TITLE:  Choices
AUTHOR:  Mistress
DISCLAIMER:  Not Mine, don't sue
DESCRIPTION:  This follows Decisions and it's in Michael's POV.
NOTES:  Again in Michael's POV and I know it's short but there will be
more...I promise...

'Michael...come with me.'  Those four words echo in my mind.  'Come with
me.'  How simple he makes it sound.  So easy.  Just go with him.  A clear
cut choice.  Left or right.  WWF or ECW.  Him or nothing.  But it's not that
easy, and it never will be.

He kissed me.  He asked me to come with him, he kissed me and then he walked
away.  Like that would help me choose.  And it almost did.  For those few
seconds when my brain shut down I would have followed him anywhere.  But
it's not that easy.  It's not that simple.  This business is my life.  I
know I'll never be a wrestler.  I'm a commentator, a reporter.  But the WWF
is my home.  I can't just pack up and leave.  Can I?

Can I turn my back on Vince and the company that started my career.  Do I
just walk away from the people that helped me, took a chance on me?  Can I
do that?  For him.

I want to.  I want to forget about everything else but him.  Can I do that?
I may want to but I don't know if I can.  What do I do?

Left or Right.  WWF or ECW.  Him, Tazz or nothing.  What do I choose?