Articles from other subspecialties

Table of Contents
  • From HalfDays
  • Useful Articles

    From HalfDays:

    Mar 19: Candidemia (Dr. C. Rotstein)
    Comparison of caspofungin and amphotericin B for invasive candidiasis
    NEJM 2002;347(25):2020-9.
    NEJMcaspofungin.pdf (124kb)
    Rotstein-Scenario.ppt (60kb)

    Feb 12: Adrenal Disorders (Dr. A. Prebtani)
    Adrenal Incidentalomas (printed PowerPoint Presentation)
    Prebtani1.pdf (201kb)

    Additional references:
    1. The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 101, pages 88-101,1996.
    2. UpToDate, 2002.
    3. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Vol 77(4), pages 885-888, 1993.
    4. Endocrinology & Metabolism Clinics, Vol 29(1), 2000.
    Adrenal Insufficiency (printed PowerPoint Presentation)
    Prebtani2.pdf (258kb)

    Additional references:
    1. NEJM, Vol 335(16), pages 1206-1212, 1996.
    2. American Journal of Medicine, Vol 103, pages 441-447, 1997.
    3. UpToDate, 2002.

    Dec 18: Medico-legal Issues (Dr. M. Levine)
    Analysis of medication-related malpractice claims
    Arch Intern Med 2002 Nov 25; 162:2414-20.
    Levine1.pdf (106kb)
    Appetite-suppressant drugs and the risk of primary pulmonary hypertension
    NEJM 1996;335(9):609-16.
    fenphen.pdf (155kb)
    Levine-Scenarios.pdf (56kb)

    Sept 25: Rheumatology (Dr. N. Hadler)
    Rheumatology and the Health of the Workforce
    Arthritis Rheum 2001;44(9):1971-74.
    Hadler.pdf (36kb)
    Hadler-Scenario.pdf (5kb)

    Aug 7: Endocrinology (Dr. W. Harper)
    Inpatient Management of Diabetes Mellitus
    (PowerPoint97 Presentation)
    InptDM.ppt (149kb)
    Diagnosis of Cushing's Syndrome
    (PowerPoint97 Presentation)
    CushingDx.ppt (523kb)
    Disorders of Cortisol Secretion
    (PowerPoint97 Show)
    AI_Cushing.pps (704kb)

    Jun 5: Peri-op Endocrinology (Dr. W. Harper)
    Perioperative Management of Diabetes Mellitus & Adrenal Insufficiency
    (PowerPoint97 Presentation)
    PeriopEndo.ppt (315kb)

    Jun 5: Peri-op Infectious Diseases (Dr. A. Morris)
    Preventing Surgical Infections:  
    (PowerPoint converted to PDF)
    HalfDayJun5.pdf (205kb)
    Scenario / Bottom Line:  
    (Word template files, converted to single PDF)
    HalfDayJun5-bottomline.pdf (87kb)
    Clinical Consequences and Cost of Limiting Use of Vancomycin for Perioperative Prophylaxis: Example of Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
    Emerging Inf Dis 2001; 7(5):820-27.
    HalfDayJun5-EID.pdf (81kb)
    Guideline for Prevention of Surgical Site Infection, 1999
    Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 1999 Apr; 20(4):247-78.
    HalfDayJun5-CDC.pdf (271kb)

    Mar 27: Community Acquired Pneumonia (Dr. L. Mandell)
    ATS Guidelines for the Management of Adults with Community-acquired Pneumonia
    Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001; 163:1730-54.
    HalfDayMar27A-AJRCCM.pdf (187kb)
    Practice Guidelines for the Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Adults
    Clin Inf Dis 2000; 31:347-82.
    HalfDayMar27-ClinInfDis1.pdf (287kb)
    Canadian Guidelines for the Initial Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia: An Evidence-Based Update by the Canadian Infectious Diseases Society and the Canadian Thoracic Society
    Clin Inf Dis 2000; 31:383-421.
    HalfDayMar27-ClinInfDis2.pdf (343kb)

    Mar 20: Fever / Endocarditis (Dr. A. Morris)
    1:30pm   Fever, I Never Knew You
    Presentation:   HalfDayMar20A.pdf (404kb)
    Bottom Line:   (Word template file, converted to PDF)
    HalfDayMar20A-bottomline.pdf (42kb)
    Scenario:   (Word template file, converted to PDF)
    HalfDayMar20A-scenario.pdf (44kb)

    3:15pm   Infective Endocarditis
    Presentation:   HalfDayMar20B.pdf (336kb)
    Bottom Line:   (Word template file, converted to PDF)
    HalfDayMar20B-bottomline.pdf (43kb)
    Scenario:   (Word template file, converted to PDF)
    HalfDayMar20B-scenario.pdf (47kb)

    Diagnosis and Management of Infective Endocarditis and Its Complications
    Circulation 1998; 98:2936-48.
    HalfDayMar20B-Dx.pdf (169kb)
    Antibiotic Treatment of Adults With Infective Endocarditis Due to Streptococci, Enterococci, Staphylococci, and HACEK Microorganisms
    JAMA 1995; 274:1706-13.
    HalfDayMar20B-Tx.pdf (194kb)

    Feb 27: Diabetes Update (Dr. D. Hunt)
    Issues in Diabetes Care
    (PowerPoint97 Presentation)
    HalfDayFeb27.ppt (1.08MB)

    Feb 13: Reproductive Endocrinology (Dr. S. Capes)
    Reproductive Endocrinology for the Internist
    (Word document, converted to PDF)
    ReproEndoHandout.pdf (15kb)
    The Importance of Diagnosing the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
    Ann Intern Med 2000; 132:989-993.
    AnnIntMed-PCOS.pdf (74kb)


    Useful Articles:

    From Dr. W. Harper:
    Effects of TSH Suppression with Levothyroxine in Reducing the Volume of Solitary Thyroid Nodules and Improving Extranodular Nonpalpable Changes: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial by the French Thyroid Research Group
    J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2002; 87:4928-34.
    LT4nodule.pdf (142kb)

    From Dr. R. Patel:
    Interpretation of thyroid function tests.
    Lancet 2001; 87:4928-34.
    LancetTFT.pdf (88kb)

    From Dr. A. Morris:
    Mortality and Causes of Death of 513 Danish Patients with SLE
    Scand J Rheumatol 1999; 28:75-80.
    SLEmortality.pdf (98kb)
    Mortality and causes of death in systemic lupus erythematosus
    Curr Opin Rheumatol 2001; 13:345-51.
    SLEmortality2.pdf (82kb)

    For PGY2 Journal Club in Jan 2002:
    Computed tomography of the head before lumbar puncture in adults with suspected meningitis.
    NEJM 2001 Dec 13; 345:1727-33.

    Created 2002 Jan 9
    Last updated 2003 Mar 17
    Created & maintained by Bob Yang