Welcome to My Space on the Net.

    I am a 21 year old gay guy from a small town called Jesup. I am now living in Morrow, Ga just below Atlanta.  I am the fifth child in my family of six.  I have 10 nieces and nephews that I love to death.  I'm a very romantic guy who likes to go dancing, hiking, bowling, rollerblading, hanging out with friends, and just being myself.  I have been looking for someone who knows the inner me.  I want to find someone who I can share my life with.  I want to see what they see, feel what they feel, touch what they touch, and taste what they taste.  Not by actually doing these things but by listening to my mate and hearing all about his experiences. 

    My dream one day is to find this person and take a vacation up in the mountains.  I would love to rent a cabin for a weekend and then get snowed in.  I would have a candle lit dinner then we would enjoy a glass of wine while we sit in front of a nice warm fire.  Of course there is other things I would like to do but this is my ultimate goal.  You probably think I'm crazy but It's my life so bug off!!!  hehe :)

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Just a little poem I wrote...

Why Am I Crying?

Why am I crying?
I've tried to answer it,
But I don't have a reason.

Why am I crying?
I have the Greatest Friends,
But they don't know me.

Why am I crying?
I watch beautiful sunrises,
And sunsets.

Why am I crying?
I hear the waves crash,
And the fog over the mountains.

Why am I crying?
I hear the birds sing,
And the crickets chirp.

Why am I crying?
Why am I crying?
Why am I crying?

Because I have no soulmate
To share life with......


Want to read more of my poetry?  Then go here...

My Poems

I now have a poetry page up for my friends!!!

Queer Poetry Corner

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