Afraid to Lose You
I don't own Sailormoon or anything pertaining to.
Special thanks to Julia and Minako-chan for their
encouragement and idea's for this story!!


It was a Saturdy afternoon, and Tsukino Usagi was walking cheerfully down the
hospital She was wearing her corridor in her regulation candy striper's
outfit.  Unlike the other volunteers, Usagi only visited the sick, instead of
running errands and delivering things to patients and doctors alike. 

Usagi peeked into room 302 and saw an elderly woman lying on the narrow 
hospital bed.  Usagi smiled brightly and walked into the room.

"Hi!  I'm Usagi." She greeted brightly.  The woman smiled at Usagi's cheerful

"Hello Usagi-chan.  I'm Akane."

"How are you feeling today, Akane-chan?" Usagi asked as she went around the 
bed to open the curtains wider.

"I'm feeling all right.  I'm waiting for my son to come.  The hospital called
him when I was brought here." Akane explained.  

"That's nice.  Tell me about your son." Usagi pulled a chair close to Akane's
bed and listened intently.

"Well, he's not really my son, but I took him in when he was orphaned.  He's
very handsome.  I think you'd like him." Akane teased.  "He's studying at 
Harvard to be a doctor now.  He's very smart."

"He sounds wonderful!" Usagi exclaimed. 

"Oh, he is!" Akane replied.

Usagi spent most of her shift in Akane's room, talking to her about many 
things.  Akane wasn't young, so she had many stories to share with the young

As the afternoon drew to a close, Usagi reluctantly stood up.

"I'm afraid I have to go." Usagi apologized.  " I promised to meet some 
friends this evening.

"Oh don't worry about it.  Mamoru-san should be coming soon.  That's his name
you know.  Mamoru." Akane smiled.

"I'll come back tomorrow!" Usagi promised as she left Akane for the evening.


The next afternoon found Usagi walking down the same corridor, this time not
wearing her uniform.  She was only scheduled in for one afternoon a week, but
she enjoyed the time she had spent with Akane the day before.

"Hello Akane-chan!" Usagi greeted as she entered the room.  Akane smiled

"Hello Usagi-chan!" 

Usagi again pulled up her chair and began telling Akane of the shopping 
expedition she had had the night before with her friends.

"Then Rei-chan, she's got a really bad temper, snapped at the poor sales
clerk, frightening her!" Usagi exclaimed as she and Akane laughed. 

"Sounds likea hoot!  I wish I had been there." Akane said as she gasped for

"So do I." Another voice added from the doorway.  Usagi's head snapped around
and she found herself looking at the most gorgeous man ever alive.

"Mamoru-san!  Your back!" Akane exclaimed.

"Yes, mother.  I caught the first flight I could." Mamoru said as he entered
the room to kiss his adopted mother on the cheek.  "I'm sorry I couldn't have
made it any sooner."

"That's all right dear.  Your here now, that's all that matters." Akane
told him, patting his hand.  "This is Usagi, a hospital volunteer.  
Usagi-chan, this is my son, Mamoru."

"Pleased to meet you." Usagi smiled.

"And I you.  Aren't the volunteers supposed to wear uniforms?" Mamoru asked.

"Oh they do." Akane replied.  Mamoru raised an eyebrow as he took in what
Usagi was wearing.

"I'm not scheduled to work today." Usagi replied.

"Then why are you here?" Mamoru asked, puzzled.

"To visit Akane." Usagi replied simply.  "Now that your here, I should get

"Come back again, Usagi-chan!  You brighten my days with your tales!" 
Akane laughed.

"I'll try to stop by tomorrow after school, if I don't get a detention!"
Usagi promised.

Mamoru watched the young blonde leave, still surprised that she, a 
mere volunteer, cared enough to come in on her own time.  Akane smiled
at the way Usagi had caught Mamoru's attention, just as she'd hoped the 
girl would.  A slight smile played on her lips as Mamoru continued to
watch the door Usagi had just left thru.


"Akane-chan!" Usagi called as she entered the room.  Akane was sitting
there, gazing at the wall, deep in thought.  She didn't notice as Usagi 
came in and sat down.

"Akane-chan?" Usagi asked, puzzled.

"Usagi-chan!  When did you get here?" Akane exclaimed in surprise.

"Just now." Usagi smiled, though she was still puzzled at Akane's
earlier behaviour.  "How has your day been?"

"Fine, fine.  Tell me, did you get a detention today?" Akane asked.
Usagi had been visiting with Akane for almost a week now.  Often 
she would run into Mamoru, who always seemed surprised, although
pleasantly so, to see her.

"No!" Usagi replied proudly.  "I didn't get into any trouble today!"

"I'm pleased to hear it." A deep, but now familiar voice spoke from 
the doorway.  Usagi turned with a smile.

"Hello Mamoru-san."

"Hello Usagi-chan, Mother." Mamoru stepped into the room and kissed 
his mother's cheek again.  "I can't stay long.  I've got to go visit
someone at Crown Game, if I can find it."

"I know where it is!" Usagi exclaimed.  "I can show you, if you'd like."

"Thanks." Mamoru smiled at the offer.

"Well, you two run along.  Don't worry about me!" Akane exclaimed and
began shooing them out of the room.

"Mother, we can still..." Mamoru began protesting.

"No, no!  You two run along." Akane smiled again, so Usagi and Mamoru 
stood up and headed out of the hospital.

"It's this way." Usagi turned right and the two made their way towards
Crown.  "May I ask who your visiting?"

"It's an old friend of mine.  We grew up together." Mamoru replied.

"Oh.." Usagi smiled.  "It must be nice to visit with old friends."

"Yeah." Mamoru smiled faintly.  

"What's wrong?" 

"Hmm?" Mamoru asked, puzzled.

"You don't seem yourself.  I mean, you aren't usually cheery, but I've
never seen you so upset before." Usagi cocked her head and looked up 
at him.  "What is it?"

"Nothing, Usagi-chan.  Don't worry." Mamoru smiled a bit more, trying
to show her he was fine, but Usagi wasn't fooled.

"Mamoru-san, you can't lie to me." Usagi told him, her tone very

"It's just that..." He sighed.  "Mother worries about me, more than
she should.  She's convinced I'll never meet anyone, and never be 
happy.  Just because I haven't met the right girl yet, doesn't mean
I never will!  Oh.. I didn't mean to complain to you..."

"No, no." Usagi smiled.  "I asked.  What is she so worried about?  I
mean, when your older and ready for a relationship, it will come 

"I know that.  There are just..." Mamoru paused.  "Factors..."

"Oh." Usagi shrugged slightly.  "Well, if it makes you feel any better,
I'm not that much younger than you, and I've never been on a date
or kissed a guy."

Mamoru burst out laughing.

"Oh!  Usagi-chan!  Your hilarious."

"It's true though." Usagi pouted at him as he continued to laugh.

"It's also something we can rectify." Mamoru told her as his laughter
subsided.  "Usagi-chan, would you like to go out for some ice cream?"

Mamoru offered her his arm and, giggling, Usagi accepted it.  They 
continued on their way to the arcade, talking and laughing the 
entire way.

When they approached the automatic doors, Usagi expected Mamoru to 
release her arm, but he didn't.  They walked in together, and Mamoru
led her to one of the booths.

When the waitress approached, Mamoru smiled up at her.

"Mamoru-san!  What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Hey Unazuki-chan.  Still working here, I see." He smiled.  "Is 
Motoki-san around?"

"No, he's out with Reika-san, but oh my gosh!  I'll tell him to give 
you a call!" Unazuki glanced at Usagi.  "Hey Usagi-chan."

"Hi." Usagi smiled.

"Are you two...?" Unazuki raised an eyebrow.

"Yup, we're on date." Mamoru told her.  Unazuki absolutely beamed.

"Congratulations!  Both of you!  What can I get you, or should I leave
you two love birds alone?"

Usagi blushed, and was about to protest, when Mamoru spoke up.

"We'll have a triple chocolate fudge sundae."

"Sure thing!" Unazuki left and Usagi turned to Mamoru, with a smile.

"I love chocolate."

"Me too." Mamoru chuckled.


As Mamoru was walking Usagi home, he reached over and took her
hand.  Usagi looked up at him, and saw that he was deep in thought.

'She has no clue.  She's so adorable, and maybe she likes me?  I hope
so..' Mamoru thought.  'I've never met anyone like her.  She's so 
innocent, naive and sweet.'

'Mamoru-san is so...  I dunno.' Usagi thought.  'He's sweet, and 
kind, that's for sure.  He's so handsome too...  Absolutely dreamy...'

"This is where I live." Usagi pointed to a large white house, breaking
Mamoru out of his reverie.  

"Okay." Mamoru walked her to the front of her house, where she turned to 
face him and say goodbye.

"Thanks Mamoru-san.  I had a wonderful time." Usagi beamed at him.

"Your welcome, Usagi-chan, but as I recall, this only solves part of
your problem." He told her.

"Part of my...?" She started to ask, but Mamoru was leaning towards
her.  Catching on, Usagi shut her eyes and felt Mamoru press his lips
gently against hers.

Usagi left the school with a smile on her lips.  Again, she had
no detention, and thinking about the previous night always made
her smile.  Unexpectedly, Usagi heard someone call her name.  Turning
her head, Usagi saw Mamoru standing next to a red sports car.

"Mamoru-san?" She looked at him in surprise.  "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see if you wanted a ride somewhere... anywhere..." He 
smiled, and Usagi blushed.

"I'll see you later, Usagi-chan." Naru told her, before dashing off
with Ami and Makoto.  Usagi walked towards Mamoru, who opened the
passenger side door for her.  

"Thanks." Usagi slipped in and set her bag at her feet before
doing un her seatbelt (always think safety!).  Mamoru dashed around
the car and got in on the other side.

"Where would you like to go?" He asked her.  Usagi smiled.

"Surprise me." She told him, leaning back against the seat and
shutting her eyes.  Mamoru smiled at her and started up his car.

"We're here." Mamoru told her gently, as he parked his car.  Usagi's
eyes fluttered open in anticipation, curious at where 'here' was.
Her gaze was met with a cool, gray parking garage.  She turned to 
Mamoru in confusion.

"My apartment is upstairs." He explained.  Realization dawned on
Usagi and she got out of the car, her bag with her.

"Is Akane-chan going to wonder where we are?" She asked as they 
headed to the elevator.  Mamoru shook his head.

"I think she might have an idea." Mamoru had an amused smile on his
face as he pushed the button for the eleventh floor.  The elevator
lurched to a halt, and the two stepped out.

"Wow.." Usagi breathed as she stepped into Mamoru's apartment, it was
simple at best, but still tasteful, and large.  Very large.  Mamoru
smiled as Usagi moved around the apartment, touching things and
looking at them.

"So...  What did you have in mind?" Usagi asked, turning to Mamoru
who was still standing in the doorway.

"Nothing, really.  What do you feel like doing?" Mamoru asked her.

"Uhmm..." Usagi looked thoughful, tilting her head to the side.

"I have an idea." Mamoru told her suddenly, stepping closer to her.
He stood directly in front of Usagi, causing her to tilt her head 
back so she could look up at him.  Mamoru leaned down and gently
pressed his lips against Usagi's.  Startled, Usagi gasped, but
didn't pull back.  Mamoru allowed his arms to snake around her 
waist, pulling her closer to him.  

Usagi was surprised.  This was Chiba Mamoru, the Harvard university student,
the soon to be doctor, and here she was, standing in his apartment kissing

'I had no clue he felt this way...' Usagi thought as her fingers began to 
play with his hair.  

"Usako..." Mamoru whispered, pulling away only long enough to catch his 

"Mamo-chan..." Usagi replied, a gentle smile playing on her lips.  

Suddenly, Mamoru jumped back as though she were on fire.

"Oh Gods, Usagi-chan...  I didn't mean to.. I..  I'm so sorry." He turned
away, unable to face her anymore.  Usagi thought he couldn't bare to
look at her, after she let him kiss her like that.

Sobbing, Usagi fled for the door.  She dashed down the hallway and was at
the elevator before Mamoru snapped out of his shock and went after her.

"Usako!" He cried as the elevator doors slid open.  "Wait!"

But Usagi stepped into the elevator and repeatedly pushed the close doors
button.  Tears were streaming down her cheeks as the doors shut, cutting
her off from Mamoru.  She hit the lobby button, wanting to get away from
there as soon as possible.  

Mamoru turned towards the stairs and began running down them.  He prayed
to God that he would beat the elevator, but seriously doubted it.

By the time he reached the main floor, he saw that the elevator had 
indeed beaten him, but Mamoru wasn't ready to give up.  He raced out 
of the apartment complex and glanced both directions, hoping to
get an idea of which way Usagi went.  He was lucky.  He caught a glimpse
of blonde hair flying around one of the corners.  

Mamoru wasted no time in chasing after it, knowing in his heart that
it was Usagi, and that this was the only chance he would have at making
amends with her.

Usagi was crying so hard, her running was hampered.  She was forced to
stop because her vision was too blurry.  Leaning against a wall, Usagi
collapsed on the street in tears.

Mamoru found her with her back to the wall and her face buried in her 
arms on her knee.  Her school skirt was soaked with her tears and her
body was visibly shaking.

"Usako..." He breathed softly as he knelt down beside her.  Gently he
placed an arm across her back and pulled her against him.  Usagi came 
willingly, turning to bury her face against him.

Mamoru felt humbled, as he held the crying school girl who held his
heart.  She was sobbing freely, not afraid to let the world know
exactly what she was feeling.

"Usako, Usako..." He murmured against her hair.  "I'm so sorry, Usako...
It's not what you think..."

Usagi didn't say anything, she just continued to cry against his chest.
Mamoru stroked her hair, hoping to calm her down.  It tore at his heart
to see her like this, and to know that he was the cause.

"Usako...  I'm so scared...  I've never cared about anyone so much 
before, and I've known you for less than two weeks!" Mamoru tried
to explain to her what was going through his mind, and his heart.
"Your so... So perfect in the way you act, speak and think.  Your
so wonderful and amazing and beautiful.  You are exactly what I've 
been looking for all my life."

Usagi's sobbing was beginning to slow as Mamoru whispered in her ear.

"What do you mean afraid?" She sniffed.

"Oh Usako..." Mamoru had to smile.  She seemed to have missed out on
everything he said after admitting his fear.  "When a person grows up
all their life never knowing who they can love, who they can trust,
they grow wary of emotional relationships."

"I don't understand..." Usagi finally looked up at him, her watery
blue eyes full of love and confusion.  It was unmistakable, even to
Mamoru who had seen so little love in his life.

"Usako..." He was overcome with the purity of the emotion.  Mamoru
leaned forward and brushe his lips against hers in a butterfly 
kiss.  "Usako, come back with me now..." He whispered.  Usagi slowly
nodded and Mamoru stood up, pulling Usagi with him.  With his arms 
still wrapped around her, the two made their way back to Mamoru's 

Once they were seated comfortably on Mamoru's couch, he took up the
task of trying to explain himself to her once more.

"I guess you'll need to know about my childhood...  Akane adopted
me and I was moved from a dirtpoor orphanage into a very wealthy
home.  I've grown up most of my life with plenty of money, but not
before I learned hard work." Mamoru paused.  "Since high school,
girls have been throwing themselves at me.  At first I thought
it was just because I was likable, but soon I found out it was
because of my money."

"That's so awful!" Usagi exclaimed.  She was studying Mamoru's face
intently as he spoke.  Mamoru smiled briefly at her before continuing.

"I quickly learned that nothing is as it appears.  Slowly, but
surely, I built up walls against outsiders.  I only really spoke
with my Mother, and Motoki...  The entire Furuhata family was
like my family."

Again Mamoru paused, and Usagi took the opportunity to wrap her
arms around him.

"You've had such a hard life..." She whispered against him.  Mamoru
leaned against her, burying his face against her shoulder, letting her
long hair fall around him.

"Usako... Usako..." He murmured, tasting her salty skin.  "One moment 
with you makes it all worth while..."

Usagi smiled and held him tighter.  They just sat there, in each others
arms, content just existing together.  The sun set cast a golden glow
on the two, and finally Mamoru pulled away.  He looked at Usagi and drew
in a sharp breath.  The golden light created an ethereal glow about her.
She was breath-takingly gorgeous.

"Usako..." It was quickly becoming Mamoru's favourite word.  He gazed
deeply into her eyes, blue holding blue mesmerized.

"Its late...  I should be getting home." Usagi told him, finally able to
tear her gaze from his.

"Yeah.." Mamoru replied.  When Usagi started to get up, Mamoru grabbed her 
arm and pulled her against him.  Startled, Usagi cried out, but wasn't given
much of a chance to react because Mamoru was kissing her once more.

Once more, time was a forgotten factor between the two.  Usagi just sat
in Mamoru's lap, with her arms around his neck, kissing him for all she
was worth.

Mamoru was making a trail of kisses across her cheek and down her neck when
Usagi's eyes caught sight of the clock on the wall in the kitchen.  She 
jumped up with a yelp.

"Oh no!  My parents are gonna kill me!" She wailed.  

"Huh?" Mamoru asked, reaching up to pull her against him.  He missed the
warmth of her body against his.

"It's almost ten o'clock Mamo-chan!  I was supposed to be home hours ago!"
She wretched her hands together.  

"Relax, Usako." Mamoru stood up and brushed his lips across her forehead.
"Go call them."

Mamoru pointed Usagi in the direction of his phone.  She picked it up and
quickly dialed a number before turning and looking out his balcony doors.

"Cool!  What an amazing view!" She exclaimed, opening the door.  "Mama?  
Yes I'm fine.  I'm sorry, really I am!  I'm at a friend's house and I lost
track of time.  Uh-huh.  Working, Mama.  For real!  I'm sorry...  Right
away.  Okay, yes... Bye Mama."

Usagi hung up the phone and stepped out on the balcony.

"I have to go, but I just want to see the view." She looked down on Tokyo,
now bathed in the silvery light of the moon.  "It's so lovely..."

Usagi turned, and looked at Mamoru.  He had thought she was gorgeous in the
sunlight, in the moonlight she was angelic.  Mamoru was overcome with
desire.  He stepped outside and brushed Usagi's hair away from her face.

"Usako...  Stay here." He whispered in her ear.  "Call you mother back and
tell her your sleeping over at your friend's house.."

"Mamo-chan!" Usagi blushed.  "I can't just stay here.."

"Why not?" He asked her.  His question was simple, far simpler than the 

"Its just not... proper..." Usagi replied.

"So?" Mamoru brushed her hair with his lips.  "Stay..."

"Alright." Usagi breathed.  Mamoru released her long enough to go back inside
and call her mother back.  It took a bit of acting on Usagi's part, but 
finally her mother relented and let her stay.  The second she put the 
phone back in it's cradle, Mamoru pulled her back onto the balcony.

"I've never felt this way before...  I never want to let you go.  Stay 
forever." He murmured against her hair.  He had her pinned between the
balcony railing and his body, and if asked, Usagi would have admitted that
she didn't mind the position at all.

"Oh Mamo-chan, I want to!  I want to." Usagi replied.  Mamoru's lips were 
everywhere on her face before finding her lips once more.

The telephone ringing finally broke the two apart.  Mamoru leaned against the
railing trying to catch his breath while Usagi leaned against him, her two
palms flat on his chest.  Mamoru stepped back far enough to reach inside
and pick up the phone.

"What?" He asked none too politely.  "Motoki-san!  Yes, rather... No...  I'm
not sure.  Let me check." He covered the mouth piece.  "Usako, do you want to
go out for coffee?"

"Coffee?" She made a face.

"Donuts then?" He asked, smiling as Usagi's face brightened.  "Okay 
Motoki-san.  We'll meet you there in about half an hour.  Yes.  I know that
but there are some things we have to do before we meet you.  Yes.  No!  Geez
Motoki!  I'll see you later."

Mamoru hung up the phone and sighed.  He took Usagi's hand and pulled her
inside, closing and locking the balcony behind her.

"I don't want to go." He told her.  "But I haven't seen Motoki in so long...
I just want to stay here with you..."

"I'll be with you..." Usagi replied, squeezing his hand.  She buried her
face in his chest.  "I'll be with you forever."

"Thank you." Mamoru held her tightly.

"Mamo-chan?" Usagi asked hesitantly, not lifting her head.  "Where 
does this leave us?  I mean...  I just don't know..."

"What do you mean, Usako?" Mamoru asked gently.

"I...  I love you." She blurted out, and Mamoru could feel her 
face blushing, in shame, through his shirt.  Mamoru reached under 
her chin and and lifted her head to look up at him.

"Usako...  Don't ever be ashamed to say those words.  I love you,
more than you can imagine." Gently, lovingly, he brushed his lips
against hers.  "You waltzed into my life, so innocently, so unaware
of how you would change everything..."

"I didn't mean to..." Usagi said quietly.

"But I'm glad you did."

There was another period of silence.  Usagi seemed to be thinking
over their newfound relationship.  Suddenly, she lifted her head
and looked at him.

"What's going to happen when you leave?"

"When I..  leave?" He asked, not sure what she meant.

"When you go back to school." She set her head back down.

"Oh..." Darien paused.  "I'll transfer."

"Transfer?  Transfer universities?  No, no.  You can't do that."
Usagi shook her head.  "You can't get less of an education just
so you can be with me."

"I'm finished at Harvard.  I only have to do my internship, and
I can do that here as well as anywhere else." He told her.  

"Really?" Usagi looked up at him with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah." He smiled.  "I'll look into it when I get back to 
Boston.  I won't stay long."

Usagi smiled brightly at him.  

"We'd better get going though.  Motoki-san will be waiting."
Mamoru stood up and hauled Usagi to her feet.  Arm in arm, they
left his apartment and headed to the donut shop near his apartment

"Mamoru-kun!" Motoki waved him over when the two entered the shop.
Mamoru led Usagi over, his arm still around her, holding her close.
Usagi had turned somewhat and her face was obscured.

"Who might this be?" Moktoki asked, eyeing the blonde Mamoru was
holding rather possessively.  Mamoru loosened his grip and Usagi 
peeked out at Motoki.

"Usagi-chan!" Motoki exclaimed, a look of surprise clear on his face.
"I didn't know you two were dating!"

Usagi blushed slightly and averted his eyes, but Mamoru nodded.

"Yes, very seriously so." Mamoru sat down in the booth next to Usagi.

"So how long have you two known each other?" Motoki asked, anxious 
to hear how his best friend met the girl he was obviously wild about.

"A few weeks." Mamoru replied.  "What do you want to eat, Usako?"
Mamoru turned his attention to the petite blonde at is side.

"Uhmm..." She shrugged.  Mamoru smiled.

"Alright, I can do that."  

Motoki was completely lost.  He had no clue what the two were talking
about.  They obviously had their own language, that only they knew.
Motoki smiled.

"I'm going to go order some coffee." Motoki stood up and went to the 
counter.  Glancing over his shoulder as he waited for the cashier to
make his coffee, he saw Mamoru gently kissing Usagi.  He was elated
for his friend.  Finally Mamoru found someone who would love him, 
not his bank account.

"I hate to interrupt..." Motoki teased as he sat back down in the booth.
Usagi and Mamoru broke apart, a blush staining Usagi's cheeks.

"I'll go get you your donut." Mamoru whispered in her ear before 
standing up.  Usagi nodded, her eyes never leaving him as he made his
way to the counter.

"So...  Let's hear all the juicy details!" Motoki smiled encouragingly.
"Unazuki told me you two were on a date the other day, but I didn't
believe her!"

"Well, uhmm..  What's there to tell?" Usagi asked in response, tearing
her eyes from Mamoru to look at Motoki.  Motoki chuckled.

"Well, for one, what are you doing out this late with an older man?  Do
your parents know?" Motoki was only teasing, and he almost burst out
laughing at the guilty expression that flooded Usagi's features.

"I'm staying at his place." The second the words left her mouth, she
regretted them.  Motoki's eyebrow shot up in interest.


"Yeah...  I told my parents I was staying at a friend's house.." She 
blushed, this time more heavily.  Mamoru sat down next to Usagi
again, with two cups of hot chocolate and a few chocolate donuts.
Usagi's eyes lit up at the sight of food.  she happily sipped her
hot cocoa and ate while the two men spoke.

"I hear you got an intership at John Hopkins.  Amazing, Mamoru-kun.
You are certainly going to go places.  Reika said that she heard that
you had classmates bribing the hospital for the position."

"Yeah, I guess."

"You guess?  Mamoru-kun!  That's the best place you can go!" That part
of the conversation caught Usagi's attention.  "I mean, honestly!  
People would kill to be in your position."

"But I'm not going." Mamoru spoke calmly, sipping his drink.

"What do you mean your not going?" Motoki shouted, receiving more than
a few stares from other late night customers.

"I'm going to move back here." Mamoru's gaze flickered to Usagi, and 
Motoki caught on instantly.

"Oh." Motoki was a bit concerned.  Mamoru and Usagi knew each other for
mere weeks, and already he was making decisions that would affect the
rest of his life based on Usagi.

"I want you to go, Mamo-chan." Usagi said quietly.  She didn't lift her
eyes from the table top as she spoke.  Mamoru looked down at her and 
gently put one arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him.

"I don't want to go."

"And I don't want you compromising your career because of me!  I'm not
worth it." Usagi's voice was a mixture of anger and anguish.  She didn't
want to be apart from him, but she didn't want to forever feel guilty that
he turned down an excellent placement just to be near her.

"Usako!" Mamoru cried.  "Your more than worth it." He turned to look at
her, to make her look in his eyes and see how serious he was.  "I would
give up anything and everything for you."

Motoki took this as his cue to step outside for a cigarette, even though
he doesn't smoke.

"No." Usagi said simply, shaking her head.  

"Then come with me." Mamoru said suddenly.  Usagi looked at him as though
he had grown two heads.

"That's crazy!  My parents will never let me just... Just leave!" Usagi

"Either I stay, or you come." Mamoru told her, gently brushing the back of
his hand against her cheek.

"It's not like that...  I can't just pick and move because I can't bear
to part from you...  I'm only fourteen..." Usagi sighed sadly.  The 
remark made Mamoru freeze.

'Fourteen...  She's only fourteen...' He knew she was young, but he 
had never realized exactly how young.  'She's roughly six years younger
than me.'

Realizing that seemed to have a ripple effect on Mamoru.

'How can she know what love is that young?  How can she be devoted to
one person?  If I leave her, will she just forget about me?  Can I 
stay here and keep her in a relationship this intense without letting
her experience anything else?' 

Doubt flickered across his features, and Usagi caught the look.  Slowly
her eyes welled up with tears.  She slid away from him, and
studied his handsome face carefully.

"Mamo-chan?" She asked cautiously.

"Usako." Mamoru replied, smiling at her.

'Who cares if she's fourteen.' He told himself decisively.  He knew, from 
the way she looked at him, kissed him, that she knew love.  She knew it
better than he did.

A relieved look washed over Usagi's face and sne returned his smile, though
it didn't reach her eyes.  She was still searching his face for any traces
of doubt.

"Mamo-chan, what is it?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" He replied, but she gave him the 'you-know-what-I'm-
talking-about look and he sighed.  "I didn't know you wereonly fourteen."
He shrugged.  "It doesn't matter."

Mamoru leaned down and kissed her, placing one hand on her waist and the
other behind her head.  He pulled her roughly against him and deepened
the kiss.  Usagi held him just as tightly, matching his passion.


Usagi and Mamoru broke apart, and looked like they had been caught doing
something wrong.  Motoki laughed.

"You two are adorable." He sat back down.

"Thanks." Usagi blushed.

"So, what are your plans *now* Mamoru-kun?" Motoki asked.  Mamoru glanced
at Usagi.

"Not sure yet.  Usako and I can't seem to agree." Mamoru replied.

"He's going to John Hopkins." Usagi stated firmly.

"Usako, the hospital here is just as good." Mamoru told her.

"That's true.  Its just that John Hopkins has a better, bigger, 
reputation." Motoki shrugged and sipped his coffe.  "I guess it 
depends where you two want to live later on your lives."

"Really?" Usagi asked doubtfully.  She glanced from Mamoru to
Motoki and back again.

"Yes." Motoki told her.  Mamoru simply nodded.

"We'd better get going soon." Mamoru glanced at his watch.  "It's pretty

"Its okay.  Tomorrow's Saturday." Usagi finished another donut and yawned.

"Your tired.  We can go now." Mamoru told her.

"Just a bit sleepy." Usagi replied, stifling another yawn.  Mamoru smiled
lovingly at her. 

"We'll go now."  Then to Motoki.  "I'll call you before I leave."

"Alright.  You two have fun!" Motoki smiled.   

"Thanks." Mamori replied wryly, knowing what his friend was implying.  The
two left the donut shop and headed back to Mamoru's apartment.

"You can sleep in there." Mamoru getured to a closed door.  "I'll
crash here."  

"But I *yawn* don't want to *yawn* take your bed." Usagi told him.  It
was late, she was up way past her bedtime, he knew, and she had had a 
hard week of school.

"No, I insist." He told her gently, directing her to his room.  Usagi
was too tiredto argue, so her mind quickly saught a compromise.  

"Fine," She relented.  "We both will."

Mamoru was a little startled, but realized quickly that Usagi meant
nothing by it.  He kissed the side of her head and smiled.

"Alright, Usako."  

Usagi collasped on his large bed still in her school uniform.  Mamoru
smiled at her nearly sleeping form.

"Usako..." He called gently.

"Mmm?" She asked, slowly opening one eye, then letting it fall shut,
deciding it was too much effort.

"You need to get changed." He told her, handing her a shirt.  Usagi 
reached a hand out and took the proffered top, before dragging herself
into a sitting position.  

Mamoru turned to change as Usagi pulled on the top.  She opened her eyes
long enough to recognize that it was a silky navy blue top, probably the
top half of his pajamas. 

As her eyes were falling shut again, she saw that she was right.  Mamoru
was wearing the bottom half, and nothing else.  Her eyes shot wide open,
and she was intensely glad that Mamoru wasn't looking at her.

His chest was perfect, in every way.  The smooth skin was stretched
over tight muscles.  His torso was identical to the ones she had seen
in the books Ami liked to read, about Ancient Greece.  Still gaping,
Usagi found herself unable to tear her view from him.

"Tsk tsk, Usako." He shook his head at her as he picked up all the 
clothes she had precariously tossed on the floor.  Usagi giggled and
fell back onto the plump pillows.  

"It's nice here." She told him dreamily.  Mamoru chuckled and folder her
clothes carefully before setting them on his chair.  

"Thank you." He told her.  "It's only nice 'cause your here." 

Usagi blushed, but her eyes remained shut.  Mamoru pulled the soft, warm
blankets up around her, tucking her in.  Usagi smiled as Mamoru brushed
his finger tips aross her lips.

"Sleep, Mamo-chan." Usagi told him, snuggling down into the bed.

"Alright, Usako." Mamoru replied, climbing in on the other side.  Usagi
immediately snuggled up to his warmth.

"It's just like we're married." Usagi commented happily as she began
drifting off to sleep.  She could hear his heart beating as her head
rest on his bare chest.  Mamoru wrapped his arms around Usagi, pulling
her closer to him.

"Yeah, Usako... It is." He murmured into her hair.  Slowly he reached
up and pulled the pins from her hair.  The odango that normally resided
cheerfully on her head tumbled down in waves.  Mamoru ran his hand
through her hair before burying his face in it.  

When Mamoru woke up the next morning, he felt something warm and soft in
his arms, and smiled.  Slowly he opened his eyes to see the still 
sleeping face of Usagi.  She had a slight smile on her lips and Mamoru
wanted to wake her with a million kisses.  

'No...' He decided.  'She looks too peaceful.'

Slowly Mamoru disentagled himself from the sleeping blonde and made his
way into the bathroom.  After brushing his teeth and hair (he had to look
good when she woke up ^_~) Mamoru headed into the kitchen to cook them
so breakfast.

Once he had finished, he went back into his bedroom to find Usagi was
still asleep.  Gently he ran a finger along her cheek, then jawline.
Usagi stirred slightly in her sleep.  He leaned down and his lips 
gently brushe across Usagi's cheek.  He made a trail down her jawline,
then down her neck.  

Usagi's eyes fluttered open and blue met blue.  The pair gazed at each
other for a few minutes, drowning in each other's eyes.  

"Mamo-chan..." Usagi whispered finally.

"Morning." He replied, leaning down to rest his forehead against hers.  
Usagi smiled and gently put her hand on his cheek.  Mamoru kissed her
softly before pulling away.

"Come on.  Breakfast is ready."  He heard the ruffling of the sheets
as Usagi climbed out of his bed.  She paused to stretch before following
him into the kitchen.

"Smells yummy!" She told him.  Mamoru smiled at her and he leaned against
the counter watching her as she began eating the stack of pancakes.

"Aren't you eating anything?" She asked him.

"No...  I'm not hungry." He told her.  The look in his eyes and tone of
his voice was enough to alarm Usagi.

"Mamo-chan?  What is it?" She asked, setting aside her fork.

"Usako...  I have to go back to Harvard.  Soon." He told her, his voice
expressing exactly how much he didn't want to go.  Usagi stood up and 
moved in front of him, looking up at him.

"It's okay, Mamo-chan." She said softly.  "You'll be back..."

"But I don't want to leave you!  Ever!" Mamoru exclaimed, pulling Usagi
against him.  He buried his face in the crook between her shoulder and
her neck, crying into her soft hair.  Usagi placed her arms around 
Mamoru, trying to comfort him.

"Mamo-chan...  What is it?  I know this goes deeper than just leaving
me for a few days...  You can tell me.." she whispered into his ear.

"Will you still be here when I get back?" He asked after a moment of 
silence.  Realization hit Usagi like a bucket of cold water.  He was
afraid, terrified, that he would lose her.  

"Yes Mamo-chan.  I would wait forever for you." She told him, hugging
fiercly.  "I love you..."

Their departure was heart wrenching.  Mamoru almost missed his flight
because he didn't want to leave her.  Motoki, Unazuki and Usagi had been
there to see him off.  His mother was still recuperating and had said
good bye to him atthe hospital.

"Go, Mamo-chan." Usagi said as he pressed his lips to hers a final time.

"I love you..." He whispered, then was gone.  Usagi tried to blink back
the tears, but as soon as he was out of sight, she let go.  Tears poured
down her cheeks in torrents and she couldn't stop.  Motoki held her as
she cried, trying to comfort her to no avail.

"Usagi-chan...  He'll be back soon."

"Three months, Motoki-san!  Three months..." Usagi sobbed.

Three months later, Usagi stood in the same airport terminal, nervously
playing with the ends of her hair.  She was alone this time, because 
Motoki had to work and Unazuki had made plans.  

Glancing at her watch, Usagi saw that his plane was due any minute.
Even though they had spoken almost every night on the phone, Usagi 
was nervous about seeing him again.  What if things had changed?  What
if, when he saw her, he decided that she was too young, or not pretty
enough or something?  What would she do?

Even as the thoughts were racing through her mind, Usagi caught sight
of a tall, dark haired man.  She froze as he headed towards her smiling.
She just stood there as he walked towards her, suitcase in hand.  Then
suddenly he was there, hugging her and kissing her.  

"Mamo-chan!" She exclaimed, throwing herself into his arms, never
wanting to let go.

"I'm so glad you waited..." He whispered huskily in her ear.

"Did you ever doubt that I would?" She asked in response, before
their lips met in a gentle kiss.

