απεϊ μεθ αξςψδ

Lot and his two daughters

ΗιΜΗςΗμ μεΙθ ξΔφΜεΙςΗψ εΗιΜΕωΡΖα αΜΘδΘψ, εΜωΡΐϊΜΕι αΐπΙϊΘιε ςΔξΜεΙ, λΜΔι ιΘψΕΰ, μΘωΡΖαΖϊ αΜΐφεΙςΗψ; εΗιΜΕωΡΖα, αΜΗξΜΐςΘψΘδ δεΜΰ, εΜωΡΐϊΜΕι αΐπΙϊΘιε.  εΗϊΜΙΰξΖψ δΗαΜΐλΔιψΘδ ΰΖμ δΗφΜΐςΔιψΘδ, ΰΘαΔιπεΜ ζΘχΕο; εΐΰΔιωΡ ΰΕιο αΜΘΰΘψΖυ μΘαεΙΰ ςΘμΕιπεΜ, λΜΐγΖψΖκΐ λΜΘμ δΘΰΘψΖυ.  μΐλΘδ πΗωΡΐχΖδ ΰΖϊ ΰΘαΔιπεΜ ιΗιΔο, εΐπΔωΡΐλΜΐαΘδ ςΔξΜεΙ, εΜπΐηΗιΜΖδ ξΕΰΘαΔιπεΜ, ζΘψΗς.  εΗϊΜΗωΡΐχΖιοΘ ΰΖϊ ΰΒαΔιδΖο ιΗιΔο, αΜΗμΜΗιΐμΘδ δεΜΰ, εΗϊΜΘαΙΰ δΗαΜΐλΔιψΘδ εΗϊΜΔωΡΐλΜΗα ΰΖϊ ΰΘαΔιδΘ, εΐμΙΰ ιΘγΗς αΜΐωΡΔλΐαΘδΜ εΜαΐχεΜξΘδΜ.

τψχ ιθ, μ-μβ

And Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt in the mountain, and his two daughters with him; for he feared to dwell in Zoar: and he dwelt in a cave, he and his two daughters. And the firstborn said unto the younger, Our father is old, and there is not a man in the earth to come in unto us after the manner of all the earth: Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father. And they made their father drink wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.
Chapter 19, 30-33



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