A LOVE REKINDLED? (Part 4 of 4)
By Bunny
Standard Disclaimers apply.


Mal fished for his keys out of his pocket, and opened the door to his apartment. 
Mina stood there patiently to go inside. They both entered, and Mina went 
straight to his bedroom to get her things. When she had them together, she 
walked toward the door. She wanted to leave as quickly as possible, though 
she wasn't sure why. She turned to Mal to say her good-byes.

"Thank you for all of your help. I'd better get going. I have a lot to make up for 
since I missed school today," Mina said quietly, looking at the floor, afraid to 
look into his eyes.

"Do you have to leave so soon?" Mal asked sadly. "I'm sure you didn't miss that 
much at school since it was only the second day." He looked at her avoiding his 
gaze. Hurt pierced through him. *Am I really so bad that she can't even look at
me?* Mal thought, and mentioned, "Is it really school, or do you not want to be 
here with me?" Mal asked forwardly.

"Yes! No! I don't know!" Mina's eyes teared up. "I just don't know any more!" 
Hot tears streaked down her face. She turned to walk out the door but Mal 
grabbed her. He put his strong arms around her petite body that was shaking
from her sobs. "What's wrong?" Mal couldn't' understand why she was so 
upset. "What did I do?" Mal leaned his head on top of hers, taking in breaths
f her sweet-smelling hair. Soon, Mina's crying died down and she stopped 
shaking. Hot tears still streaked her cheek though.

"You!" she cried. "That's what's wrong! Up until a few days ago everything 
was fine, and then you marched into my life and now everything is so confusing! 
I don't' know what to feel! I don't' know what to do!" Mina's crying picked up 
again. "And what's worse, is that I failed my duty to the princess by letting 
someone find out my true identity!" She sobbed into his chest.

"Ssshhhh. Ssshhh." Mal said soothingly trying to calm her down, "everything 
is going to be alright. Just you see." Although, he really didn't know what to 
say that would make her feel better, but he wished with all his heart that he 
did. *It kills me to see her like this knowing that I am the cause. I feel like 
part of me is dying inside when she cries. Why can't I help her? Why?* Now 
tears began to streak down Mal's face.

"Why do I have to love you when I can't have you?" Mina said between 
muffled sobs, before realizing what she had just said. When she did, her 
face turned crimson. *Why did I just say that?* Mina asked herself. *Do 
I really love him? Oh no, now he'll hate me even more. Why?! Why do I 
have to be so stupid!* Mina cursed herself.

Mal quickly looked down at her with his eyes wide open. *Did she just 
say what I think she just said? Does she really love me? But it's only been 
a few hours! Can it really be love?* Mal questioned.

"I can't be here." Mina said quietly. "I have to leave before I hurt myself 
anymore. And I can't take the pain to do it again." She couldn't look at him. 
She was sure her words were piercing, even though she didn't mean for 
them to be.

"Why?" Mal said with anguish.

"Because you're my teacher, and this is wrong!" Mina said forcefully. She 
pushed herself out of his warm, welcoming arms. "I can't fall for you any 
more than I already have because it's killing me inside, knowing that I can't 
have you! Don't you get it? It's taking everything I having not to run into 
your arms and have you say 'It's all right Mina. Everything will be okay.' 
When in reality, it's the opposite!" 

She finally looked at his face and saw tears falling out of his beautiful 
silver eyes. *Could I be killing him inside too? Could he love me as much 
as I love him? Why did this have to happen now? Why?!* she fearfully

"Because I love you! That's why!" Mal shouted. Tears rushed down 
his cheeks faster and his pale skin was a bright red. 

That was all it took. Mina ran into his arms and kissed him with all the 
passion she felt for him. Even though she had only known him a short 
while, it was as if she was meant for him, like Serena was for Darien. 
She kissed him hard and passionately.

Mal was shocked at first, but returned the kiss and opened his mouth 
to make it deeper. *Touching her and feeling her in my arms is more 
wonderful then I could have ever imagined.* Mal thought joyously. 
*Could she really be here in my arms now kissing me? Is this real?*

As much as he didn't want to, Mal pulled away from the kiss. Mina
 stepped back and looked embarrassed at what she had done.

"I'm sorry." She said shyly.

"No! Don't say that! I just want to know if this is real, or am I imagining 
it? Are you really here, now, with me, kissing me? Have my wildest dreams 
come true?" Mal asked genuinely.

Mina simply laughed and said, "I guess!" She looked at him with love in 
her eyes. She placed her hand on his cheek and wiped away his tears. "I'm 
sorry I hurt you." She said almost at a whisper. "I had no clue that while I 
was killing myself, I was killing the person I love most too." Mina said 

"It's alright. I forgive you, and I always will. Say that your mine. Please, 
say that you're mine," Mal said holding her close.

Mina took in a deep breath and smelled his scent. He smelled like roses and 
spice. She smiled, and then remember that he was her teacher. "But what 
about the school? You could lose your job! I couldn't let that happen!" she 
asked nervously.

"I don't care about the school or my job, as long as you are mine. Don't
 you get it? All I need is you! It's like I've been looking for you all my 
life and now I've finally found you!" Mal said happily.

Mina smiled and looked into his eyes. "Fine, then I am yours," she said, 
as he pulled her in closer and kissed her passionately, both losing track 
of time while in each others embrace at last. 



Please e-mail all comments to bunny_154@yahoo.com  Thank you^_^

    Source: geocities.com/minako_usa/bunny

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