Bridge of Love
I don't own Sailormoon or anything pertaining to.
I rewrote section in the middle for ~*Lady Selene Moon FireStorm*~ because 
she asked.  It's the section near the bottom from the outsider's view.  ^_^  
Thanks for your amazing comments!


Andrew's View

	Serena stepped into the arcade and smiled brightly at me. 
	"Hi Andrew!" she greeted, before her expression darkened.  "Darien."
	"Hey Serena." I replied, sipping his milkshake.  
	"Meatball head." Darien acknowledged, sipping his coffee.  Serena's 
face turned bright red.
	"My name is Serena!  Not Meatball head, not Meatball brains, but Serena!" 
Darien smiled maliciously.
	"Whatever you say, Meatball head."  Furiously, Serena turned to me and 
	"Any new video games, Andrew?" She asked.  I laughed and shook my head no.
	"Not since yesterday, Serena."
	"Thanks!  I'd better go then.  See ya around!" Serena waved to me and 
I noticed that Darien watched her walk away 
before turning back to his coffee.

Darien's View

	The next day, I walked into the arcade and was about to walk over to 
Andrew when I heard a voice.
	"Trevor, I said I can't go to Suzy's party with you.  I'm busy.  Please!  
Leave me alone." 
	I turned to see some guy all over Serena.  I could tell Serena was VERY 
uncomfortable and, inexplicably, I was
	'What does he think he's doing?' I thought to myself.  I walked over to 
the pair sitting in a booth and sat down 
beside Serena, draping my arm across her shoulder's, pulling her close to me.  
How long I wanted to do that...
	"Hey man!" Trevor said to me.  "What are you doing?"
	"Sitting with my girlfriend.  What are you doing?" I asked in my most 
menacing voice.  
(A.N.: Think evil Prince Darien.)
	"Nothing." Trevor said, quickly getting up.  "See ya 'round Serena."
	Trevor walked away and a still shaken Serena looked up at me.  Her eyes 
were shining with gratefulness and unshed 
tears.  Slowly the tears began to slide down her face.  I gently reached up and 
brushed them away.
	"It's okay." I whispered as I pulled her closer and began to rock her.  
"Hush now."
	'I want to kill that guy!  What right does he have to make her cry?' 
I thought.  'If I ever see him again....'
	She sobbed against me for a while.  I just held her and whispered 
soothingly in her ear.  I stroked her hair and
held her tighter.
	As Serena's sobs subsided, she gently pulled away.  My grip loosened, 
but I didn't let go of her completely.  I 
really didn't want to.  Serena looked up at me again and looked deep into 
my eyes.
	"Thank you." She whispered.
	'No, thank you!' I thought.  'For letting me hold you....'
	She smiled softly before reached under the table for the school bag 
at her feet.  She stood up with the bag, and I 
continued to watch her with my hand resting on her waist.  She continued to 
look at me and I stared at her captivated.  
Carefully, she leaned forward with her hand on my chest for support.  She 
kissed my cheek before turning walking out of the 
	"Bye..." I whispered to her retreating form.  I sat contemplating 
what had happened for a few minutes, before 
standing up even more confused.  I didn't understand why I wanted to kill 
that guy still.  I wandered out of the arcade and 
towards the park.

Serena's View

The next day, I walked into the arcade and sat down in my favourite booth.  
I could see the door without looking obvious.  
I could watch for him to come.  I sat sipping my milkshake waiting, when 
Trevor suddenly sat beside me and 
started talking to me.
	"Hey Serena!" he smiled.  
	'Okay, friendly enough.  What's the catch?' I thought before 
replying. "Hi."
	"So Serena, are you going to Suzy's party?" he asked.  
	'Ah ha!' I thought.  "Nope.  I'm really busy."
	"Aww.... Come on Serena.  I'll go with you if you are afraid of 
not knowing anyone there." he offered. 
	'Gee... thanks.' I thought.  "I'm too busy."
	"It'll be so much fun!" Trevor slid on the bench, towards me.  I 
tried to move away, but he kept coming closer..  
He brought his face close to mine and I was getting desperate.  I really 
didn't like this guy!
	"Trevor, I said I can't go to Suzy's party with you.  I'm busy.  
Please!  Leave me alone." 
	Trevor didn't want to take no for an answer.  Suddenly I felt a 
strong arm lay itself across my shoulder and pull 
me against a firm body.  I turned my head to see Darien.  Trevor wasn't 
	"Hey man!" Trevor said.  "What are you doing?"
	"Sitting with my girlfriend.  What are you doing?" Darien asked in 
a very scary voice.  
(A.N.: Think evil Prince Darien.)
	"Nothing." Trevor said, quickly getting up.  "See ya 'round Serena."
	Trevor walked away but I was still shaken.  I looked up at Darien, 
thankful that he hat rescued me and upset over 
Trevor coming on too strong.  Slowly tears began to fill my eyes and slid 
down my cheeks.  Darien reached up 
and carefully brushed them away.  
	"It's okay." He whispered as he pulled me closer and began to rock
 me.  "Hush now."
	'What is Darien doing?' I thought.  'Why is he comforting me?'
	I sobbed against him for a while.  He just held me and whispered 
soothingly in my ear.  He stroked my hair softly 
and held me tighter.  I felt like I was in Heaven.  
	As my sobs subsided, I gently, and reluctantly, pulled away.  His 
grip loosened, but he didn't let go of me 
completely.  I was glad because I really didn't want him to.  I looked up a
t him again and looked deep into his 
eyes.  I never noticed before how stormy blue they were.  It was as though 
all his emotion was conflicting and 
trying to find an outlet.
	"Thank you." I whispered.  I smiled softly before reached under the 
table for my school bag at my feet.  
I stood up with my bag, and noticed that Darien's hand was still resting on 
my waist.  I continued to look at him 
as though I was captivated.  Carefully, I leaned forward with my hand on his 
strong chest for support.  I kissed
his cheek before turning walking out of the arcade.  
	'Whoa!  What did I just do?' I thought to myself. 'I kissed Darien?!?!  
Why would I do that?  I am 
so confused...'
	I decided to go to the park to think about what had just happened to 
me.  I walked through the trees and 
came across a small river with a bridge.  I walked up the bridge and 
stopped halfway.  The river was so pretty 
and I gazed down at my reflection.

Darien's View

As I approached the bridge that stretched out across the small river, I 
saw Serena.  She was leaning over the railing 
staring at her reflection.  She sighed and gently put her arm out trying 
to touch the reflection.
	"Darien..." she whispered.  I was shocked, to say the least.  I 

leaned backwards against it.  I clenched my eyes shut and thought.
'I don't get it.  I thought she hated me.' I was very confused.  'Do I hate 
her, though?  I thought 
I did...  Then why was I so mad at that guy?  And if I don't hate her, why 
do I always tease her 
and make fun of her?'
I peered around the tree and saw that Serena was still gazing at the water.  
The wind gently blew 
her hair across her face and I had to resist going to her and brushing the 
hair out of her gorgeous face.
'Whoa!  What am I thinking?  Gorgeous?  Well, it does fit...' I thought. 
'Do I... love her?'

Serena's View

I gazed into the river, but wasn't seeing my own reflection.  I was 
staring at Darien.  I sighed and 
reached out to touch his face.
"Darien..." I whispered.  'Whoa!  What am I doing?  Hmm...  He is rather 
cute, but wait!  This is Darien 
we are talking about.  The guy who calls me Meatball head, and teases me 
every chance he gets and has 
smoky black hair and stormy blue eyes and... and...  Oh..'
I continued to gaze at the image of Darien as I thought.  The wind blew 
my hair across my face, but I 
didn't pay any attention to it.
'Maybe I don't hate him after all.  Maybe I kinda like him.  Maybe I like 
him a whole lot, but this is 
Darien!  Serena, be honest with yourself.  How do you feel every time you 
crash into him, or see him at 
the arcade, or even just see him on the street?  Well, my breath quickens 
and I get all nervous....'  I thought 
analytically.  'And I think my heart is going to burst with love.  Love!' 
I jerked my head up.  Suddenly I felt someone's eyes on me.  I turned and 
looked around, but didn't see 
anyone.  Sighing, I turned back to the river but all I saw was my own 
reflection.  A quiet sob escaped my lips
 and carried across the water, as tears slowly began to run down my cheeks.  
They fell into the river and caused
 my reflections to ripple.

Darien's View

	I continued to gaze at her as he thought.
	'She is gorgeous.  And sweet.  And caring.  And funny.  And considerate.  
And fun.  And loving.
  And.... Darien!  Get a grip.  This is Serena.  You know, the girl who makes 
your heart pound every time
 you see her.  The girl you throw up all your best defenses against to keep 
yourself from caring too much.
  The girl you think about night and day, anyway.' Darien sighed.  'You might 
as well admit it to yourself 
if no one else.  Darien, you love the girl.'
	Just then Serena looked around and I jerked behind the tree.
	'Please don't let her have seen me.  Please!' Darien thought to 
himself.  He counted to one hundred
 before carefully sticking his head around the tree again.  He heard her 
gentle sigh as she gazed back into the river
.  She seemed rather startled let out a quiet sob.  Tears were falling 
from her cheeks sending ripples
 throughout the water.
	Without thinking, I was moving.  I walked up the bridge and stood 
behind Serena with one hand planted
 on the rail on either side of her.  I gently rested my cheek against her 
hair, with my lips near her ear.  
	"Don't cry." I whispered.

Serena's View

	My vision was blurred by my tears as I stared at the river.  I 
clenched my eyes shut to clear them of tears.
  When I opened them again, there was a reflection beside mine.  
Darien's.  He put one arm on both sides of me
 and nuzzled his cheek against my hair and whispered.
	"Don't cry."
	I was in shock.  Darien had been watching me?  Had he followed me here?  
	'Mmmm... This is nice!' I though before I reached up and dried my eyes.  
Darien left his head against
 mine, so I leaned back against him.  Darien moved his arms to envelop me in a 
	We stood that way for what seemed like hours.  I stood in Darien's arms,
 silent and we gazed out
 across the river.  Finally, Darien spoke.
	"Serena." he whispered.  "This all feels so..." His voice trailed off.
	"Right." I finished for him.
	"Yeah.  I can't believe it took me this long to realize that I love
 you." Darien said without thinking.
	"What?" Serena asked  'Does he... mean that?'
	"I love you Serena."
	"Darien, there's something you have to know." I turned in his arms so
that I was facing him and I put my
 hands on his chest.  
	'Oooh... He's so strong!' I thought before continuing to speak.
 "I'm only telling you this because I love you too."
	"Whatever it is, we'll make it work!" Darien insisted.
	"Darien please."  I pleaded with him, as I looked him in the eyes. 
My head was tilted up to his.
	"Serena, it doesn't matter.  I love you, you love me.  That's all that's
	'I wish that were true.' I thought.  "Darien, I'm Sailormoon.  I love you
 today, but I may be dead tomorrow."
  I lowered my eyes to my hands, unable to keep looking him in the eye.
	'Oh God!  What if he laughs?  What if he doesn't believe me?  I don't
 want to loose him!'
	"Oh Serena!" Darien laughed before tilting her head up with his hands
 and kissing her.  Serena's hands
 slipped from his chest to the back of his neck.

Darien's View

	Darien just about flipped.
	'What am I doing?  What if she gets mad?'
	Just as he was about to pull away, Serena brushed her tears away and
 leaned against him.  
He brought his arms around her and just held her.
	'She doesn't hate me!' he thought.  'This feels so perfect.  God I 
love her!'
	"Serena, this is all so..." he paused at a loss for words to describe 
his elation.
	"Right." she suggested.
	"Yeah.  I can't believe it took me this long to realize I love you." 
Darien was caught in the moment and 
almost threw himself off the bridge for telling her that.  He just handed her 
his heart.  What was she going to 
do with it?
	"What?" Serena exclaimed.
	'Well Darien, might as well finish what you started.' He thought before
 replying.  " I love you Serena."
	"Darien, there's something you have to know." Serena told him as she
 turned around to place her hands 
on his chest.
	'If there's someone else, I'll kill him.' Darien decided.
	"I'm only telling you this because I love you too." 
	'Wow!  Okay, so there's no one else.  So what is it?' Darien wondered.
  'It certainly can't make a 
	"Whatever it is, we'll make it work!" Darien stated.
	"Darien please!" Serena pleaded with him, as she looked him in the eye.
  Her head was tilted up to his.
	"Serena, it doesn't matter.  I love you, you love me.  That's all
 that's important." Darien told her.  'At least
 I hope that's all that matters.' Darien added silently.  
	"Darien, I'm Sailormoon.  I love you today, but I might be dead tomorrow."
 Serena's eyes couldn't 
meet his any longer.
	"Oh Serena!" Darien laughed.  'It's wonderful!  It's perfect!' he thought.
  "He held her face in his hands 
and kissed her.  He felt Serena's hands slide up his chest to behind his neck.
  He felt her fingers entwine in his hair.  

Serena's View

	Serena couldn't believe it.  
'Doesn't he believe me?  Does he think I'm joking?  Does he...  Oh forget it.'
 Serena thought as she 
ran his fingers through his hair.  'Mmm... This is so nice!'
Darien broke off the kiss and smiled at her.
"Oh Serena, darling, that's wonderful!" Darien exclaimed.  Serena looked 
at him confused.
"What do you mean?"
"If your Sailormoon...  and ... Wow!"  Darien was ecstatic.  "Serena, this is
 great!  Wonderful!  Perfect!"  
Darien laughed and kissed her again.  Serena smiled.
"I don't understand."
"I'm Tuxedo Mask." Darien told her.
"Darien, are you mocking me?" Serena asked, furious. 'I don't believe this!
  Was he making fun of me from 
the beginning?'
"No Serena.  Watch." Darien pulled out a rose and suddenly Tuxedo Mask was in front of her.
'Oh wow.' Serena thought.  "Oh wow."

Darien's View

Darien was ecstatic.  He had always felt torn between Sailormoon and Serena,
 whether he fully realized it 
or not.  Now he knew why.  They were the same person.  He always loved Serena, but felt his duty to Sailormoon.
"Oh Serena, darling, that's wonderful!" Darien exclaimed.  Serena was confused.
"What do you mean?"
"If your Sailormoon... and ...  Wow!  Serena, this is great!  Wonderful!
  Perfect!" Darien laughed and kissed her confused pouting lips.
"I don't understand." Serena told him, smiling.
	"I'm Tuxedo Mask."  Darien told her, joyfully.  'And now we can be
 together!' he thought.
"Darien are you mocking me?"  Darien could tell Serena was furious.
'Drastic times call for drastic measures.'  Darien thought before saying 
"No Serena.  Watch."
Darien pulled out his magical rose and concentrated.  He felt the familiar
 transformation come over
 him and when he opened his eyes.  He looked into Serena's wide ones.
"Oh wow." She said.  Tuxedo Mask smiled at her and took her into his arms
"It's almost as if fate brought us together." He mused aloud.
"It wasn't fate, Darien.  It was love." Serena replied as she gently kissed
 him.  Darien smiled.
'I think I can be happy now, forever more.'

Serena's View

	Serena was stunned.
	'He really is Tuxedo Mask.  I can't believe that all this time that
 I've been daydreaming about Tuxedo 
Mask it was really Darien.'
	Serena felt herself being pulled into his strong arms.
	'Mmm...  This is nice.' She decided as he held her against himself.
	"It's almost as if fate brought us together." Tuxedo Mask whispered 
to her.
	"It wasn't fate, Darien.  It was love." She replied, before kissing 
him.  'This is perfect.  I'm so happy and I think I will be.  Forever.'

Outsider's View

	"Where is that meatball brains?" Sailormars fumed.
	"Look Raye, she could be in trouble." Sailormercury stated as she typed 
away at her mini computer.
	"Do you have any clue where she could be, Mercury?" Sailorjupiter asked.
	"Not yet... Wait.. She's in the park!" Sailormercury said.
	"Let's get going!" Sailorvenus said.  The four senshi took off towards
the park at record speed.
	"The next time she's late..." Sailormars muttered as they raced through
the trees.  
	"Why are there no paths?" Sailorvenus asked.
	"Hurry!  She's not alone and whoever is with her has a lot of energy!"
Sailormercury exclaimed.  The senshi increased their speed and ran faster.
	Suddenly, Sailorvenus stopped.  
	"Stop!" She ordered in a hushed voice.  The other three senshi stopped 
and looked where Sailorvenus was looking.  Tuxedo Mask was standng on the bridge
with a blonde in his arms.  They were kissing.
	"Oh my gosh..."
	"Is that..."
	"Yes.  Isn't it romantic?" Sailorvenus asked.  She turned to see Sailormars,
Sailormercury and Sailorjupiter slack jawed.
	"Well, I think it is." Sailorvenus said before turning back.
	They watched intently as the two continued kissing.  Suddenly, Serena pulled
away.  Tuxedo Mask continued to hold her tightly, as they gazed into each other's 
	"Can I ask you something?" Serena asked.  Her voice carried just enough for
the senshi to hear.
	"Of course love.  What is it?" Tuxedo Mask smiled at her.
	"Love!  Did you hear that?  He loves her!" Sailorjupiter exclaimed.
	"Hush or we'll miss it!" Sailormercury replied.  The other three looked
at her in shock, but she had already turned her attention back to Serena.
	"If you love me, and have loved me all along, why were you always so
mean to me, Darien?" Serena asked.  Before Tuxedo Mask could reply, they were
interrupted by a lot of noise in the trees.
	"Darien!" Sailormars screeched.
	"Darien is Tuxedo Mask?" Sailormercury asked as she was typing away
at her computer.
	"No way!  This is way romantic!" Sailorjupitr sighed.
	"Did you tell him who you are, Serena?  This is so great!" Sailorvenus
exclaimed.  "Can I plan the wedding?"
	"Uh-oh..." Serena whispered, as Tuxedo Mask wrapped his arms tighter 
around her.  The four senshi began bickering about who would be the Maid of
Honor at the wedding.
	"Let's get out of here." Tuxedo Mask said.  Serena nodded and he
scooped her up into his arms.  The two slipped away, leaving the four senshi
alone to argue.

Andrew's View

	The next day as I sat talking to Darien about this amazing girl he was dating, 
I glanced at my watch.
	'Oh boy!  It's almost time for Serena to come.  They'll be arguing again.'
	As if on cue, Serena stepped into the arcade.  She practically skipped over 
to where we were sitting.
	"Hi Andrew!" she greeted me brightly.
	"Hi." I replied, as she turned to Darien.
	"Hello!" she greeted him.
	Much to my surprise, Darien grabbed her around her waist and pulled her 
down next to him.  The next thing 
I know, they were kissing.  KISSING!  My jaw fell.
	"Oh...  yeah... Andrew!  That girl I was talking about.... Heh heh..." 
Darien smiled.  "It's Serena."
	Serena giggled at him and her hand gently brushed his cheek.  Darien 
looked down at her and smiled.
	'He's happy.  Truly happy.' I thought.  'For once in his life.  It's 
about time!'
	I smiled at the two lovebirds and made up some lame excuse about having 
to get back to work.  
Darien and Serena barely noticed.  They were too caught up in their own little 
world.  A world of love.


Okay, what does everyone think?  Please e-mail me with comments and 
suggestions at  Thanks!!!


