriers & Strongholds in our own life & on behalf of others.
(I Peter 5:8)(Isaiah 59:19)(Ephesians 6:12)

We must strive to live Holy and do that which is pleasing to the Father. We must always focus on Him. Outside of the church, we represent not only Jesus and who and what we are but also the church that we attend. We must always strive to live Holy and to show forth behavior and attitudes that JESUS Himself would.
*Be Quick to Repent & Quick to Forgive*
Remember, there is no such thing as "Perfect People" or "Perfect Churches" Humans are NOT "Perfect"

In Christ be: Washed Clean, Made Pure & Living *HOLY*
(I Peter 1:16 )( Colossians 3:12, 13)

There has to be Leadership in every Ministry/Activity/Function which we take part in. Some-one(possibly more than one person) has to step up and take the Responsibility to schedule meetings/practices/functions and organize the meetings/practices/functions so that things are "Organized" and time can be spent "Wisely". There are many "Responsibilities" which the Leader(s) is "Accountable" for. It is NOT anything to take lightly. The "Heads" are always held "Accountable" for what they do and how they act. However, we MUST be "Humble" and KNOW that JESUS is the "Ultimate" Head of ALL parts of the Ministry (Any Ministry). We are ALWAYS under submission to Our Pastor(s). We know that the Lord called them to create the church and that they do hear from the Lord. They are the shepherd(s), and we are the sheep. They tend to and care for their flock. If the Lord wants you in a different Ministry, HE will let you know. Make sure that you are careful, and do not make any decisions to quickly. Take the situation, behind closed doors, and PRAY. GOD will show you and reveal to you what He wants you to know. If we are in leadership and know that JESUS wants someone else to take leadership (After Prayer and Confirmation) we should be understanding and know that JESUS is doing what He wants. We all need to Pray AGAINST Spirits & Feelings of Jealousy, Envy, Covetousness (Wanting what someone else has), Offense, Criticism, Pride, and Strife (Backbiting, Gossip, ANY Division amongst the Dance/Flag Ministry OR within the Body of Christ as a "Whole").The Lord Jesus can lay Conviction(s) on our Own Hearts and Correct us Himself, if we let Him. He Corrects those He Loves. (REVELATION 3:19)If you read Revelation 3:19, these are the meanings of God's Words.
Rebuke-To criticize sharply, scold/ Chasten-To Punish/Zealous-Enthusiastic and Diligent Devotion/Repent-To feel regret for what one has said or failed to do.

JESUS IS LOVE. All things need to be done IN AND WITH LOVE. This is where we need to USE OUR Spiritual Discernment & Apply Righteous Judgment. There is a difference between Some-one STRIVING to LIVE FOR THE LORD & making a "Mistake" and Some-one that is displaying ABSOLUTE "Rebellion" "Mischief" & "UNHoliness".
(JOHN 7:24)

Most times, you can give a HUGE impression about yourself to others by your "choice" of words, vocal tone, eye contact, and facial expressions. Pray over your heart and attitude. Pray that it is always as close to Jesus' image as possible.
(I JOHN 2:6)

We don't want "Division" * "Glorifying" the Lord Jesus & "Unity" is our "Ultimate" Vision/Goal.

This does not only apply to Dance/Flag Ministry but any Ministry position that one should have, whether in leadership or working under someone in the Ministry. The person(s) taking a leadership position should ALWAYS Pray & Seek the Lord. Earnestly seek Him and see if that is what HE wants you/them to do. No-one should just "Accept" a leadership position, unless they have been Asked and Called to do so, by the LORD. Without someone leading Ministries/Activities/Functions (that has been "Called" to do so)nothing would be organized nor would it "Flow" the way that it should.
(Psalms 139:23,24)(2 Timothy 2:15)(Galatians 5:22,23)

No, in Dance/Flag Ministry I do not think everything should be choreographed, but I do think that the Lord wants the dance to flow in an organized fashion in front of others. He has told me not to worry about a foot going the wrong way, or a hand not pointed the same way as some-one else's...but to rather just "Flow" and get others that are called to "Flow": work on "Flowing" together.

The Lord may just use me to sphere this in the church(s) or He may have/keep me in leadership. Whatever He does, I want it to be the Lord's Will. It is HIS Ministry. We ALL work for JESUS. We are the vessels that He uses. I know the times and seasons can and do change in lives, so we just need to keep ears to hear Him and be "Obedient" when we do hear Him and what He is speaking to us. We must realize that the time and season can change for us. We may not be "Called" in Dance/Flag Ministry forever.
(Psalms 1:3) (Daniel 2:21)
(John 10 1-5) (2 Corinthians 12:1)

I Thank Him and Praise Him for giving me the words to say. I Thank Him for helping me get the "Vision" wrote in words. I knew bits and pieces of the vision, but I was never led to write it down before now. Over the past 2 years (2002-2004) things have happened quickly. I had no idea that He was going to use the past few years as a Testimony for this. He did though. It is amazing, all of the People (friends) that He has placed in my path, Ministry Positions He has given me, and the Testimony that rised up because of it.
I couldn't make it plain upon the table before now, because I did not have the "Whole" vision.
He told me, in April of 2004,
"Now Is the Time"- Write the Vision.
I always feel Him mightily at the keyboard.

I pray that the Lord's will be done in your life. If you are not called to Dance/Flag Ministry, I am sure the Lord has a different Calling on your life. We ALL have Spiritual gifts (ROMANS 12), and we do need to flow in them and use them in the body of Christ and out in the world. Jesus desires that others use and "Flow" in their spiritual gifts.
(LUKE 10:2)

**We can NEVER be perfect as humans, JUST like Jesus, BUT we CAN strive to live as CLOSE to HIS Image, Excellence, and Integrity as possible.

~Take time to say "I'm sorry," "please forgive me," "thank you" or "it's okay." And if tomorrow never comes, You"ll have no regrets about today.~

Our message is not ourselves. Jesus is Lord. One day all of creation will acknowledge and praise him. For the people around us to praise Jesus today, they need to see him alive in us. We serve others in Jesus' name. We are- his body, his hands of compassion, his heart of mercy, and his voice of tenderness. So let's lift up Jesus. Not just by telling others about him but serving others as his presence in the world.


I know that there is a difference between the Spontaneous use of Dance/Flags and being part of Congregational Dance/Flags Ministry. Only the Lord Jesus knows what He wants you to do. Please seek The Lord Jesus and what HE wants you to do. I know that He wants both Spontaneous Dance/Flags and Congregational Dance/Flags to be operating in Church. He can use either to Minister to others; however, Congregational is a more "Obvious" time for Ministering to and for others. I pray that you seek Him and what He lays upon your heart to do.

He told me to share a revelation that He gave me, when I knew I was called to be a Christian Counselor in March of 2002. He said to me, I could not make you a Christian Counselor until the time was "right". (I did feel my maturity level rise in 2001). Some-one can not counsel some-one else effectively and to the best of their ability with issues and areas of immaturity their own self. First, we have to work through our own issues, mature and then we can help and Minister to other people. If I think about it, this applies to Social Work also. How can some-one be a Social Worker that has issues and immaturity in their own life? Maybe that is why I started college with the intention of a Criminal Justice Degree, in 1998, and God changed that to Social Work in 2001.

He brought this revelation, with the similar idea, to me again about Congregational Dance/Flag Ministry. If Salvations, Rededications, Healings, and Deliverance's are to come forth, at times, during our Dance/Flag Ministries time at services then we have to be Saved, Rededicated, Healed, and Delivered our self to best "Minister" to others in the Congregation. We can't be in bondage and carrying baggage our own self. We have to be "Free" ourselves from Past Hurts, Failures, Unforgiveness, Grudges, Anger, Bitterness and any other feeling(s) that we should not be carrying.

We all sin and fall short of the Glory of God. I am not implying that some-one has to be "Perfect". No Human is "Perfect". I think the Lord is seeking Christian "Maturity" in us and how we React to Handle situations.

I do think He will use you whether in Spontaneous or Congregational Dance/Flags{Or possibly other reasons we "Dance"} when He knows you are ready and what you are ready for. If you feel the Lord telling you to wait, then He is right. He will make your path straight, give you direction, and get you ready for what HE has for you to do.

With God, Nothing is Impossible :)


The 3 Ways We Can Flow Using Flags:
Praise and Worship
Intercessory Prayer
Spiritual Warfare

The different Dance Types are:
Dancing in the Spirit
Congregational Dance

Dance Meanings. I tried to keep the "Meaning" as simple as possible. It doesn't need to be made difficult to understand. I believe the Lord wants others to understand what the different Dance Types are. God Bless You.

Spontaneous: Our "Dance" Happens without a external cause. Our dance is "Natural" and "Unstudied" on our part.

Dancing in the "Spirit": Our "Dancing" often reflects our own meaning or feeling. We are dancing "Supernaturally" before the Lord Jesus.

Interpretated: Another person is able to Clarify, Translate, and/or Explain the Significance of the "Dance" being performed by another.

Intercessory Dance: Very Deep "Dancing". To Twist, Whirl, in Circular/Spiral Manner. Wait, Bringforth, Drive Away, Fall Grievously (With Pain)...Be Much Pained.

Prophetic: The truest definition of Prophetic is-
re-speaking what God speaks.
We listen. He speaks.
We respond. He speaks again.
In "Dance" movement, we are trying to paint a picture that clarifies, edifies and magnifies what God is speaking.

Questions to ask(Prophetic Dance)
1)What is the message? Listening with the ear of the mind.
2)What is God saying?
3)What picture do you get?
4)How can you draw the visual picture in space
(through dance movement)?
5)Can I move this individual picture to a cooperate picture?

"Edify" "Exhort" "Comfort"
I Corinthians 14:3

Congregational: We "Dance" before others in the "Church". Our dance is an "Obvious" and "Specific" time to Minister to and for others.

~I believe in "Planting Seeds", even if I (We) am/are not always the one who "Waters" them~. ~ We may "Be Watering" a "Seed" Some-one Else has "Planted". ~ ~We may "Plant a Seed" & "Water" a "Seed" Both~. ~~With GOD We Just Never Know~~


The Lord can have you, alone, come forth with any of these. It is by the Holy Spirits leading and what He wants us to do, at that time. The Holy Spirit can tell you, during a service, use this color of Flag or do this Dance, WITH an Anointing to perform any above. He can have you couple Dance/Flags together or just have you do one or the other. He may just call one person. He may join two or more together to perform what He wants. Just wait on the Lord and see what He wants at that time.

He can also just call you to do these things for yourself. It is a beautiful and powerful form of Worship and an expression of our Thankfulness, Love, and Trust in Him.
NO matter what, We WILL Praise, Pray, and STAND!
I don't ever want to lose that Free/Spontaneous Freedom

May God Richly Bless You!

Luke 4:18- The Lord gave me this scripture verse in 2003. Every time I thought that it may be better if I do just one thing, instead of several, The Lord would tell me that the Answer is in the "Word". Seek until I find it. One day, as I was reading the Word, I came across this verse of Scripture. It sure did just Jump off of the page at me. I knew...this is what the Lord was telling me. I thought that sure is a lot! But, I knew in my heart...this is what the Lord has Anointed me to do. I believe that many that are "Called" into the Dance/Flag Ministry are called to do this scripture verse.

Psalms 30:11- Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness;

Proverbs 18:16- A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.

I do have ALL of the Bible Verses above ( that are used in my written Vision) wrote out. You may click this link to get to that page. I have a link at the bottom of the Scripture Verses Page so that you may get back to this page from there. I thought it would be nice to have them wrote out. I know it will make it a lot easier for me, when I teach. The Scripture Study will also be given to those in the Teaching/Training.

There is also a Teaching(On the Scripture Study Page) about the Holy Spirit and being Filled with the Holy Spirit. This will also be covered at the Dance/Flag Teaching/Training.

God Bless You.

Please visit Scripture Study-Flag/Dance Vision/Holy Spirit Teaching


Scripture Meditation for Dance/Flag Ministry

Psalms 149
Jeremiah 29:11
John 10:4
Proverbs 19:2
Luke 14:28
Psalms 24:4,5
Psalms 25


I wanted to close with a "Summary" Am I "Qualified" to do this? NO!!! I have NEVER had a dance lesson in my whole life! However, I do know that the Lord, many times, does NOT Call the qualified; He qualifies (Equips) the Called.

I do think that Prayers and Spiritual Warfare can also be done on behalf of the Church, even if it is Choreographed. If the Lord knows that is what needs done, HE WILL DO IT.

When we bring forth Dance Ministry (Whether with Flags or With-out) we are Ministering to other people. We have to Study and Know What and When God wants us to do and Where. People have to be informed about what Dance Ministry is about. It is NOT a fun sort of exercise or anything other than-WORSHIPPING THE LORD JESUS. It is external/expressive Praise and Worship. We have to know what to wear and be cautious about many other things. I do believe God is restoring and wanting to restore this type of Ministry in Many, Many Churches.

If the Lord has "Called" You to do it, HE WILL ANOINT IT. I do believe that people can tell if something is anointed and brought forth by the Lord, or if it is just something they are "Doing" for "Show"

If the Lord has "CALLED" you to Dance, He can even give you the routines. I do NOT believe that everything should be Choreographed. But, if He is calling you to go forth (in Faith) in Congregational Dancing- He will put some "Order" in your steps and dances. If the Lord has "Called" you to Dance, it will just be there-IN YOUR HEART. It will NOT be something that you will have to work hard to be able to do, nor will it require much effort on your part. If we say, Lord take me and do and say what YOU want-through me. If you feel "Called" more so to Congregational Dance-- Your hearts desire should be to Glorify Him (above all) and help bring others to a deeper, more intimate level in their Worship and Relationship with the LORD JESUS. The Lord's Anointing should fall heavily upon you and others around you. We should ALWAYS want others to see HIM and NOT US.

Salvations, Rededications, Healings, Deliverance's, and MUCH MORE can happen, if the LORD has anointed the "Congregational Dance" you take forth.


We will also include, in the Teaching/Training, the Biblical reasons we use Flags and the "Colors" of the Flags and what each color means and represents. All of this information is found on the Praise and Worship page. The link is at the bottom of this page, if you would like to visit. I also have some "In Depth" study papers on Dance. You can e-mail me at, if you would like more information than is on the page here. Most of the papers pertain to Congregational Dance. The "Main" idea is that-- We just need to be "Certain" before we step forth in "Congregational Dance" that we are "Called" to Minister to others in this way. PRAY--before you step out.
I thought that adding this information on this page would make this page load to slowly.


Guidelines for Dance/Flag Ministry

We have authorities placed in the body by God
a.God-Jesus is the head of the church

b.Pastor- Head shepherd of the local body- Pastor

c.Dance/Flag Leadership

We will strive to stay under our authority's covering
a.Unity is our aim, not allowing strife only solutions

Everyone hears from God
a.Every suggestion will be prayfully considered. If your ideas are not used, please do not take it personally. We want to do what God wants us to do.

We will not hide our talents because of fear
a.Remember the parable of the talents. God has not given us a spirit of fear. Let's let God use our talents to the fullest. He will stretch us if we let him.

b.You will get out of this Ministry what you put into it. You will reap what you sow.

Remember that we are working for the Lord Jesus! :)



Quality time in the Bible and in Prayer
Regular attendance in church
Participation in regular Praise time
Good attitude and good relations/respect for others
Be on time for meetings/practices/Ministry time
Let me know if you can't make a meeting/practice
Spend time at home with Lord/Practice/Meditate
Be willing to make sacrifices for others

Luke 12:35 Be dressed, ready for service, and keep your lamps burning.

Anyone in the Dance/Flag Ministry (Or part of the Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership) displaying Obvious Sin/Purposely Displaying Cruelty/Disrespect for the Pastor(s) or/and to/for Others, Or Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership that is Misusing Authority that was given to them- can be asked to step down from Dance/Flag Ministry and/or Their Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership Position, by the Pastor(s)(or person/people that the Pastor(s) have placed in Authority over a Ministry). The Pastor(s) are the "Head" of the Local Body Church.

If you feel someone would like to be part of this Ministry, please let me know. The Lord has told me that this is a "Holy Ministry". Anyone that would like to join and Use Flags or Dance must go through a (this) teaching/training session. Thank you. God Bless You.

"May He grant you according to your heart's desire, and fulfill all your purpose. We will sing for joy over your victory, And in the name of our God we will set up our banners." - Psalm 20:4, 5


Pray Against the Spirits of:

*We all need to Pray AGAINST Spirits & Feelings of

Covetousness (Wanting what someone else has)
(Backbiting, Gossip, ANY Division amongst the Dance/Flag Ministry OR within the Body of Christ as a "Whole").

Pray For the Spirits of:

Holy Boldness (Confidence in God)

I John 1
Jeremiah 17:9-10
Ephesians 6:11-12

In His Joy!



I wanted to cover a few safety issues that can arise in Church. I have been made aware of these issues from people in other churches that have had most of their issues in these areas. I felt the Lord telling me to explain and tell you about this now.

I feel it is better to cover them now, than wait for something that we don't want to happen-happen. I Pray that by going over and making you aware of this now, these issues can and will be prevented.

Clothing- Please make sure that when you go forth in Spontaneous Praise/Prayer/Warfare (with Flags or Dance) that you are dressed properly for this. When we do this together, as more of a Choreographed special, we will have uniforms and all be more in sync with each other. God can have the Dance/Flag Ministry in some kind of uniform at all times for service. He can use the Dance/Flag Ministry throughout all of the Praise and Worship time. What kind of Dance He chooses to use for your church will be what God feels is "right" for your church inparticular. There are pant/skirt/blouse uniforms that are very comfortable and that can be worn without the "Dress Up" feeling for every service.

In the Spontaneous "Free" Worship, you will be stepping out in front of others. If you are NOT required to wear Dance Uniforms, PLEASE make sure that your clothing reveals no body parts that are inappropriate. Check to make sure that your pants are not too tight, your skirts/dresses or shorts are not to tight or short, and your tops/blouses are not low cut or see through. Make sure that you do not dress provocative in any way. Make sure that when you lift your arms up, nothing can be seen.

Ask God to show you what to wear and if what you are wearing is O.K. to go forth. I have found it is always better to dress as if you may go forth in every service. If the Holy Spirit directs you to go forth, you will be ready at all times.

HE will show and tell you, if you ask Him.

Flag Safety- Please be aware that Flags/Worship Instruments can hit people. I know that this is not done intentionally. When people are in the Spirit, many times, they are not always aware of the ways that they are moving about. Make sure that you always know how close someone is to you, how much room you have, and be cautious if people are sitting in the front few rows of the church.

Going forth in a church or in front of others is different than if we were at home. In your home, you can practice and learn a lot. I encourage you to be very free at home. That is where God will teach and reveal many things to you. I believe God wants us to learn and grow in Him (in this Calling) at home.

We don't want to offend anyone in Church. We want others to see the Glory of the Lord. We want Him to be Glorified, through us.

God Bless You.

Colossians 1:17


I know the Lord had me create Leadership Requirements/Responsibilities for a reason. He always knows what He is doing. I do need to be Obedient when I hear Words from Him. When Words flow easily, I need to do what He is telling me instantly. God Bless!
Created April 29,2004

Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership Requirements/Responsibilities

1)Can not be a new Christian/Novice-Beginner
2)Must be in "Good Standing" with the Church
3)Must be Approved by Pastor(s) to be in Leadership
4)Must Recognize Pastor(s) Authority(or people/persons the Pastor(s)have placed in Authority over a Ministry)and Respect that Authority
(We are Under Submission to Our Pastor(s)
5)Must Attend Church Service Regularly
6)Must Faithfully Be in the Word and Prayer Daily

Those in Leadership (or wanting to be part of Leadership) must realize the "Accountability" and "Responsibilities" that are a part of being in ANY Leadership Position. Before accepting or wanting to be part of ANY Leadership Position, please make sure that you have diligently sought the Lord about taking the Position and that you have heard from HIM to be in a Leadership Position.

Many times having a Leadership Position requires us to put others before ourselves. Our "Heart" must truly be there to fully operate correctly in a Leadership Position and be placed in a Leadership Position at the Church.

The Leadership must ALWAYS recognize that the Pastor(s) are the head of the local body Church. We are ALWAYS under submission to the Pastor(s). We are not directors for the church, but rather Leadership over the Dance/Flag Ministry. Anyone in Leadership (or that is in the Dance/Flag Ministry displaying Obvious Sin/Purposely Displaying Cruelty/Disrespect for the Pastor(s) or/and to/for Others, Or Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership that is Misusing Authority that was given to them- can be asked to step down from their Leadership Position and/or from the Dance/Flag Ministry, by the Pastor(s)(or person/people that the Pastor(s) have placed in Authority over a Ministry). The Pastor(s) are the "Head" of the Local Body Church.

The Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership must consult with each other regularly and keep communication open and flowing freely. The Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership will have Meetings that you will be expected to attend, unless it is a circumstance beyond your control. The Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership MUST commit to Praying Faithfully Daily for the Dance/Flag Ministry as a "Whole". The Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership is responsible to "Care" for those that are in the Dance/Flag Ministry. Leadership will provide (to the Dance/Flag Ministry People) Support, Encouragement, Prayers, and Mentoring (if needed). If the Dance/Flag Ministry is large, the people can be divided into groups under different people in the Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership.

The Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership will be expected to "Faithfully" call the people placed in their group once a month. When you call, see if the people in your group have any prayer requests, needs, concerns, etc...Your contact with your people can help build a "Bond" between you and them. A "Trust" needs to be made between you and the people under you. They need to know that you "Care". At practices, please try and make contact with the people in your group. Dance/Flag Ministry practices will mostly be for learning Dance/Flags. However, a friendly hello, hug, and brief contact with the people in your group will make a difference.

The Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership MUST always seek the "Lord" in matters pertaining to/for the Dance/Flag Ministry. Any decisions pertaining to/for the Dance/Flag Ministry MUST be "Carefully" and "Diligently" prayed over, by the Dance/Flag Leadership as a "Whole". In order to keep things operating and flowing smoothly, there MUST ALWAYS be "UNITY" and "HARMONY" amongst the Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership. This will be VERY important to keep the Dance/Flag Ministry operating as JESUS wants it to. We MUST remember that we are working for JESUS, and WE MUST SEEK HIM IN ALL THINGS. We MUST HAVE ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIOR THAT JESUS HIMSELF WOULD.

It is VERY important that those in Leadership spend time "Daily" in the Word and in Prayer. We always grow in the Lord, and we will continue to grow as long as we are "Committed" to spending time with the Lord.

There will be matters and situations that will arise and decisions that those in the Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership will need (have) to make. Matters, Situations, and Decisions are unavoidable. To say we will never face anything is deceiving our own self. We {Leadership} always want to pray over ANY Matters/Situations/Decisions that we are faced with. We do NOT want to do anything before it is covered in Prayer by the Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership. Those that are in a Leadership Position need to Pray for Spiritual Discernment Daily. I believe that the "Gifting" of Spiritual Discernment is a MUST for those in a Leadership Position. When certain Matters/Situations/Decisions arise, you will need to use Spiritual Discernment. *We do NOT want strife and division, ONLY RESOLUTIONS*.

Times and Seasons can and do change. You may or may not always be "Called", by the Lord, to be in the Dance/Flag Ministry. If you know that you will be stepping down from the Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership Position, we would like to have at least a one month notice. I do believe that the "Lord" would want you to try and commit to Sowing Seed for at least "Six Months" in the Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership Position. The Lord brought this "Revelation" to me: If there is Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership coming in and out of the Dance/Flag Ministry Positions often, we will be more "Focused" upon replacing the Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership Positions and arranging other Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership people's responsibilities, rather than the Dance/Flag Ministry itself. I believe JESUS wants our Focus on the Dance/Flag Ministry as a "Whole" as much as possible.

However, sometimes it may not always be possible to keep your Leadership Position. We know and understand that. If (for any reason) you know that you are unable to keep your Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership Position, please be courteous and let the rest of the Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership know as soon as possible. We would like time (one month if possible) to try and replace you or arrange other Leaders responsibilities, as they need be, for the Dance/Flag Ministry. This will help us keep things operating and flowing as they should. Please know that if a notice is unavoidable we will understand.

We want to welcome you to the Leadership of the Dance/Flag Ministry! It is a HUGE, yet AWESOME Ministry Responsibility. We pray that you will be Blessed for your time and for all that you "SOW" for JESUS and HIS KINGDOM! :)


Scripture Meditation (Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership)

Jeremiah 17:10
I John 1:9
Isaiah 50:4
Ecclesiastes 4:9,10
Proverbs 11:14
Proverbs 15:22
Proverbs 24:6
Psalms 55:14
John 7:24
Malachi 3:18
Matthew 7:16-20
Deuteronomy 1:16,17,18
I Kings 3:9,10,11
Galatians 6:7,8,9
James 4:10


The Tambourine

The tambourine in the Bible is referred to by several different names: tambourine, timbrel, tabret, tof, to name a few.

The tambourine was used for a variety of different reasons including: praise, joy, gladness, rejoicing, triumph, singing, warfare, victory, celebration, processionals, welcoming etc. It was definitely an instrument of praise and warfare, often leading armies into battle.
Genesis 31:27 "Why didn't you tell me, so I could send you away with joy and singing to the music of tambourines and harps?"

The tambourine was played in a multitude of different places: in the home, on the battlefield, at feasts and celebrations etc. There is evidence that the priests in the temple took the tambourine at one time and even used it in the temple, however, when this happened it was taken away from the common people.
Psalms 68:25 "The singers went before, the players on instruments followed after; among them were the maidens playing timbrels."

More Scripture Versus:
Exodus 15:20, Judges 11:34, I Samuel 10:5, I Samuel 18:6, II Samuel 6:5, I Chronicles 13:8, Job 21:12, Isaiah 5:12, Isaiah 30:32, Jeremiah 31:4, Psalm 81:2, Psalm 149:3, Psalm 150:4.


Learning Dance/Flag Ministry

I Pray that you have enjoyed this time we have had together. I Pray that you will walk away from here with a deeper "Revelation" about Flag Worship & Dance {For the Lord). I Pray that your Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding has increased in the Ministry of the Arts area.

I have found that Dance/Flag Ministry is a Ministry that God truly does want to restore. The Devil has tried to steal Dance and corrupt it. God wants to restore it. He is "Calling" people forth in this area of Ministry to be able to do so.

I have found that Dance/Flag Ministry can be a Ministry that is endless, as far as learning about it is concerned. It is like everything else. We will always learn and discover new things, if we are "Committed" to expand and increase in our Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding in that area.

I do feel that this is enough to get you started and operating in this Gifting. It is a Gift from the Lord, and He will use you mightily, if you let Him. Thank Him and Praise Him for this Gifting. I Pray that you will continue to seek Him and that He will continue to increase your Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding in the area of Dance/Flags. I know that He will, if He has "Called" you into the area of Ministry of the Arts-Dance/Flags.

Be "Sensitive" to the Holy Spirit. You will know when the time has come for you to "Step Out" in this "Calling."

May God Richly Bless You.
In the Love Of Christ Jesus,

Please visit Prophecy for Dance Flag Vision


Greeting In The Name Of Jesus!
I thought that you may be interested in a few web sites that offer teaching materials and Praise and Worship Flags and Streamers. There is also a URL for a Discount Dance Distributor Warehouse. They offer all kinds of things for Worship Dance.
I have ordered from these places, and they are very trustworthy places to order from. Thanks! God Bless You.


Melissas Christian Home

If you are led to link to this site, God Bless You Richly. Please Link Image Above To:

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Please visit A Prayer For You
Please visit Power of Prayer
Please visit Welcome to my Christian Home
Please visit Our Beliefs
Please visit Holy Spirit Prayer
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Please visit Is God Faithful?/Overcome Trials and Storms
Please visit Forgiving Prayer
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Please visit My Christian Walk
Please visit Grief Steps(Healing Process)
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Lady Care Designs
Graphic used on this set is © by the Artist Danny Hahlbohm.
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Artist Danny Hahlbohm.
This particular graphic is called "Power of Prayer"

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