A Family to Love
I don't own Sailormoon or anything pertaining too

Mamoru-san's View

"Mamoru-san, why have you been so moody lately?" 
Motoki asked me.  I looked at him bitterly.

"Today is the anniversary of my parents death."  I told him.  
"These days leading up to and the day of are always hard 
on me."

Motoki looked at me in surprise.  I had never told him what 
happened in my youth.

"We were driving.  I was six.  The car went over the cliff.  I 
miraculously survived.  My parents didn't.  I looked up at 
him to see his expression before my gaze returned to my 
coffee.  "I had amnesia and I still don't remember 

"Oh Mamoru-san!  I'm so sorry."  He told me.

"Yeah." I replied.  "I should get going."

"You just go here though." Motoki protested.

"I know, but I have a big physics exam tomorrow and I 
should study."  I lied.  I stood up and dropped some money 
on the table.

"Come on Mamoru-san!  You know that stuff so well you 
don't need to study!"

"I need to review the fifth chapter.  I said.  "Bye Motoki-

I started to walk away when Usagi walked in.  It was 
almost enough to make me stay.  Almost.

Despite the way I tease her ruthlessly, I love the girl.  She's 
so bright and cheerful.  It's a nice change from my life.

I just walked past her and didn't say a word.

Usagi-chan's view

As I stepped through the arcade doors, I saw Mamo-chan...  
I mean Mamoru-san leaving.  I was so disappointed, but 
figured he would at least call me 'Odango Atama' on his 
way out.  To say I was surprised when he just walked past 
me you be an understatement!

"Motoki-san?  What's wrong with Mamoru-san?" I asked 
as Motoki came up beside me.

"Today is the anniversary of the day his parents died in a 
big car accident." Motoki told me.  "He said he's going to 
study for a physics test, but..."

"He's not."  I finished.  Motoki nodded.  I frowned as I 

"Hmmm....  I've got it!"  I waved bye to Motoki and 
stepped out of the arcade.  "See ya later Motoki-san!

Mamoru-san's View

I sat on my couch and stared at the blank wall.

"I'm so alone.  No family..." I whispered.  "Why did you 
leave me?" I asked the picture I help in my hands.  I 
hugged it to me.  The tears in my eyes threatened to fall.  I 
heard a knock on my door.  I expected to see Motoki, so 
when I saw who it was, to say I was surprised...  

Usagi stood in my doorway with a dozen roses.  I wondered 
how she knew I liked roses... 

She didn't say a word.  She just stepped forward and threw 
her arms around my neck.  I stepped back from the force of 
her throwing herself at me, but I hugged her back.  She let 
go of me and I gently set her feet back on the ground.

"Oh Mamoru-san!" She exclaimed.  "I'm so sorry."

So Motoki told her.  I wonder why.  Did she ask?  I stepped 
aside so Usagi could come in before shutting the door.

"I brought these for you." Usagi held out the roses and 
suddenly I remembered the day in the hospital when a 
blonde toddler handed me a rose and told me not to cry.  It 
was Usagi.

"Thank you."  I whispered, taking the roses.

"Don't you like them?" She asked, looking disappointed.  
"I thought you liked roses..."

"Oh!  I do.  They're my favourite.'  I told her.  I added the 
roses to the vase of roses on my living room table.  Usagi 
watched me until I sat down on the couch.  

"I'll make you some tea." She decided as she went into my 

After lots of dishes rattling and water pouring, Usagi came 
out of the kitchen with a tray of tea and cups.  She set the 
tray on the table before sitting at my feet.  She poured me a 
cup of tea and handed it to me before speaking.  She didn't 
look at me, she just spoke.

"You know, it's okay to cry.  It's okay to let people in, 

I looked at her blonde head in surprise.  She still didn't 
look at me, but she set her head on my knee and leaned on 

It was then that I realized exactly how much I needed 
someone.  And that someone was Usagi.

I began to cry and Usagi moved up onto the couch with me.  
She pulled me into a hug and held me while I cried.

"I miss them.  I don't even remember them and I miss 
them." I whispered.  Usagi didn't say anything.  She was 
just there and that was enough.

"I want a family."  I told her.  Usagi pulled away then, far 
enough to look me in the eye,  I could see the normal 
emotions I would expect to see.  Pain, sympathy, sorrow, 
but I also saw more.  I saw an underlying sadness and... 

"Mamo-chan."  She whispered.  "I'll be your family."

I looked at her in shock.

"I'll love you and take care of you.  Just like a family, 

Love... me?  I thought she hated me.  I thought...  Usagi 
started to pull away.  Disappointment was clear in her eyes. 
 I had taken too long to reply.

"Usako!" I pulled her back and hugged her.  I had a family 
now.  Someone to love and have love me.  I was no longer 

"I love you Usako.  I always have.  I was just so afraid.
 Afraid to let you close, in case I got hurt again.  Everyone I 
let close seems to get hurt."  I whispered.  "Then I get 

"Oh Mamo-chan!  Nothing will happen to me.  I love you 
so much!" her voice was joyful in my ear.

My Usako stayed late that night.  It was well past ten by the 
time she left.  I stood on my balcony and watched her come 
out the doors of my building.  She had declined a ride home 
so I waved to her from the balcony.  She smiled and blew 
me a kiss.

As she was crossing the street in front of my building, a car 
came speeding out of no where and hit her.  The car never 
stopped and my sweet, sweet Usako was hit.

"No!!"  I screamed and raced out of my apartement, down the 
stairs and onto the street where she lay.  It was then that
I thanked the Gods that I had been in medical training for
so long, and that I had devoted so much of my life to it.

One of my neighbors must have called an ambulance, because
soon paramedics were taking over.  They took my Usako to the
hospital and I followed in my car.  The entire way there, I 
prayed to all the Gods I knew, that she would survive.


    Source: geocities.com/minako_usa/usagi

               ( geocities.com/minako_usa)