Mario, hero of the Mushroom Kingdom, vs Orgrim Doomhammer, former Warchief of Orcs
    "Doo doo doo doo doo doo-bomp" Mario's theme song starts playing as he takes a flower from his pocket and sniffs it, then swallows it. All of a sudden his clothes change color. At the other end of the arena, Orgrimm Doomhammer is dancing and chanting around a fire while twirling his warhammer and battle-ax. After a few minutes, Doomhammer charges at Mario, who tries the same trick he used on Sonic in his previous fight.
     "Mama mia, zat Sonic made me use-a up all me items. Now I am stuck with thees fireflower and hammer." he thinks. Mario then shoots off two fireballs, which are batted back at him by Orgrim's hammer. Firing another two fireballs, he manages to destroy his previous shots before they hit.
     "Mama mia, zees guy is-a one tough opponent." Pulling out his own hammer, Mario immediately gains newfound strength and
batters at Doomhammer repeatedly, but the former Warchief dodges each bash. Finally he throws his battle-ax at Mario, turning Fireflower Mario back into normal Mario. The two combatants then get into a hammer fight.
     The two contestants start out evenly matched, but Mario's arms eventually got tired, and Doomhammer wins by brute strength. Using the last weapon at his disposal, Mario takes a stereo and plays the Mario song, trying to annoy Doomhammer to death. Roaring in rage and agony, Doomhammer brings his warhammer down on Mario's head, then stomps on the stereo repeatedly until it is broken down to the atomic level.
     "AARRRRRRGGHHHHHHH!!!DIE STUPID SONG DIE!!!!!!!!!" after demolishing all traces of the Mario song cassette tape, Doomhammer advances to the Round 3 arena of the Tournament.

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