Title: Reasons
Author: Khylara
Rating: Uh...PG? Still don't know what to rate poetry
Spoilers: Smackdown 7/12
Distribution: Yes to "Not Every Thug Needs A Lady" if you'd like it.
Everyone else, just let me know where it ends up so I can visit.
Disclamer:  They're not mine. I promise to put them back when I'm
Synopsis: Tazz's reasons why he did what he did.
Comments:  I wrote two poems in response to the whole Tazz/Mikey
segment on Smackdown - this is one of them. There will probably be
more - Mikey hasn't had a chance to put in his two cents yet.  I just
still can't get "The Look" out of my head.

Tazz is "speaking"

You don't understand
Do you?
I can see the confusion,
The hurt
In your eyes
As I stand in the ring
And you sit in
Your usual chair.
You've got
A million and one questions
you're dying to ask me
And I know
The biggest one
is why.

You know
As well as I do
How long I've been here
Toeing the line,
Doing what they ask me to
And not getting one step closer to
Where I want to be.
You of all people know
What my dreams are
And how hard I've worked
To make them
Come true.

And every day that passed by
Only left me asking
The same question
Over and over;
How long
Do I have to sit
In that commentator's chair,
Being something I'm not,
My career
At a standstill
I don't fit in the picture
Of what McMahon thinks
The WWF should be?
I came here for glory,
For gold.
I didn't come to sit
On the sidelines
And watch it pass me by.

Heyman gave me a chance
Years ago
And he's giving me
Another one now,
A chance
To do what I love
Every night
Instead of once in awhile
During a pay per view,
A chance
To finally realize my dream
Of a championship belt
Around my waist
After waiting
For so damn long.
I just wish
That I hadn't been forced
To leave you behind
In order to get it.

What I've done
Doesn't change how I feel.
I still love you, Mikey.
You're the only one I miss,
The only regret
I have
And I wish to God
I had been able to do this
Without hurting you.

I know
You don't understand
And I can't explain why
Without losing my nerve.
I just hope
That after all this
Is over
You're still sitting there
At ringside
In your usual chair
Waiting for me.