Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

A Comprehensive Guide to Rules and Regulations at Hogwarts

These are the rules for the site. Disrespect or breaking of rules will result in points being lost for your house, and if it continues, you will be expelled!!


Each player is allowed ONE character to start off!

Characters must be ORIGINAL! Characters cannot be relatives of characters from the books. Do not apply as Harry's long lost brother or Darco Malfoy's best friend.

Characters must have names that would be realistic for the wizard world (e.g. NO names such as "cool bob" or "girlpwr").
You may make up the names, but don't make them stupid. A character must have a first AND last name!

Characters who are caught sneaking into other houses' common rooms will be punished. If you talk to Dumbledore about making a polyjuice potion or trying to spy on a house, your idea may be accepted.

Characters may not be aware of plot devices or movements in the storyline or setting, just because their player is aware! For a character to possess any piece of information, they must come across it in play first. Exceptions may be made where it is necessary to move the storyline forwards quickly. Your character may know facts about other characters without you having to play it out, if both players agree on how well their characters know each other.

There will be no swearing while playing the game.

Every time the House Cup is given out, I will chose a few players to age. Your age will then change on your player profile and you may be able to do different things. If I age a 17 year old character, they will "graduate" and I will give that player options of what they can do with their character. If you are aged you will not need to buy new supplies.

Certain priveleges will be awarded to players for participating more than necessary. Your character may become head boy or girl, prefect, or you might be able to gain certain special abilities.


All role-play will go on in the provided message boards. All roleplay inside the school will be posted on the Great Hall message board. All roleplay outside the school will be posted on the School Grounds message board. And do not advertise another web-site without asking my permission first! OOC post (Out of character) Should be in General Discussion, or your common room.

Generally, we allow students to participate in one post per forum at a time (e.g. you CAN be in one active post in the School Grounds, Great Hall, Quidditch Pitch and Dueling boards all at the same time). But please try and keep a sense of 'real time'. Your character cannot possibly be in more than one place at a time. So, if you are posting in more than one forum, know how your character got from one place to another.

Do not thread-hop! Write yourself into and out of any thread you join.

All plots must be APPROVED by the headmaster before they can be posted in the Roleplay Forums. This does not mean that every post has to be pre-approved. You don't need our permission to sneak out of Potions class or run into Peeves. We just like to keep MAJOR plot developments feasible and in context with what has already happened on the site. BE PATIENT. Build your stories slowly. And play off of your fellow students. Sometimes the greatest plot twists come when someone throws a wrench into your plans... so go with the flow.

Harming another player is not allowed. This is a storytelling RPG, but people have exclusive rights to thier characters. If you have worked something out ahead of time with each other, that's fine. But don't use others without thier permission. If you and the other player agree to a wizard's duel, e-mail me and I will arrange a wizard duel for you to play!

You are NOT allowed to play other people's characters. You may include them in your posts if you have gained prior permission from that character's player.

You ARE allowed to use NPC characters such as professors, ghosts, and other non-player students in your threads. You are allowed to USE them, not PLAY them. They are simply to strengthen and embellish your own posts, and abuse of NPC characters will result in warnings, loss of house points, and/or expulsion.

Hogsmeade/Balls/Special Events:

I will post messages on the main page when there is to be a Hogsmeade weekend or a school ball. At these times a link will be added to the main RP forum. These special links will remain active for only a limited time, so frequent posting will work to your advantage. Of course, for everyone's enjoyment, all students will be allowed to Hogsmeade regardless of what year they are! Remember, it's a new day at Hogwarts!


Quidditch games will be occur throughout the school year. Unlike those on other Harry Potter RP sites, our Quidditch games are story-based and involve responsible RPing. Go to the Quidditch Information page for a more detailed listing of the rules.


Dueling practice and competitions will occur throughout the year. Like Quidditch, Dueling will be based on Role-play skills. Go to the Dueling page for a more detailed listing of rules.

House Cup:

House points will be tallied up and posted over the course of a specific term year!. The specific length of each year will actually depend on roleplay and other factors, but at the end of each term the Inter-House Cup will be given out. This gives you bragging rights and each house member 25 galleons.

Student Pages:

We have your applications on file and will use them to make basic student pages for you once we can see you are committed to role-playing. Once your page is created, you can supply us with any additional information or pictures for inclusion on your page. You are always welcome to create your own student pages (just send us the URL). And please keep the format similar to those already linked to the Student List.

Avatars and Signatures:

Avatars may be up to 150 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall. You may create your own, or, if you ask nicely, another player may create one for you.
Signatures may be up to 200 pixels tall and 450 pixels wide. Large sections of text in signatures is not tolerated.
