Mimi: Uh...right...^^;
RisingPhoenix: What, you don't believe me? *bonks Mimi on the head*
Mimi: Ow. We don't own Digimon.

1/24/01 (3:56PM)
Mimi: OOOKAY, since I haven't really updated, no, REALLY HAVEN'T updated in over a month, it's a shock to see me, huh? I've added a few more pictures to the multimedia section, and like 2 more fanfics. I've asked RisingPhoenix to co-own this with me, and now she's ordering me around. *sweatdrops* I'm just kidding. So how is it split up? RisingPhoenix asks people if we can use their fanfics. I do the updating, the layouts, multimedia, and all that other stuff. And I ask people for their fics if they contain the white picket fence happiness that RisingPhoenix abhors so much. We still need people to submit fics and art, along with other randomities you'll find around the site. If you have anything, please email it to me (jump4@joymail.com) or RisingPhoenix (lezlie182@yahoo.com)

RisingPhoenix: Now that I'm done the insane bit, I'd like to welcome you to our site Unison, co-owned by me and Mimi. In MY opinion, I do the backbreaking work. I bug people for fics and fanart, and I help Mimi with the multimedia and stuff. Well, I haven't got anything else to say that Mimi hasn't. Enjoy!

12/9/00 (8:42PM)
Hey! Well, I've started work on Unison! I'm kinda happy I know a bit about HTML, cause now my page looks semi-decent ^^ Anyway. My name is Michelle, but everyone I know calls me Mimi, ask Rising Phoenix! I'm a total Mimato fan, and don't read anything else besides them, michis, and takimis, without prompting. (Yes, I would rather read a Takimi than a Mishiro!) I STRONGLY DISLIKE Sora, and strongly dislike sorato even more. I'm 13, my birthday is June 8th ^^, and my username on fanfiction.net is "mimikins". I'm contactable at "jump4@joymail.com", "sunshine ba ba", and "71018292" (email, AIM, and ICQ, for the slow people ^.~) Well, I think that's it! Since "Unison" is just getting off the ground, PLEASE submit stuff! I'll love you forever!

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