Title: Coming Home
Author: Khylara
Rating: PG  This one is tame
Feedback:  melmast@hotmail.com
Warning:  This is poetry.  If you're allergic to poetry, please feel
free to move on.
Comments: This sprang into my head after watching 11/25 Heat. Seeing
Mikey and Tazz so easy with eachother after all the hell they've been
through the past few months was inspiring to say the least. :)


It's a little strange
Sitting next to you again.
A little awkward
After so long.
But we fell back into
The give and take
Almost immediately,
Trading comments
With such ease
That it felt like
I had never been away.

But I can hear
The hesitation in your voice
As you welcome me back
And I can still see
The hurt
Deep in your eyes.
This whole Invasion angle
Put us both
Through the ringer,
But I can tell
Just by looking
That it was so much harder
On you.

You're the one
Who had to pretend
Week after week
That you hated me,
Badmouthing me to Al Snow,
Calling me a traitor
To the WWF,
Proclaiming your disgust with me
To the whole world,
Every word
Tearing you apart
With the strength of a lie.

You're the one
Who had to stand by
And watch
Week after week
As the Alliance tore me down
And used me
As their personal punching bag,
You couldn't stop them
or ease my pain.

We've both had to endure
The cold shoulders
And the seperation,
The harsh words
And the solitary nights,
Acting like bitter enemies
Instead of
The lovers we are.
It got too much for me
In the end,
And I can tell
That the games
And the lies
Got too much for you, too.

But it's over now.
I'm back
By your side
Where I truly belong
And as I announce
The next match,
I feel your hand
With mine
Under the table,
And my heart soars.
To me
That simple little gesture
Is more than just
A reaffirmation
Of our love
After all we've been through.

To me,
It means I've come home.