A Family to Love - Sequel
I don't own Sailormoon or anything pertaining to


I spent the night in the hospital, but unlike the many
other nights I had, I was in the waiting room.  I was 
told she was in surgery and all I could do was wait.

One of the nurses brought me some coffee, and I thanked
her, though I barely touched it.  I wanted Usako to be
all right.  I finally had her and now this...  It wasn't

I broke down weeping in the hard hospital chair.  The 
tears were like a released dam, and wouldn't stop.  It
wasn't the same as crying on Usako's shoulder, as I had
just hours ago.

It seemed like centuries that Usako and I were sitting in
my apartment, happy, together, in love.  

'It's a curse.' I thought to myself.  'Everyone I love... 
Everyone I know is hurt.  It's because of me...'

I pictured Usako's smiling face, trying to brush away
my thoughts, but her smile changed into a frown, and then
there were tears, streaming down her cheeks.

Usako, no...  I didn't mean..  I didn't want for you... I
wish it was me who had been hit by the car!  Me who was on 
the cold operating table!  Even me to die, just so I could
know she was alive, smiling.

I felt a gentle hand on my back and looked up, surprised to
see Motoki standing there.

"Mamoru-san... I heard.." I could tell he was surprised to
see my tear stained face.

"Motoki-san.." I began.

"Shh...  It's alright.  I understand..." He smiled slightly,
trying to comfort me.

"She was walking...  A drunk driver just came... I was up, on 
the balcony... I saw it all..." I wiped at the tears that 
never seemed to stop.  "I was so helpless Motoki!  Helpless..."

Motoki hugged me.  He tried to comfort me, telling me that
she would be fine.  In a few hours we would be able to see
her, and that I would call her Odango Atama and...  I shook
my head.

"No, never again." I told him.  "Never again will she be
Odango...  Only Usako."

Motoki seemed surprised, but a smile made its way to his face.

"You two...?" I nodded.  "And that's why she was at your apartment
so late?"

"I love her, Motoki-san." Was all I said, and it was enough.  We
sat there, in the hospital waiting room, waiting.  It was rather
ironic, I thought, that I should spend this night, of all nights,
waiting to hear if my only family was okay, after a car accident.
Yet I shouldn't be surprised.  My life is full of ironic little

"Chiba-san?" I looked up, startled out of my thoughts.


"You came in with the little blonde?  Usagi?" The doctor asked.
I nodded, trying to stay calm.  I was terrified to hear.  What if
she...  What if...  I took a calming breath and listened to what
the doctor was saying.

"She survived the surgery, and her vital signs are all stable.
She's still under surveillance though.  There might be something
we didn't pick up right away.  She was such a mess when she came
in..." He paused.  "It's a good thing you were on the scene.  Your
actions may very well have saved her life."

Saved her life?  No more than she saved mine...

"May I see her?" I asked.  The doctor hesistated, but slowly

"Alright, but only for a few minutes.  This way." 

I followed the doctor through a series of corridors I recognized
well.  I spent most of my internship in the trauma and emergency
sections of the hosptial.  We stopped in front of a narrow white
door, and the doctor gestured for me to go in.

Slowly I opened the door, and stepped in.  It took a moment for
my eyes to adjust to the dark light, but when they did, I saw
Usako's prone form, lying on the bed.  There were tubes everywhere,
and her gorgeous face was covered in white bandages.

"Usako..." I whispered, before rushing to her bed side.  I 
fell to my knees, and gently took her hand in mine.  Once more,
tears fell, landing on her bedsheets.

"I'm so sorry...  It's all my fault..  I never should have..
Oh Gods Usako!  I love you so much!  I love you, I love you,
I love you." I repeated it like a mantra that would bring her
back to me, just as she had been before.  

I heard the door to the room close quietly, but never turned
to look.  I focused my eyes on Usako's face, willing her eyes
to open, and to hear her words of forgiveness.  To hear that
she didn't hate me and blame me.

"Usako...  Please be alright... Please." I held her hand through
out the entire night, never once even thinking of leaving.  I 
kept a vigil, monitoring all the machines she was hooked up to,
and her IV drip.

I'm not sure when I fell asleep, but I'll always remember what
woke me up.  I felt a gentle tug on my hand, like someone was 
squeezing it.  I was never a heavy sleeper, and I was such a wreck
that the gentle hand in mine was more than enough to wake me

"Usako!" I exclaimed, looking down at her.  Her gentle blue 
eyes were fluttering open, and I could tell she was confused.

"Where..?" She started to ask, but began coughing. 

"Shh...  Your weak..  There was an accident, and you were hit.."
I shut my eyes to collect myself.  "Your in the hospital, and
you've been all night."

Her eyes widened in surprise.

"My family...  Did you call them?" She asked, the statment 
cutting me.  I shook my head gently, tears stinging my eyes.
Had she forgotten what she said yesterday?

"Oh..." She replied, then smiled.  "I'm glad your here."

She shut her eyes, never seeing the startlement and joy in 
my eyes.

"I'll go call them now, Usako." I whispered.

"No.  Stay with me... Mamo-chan..." Usako's eyes remained shut
and I could tell she was falling asleep.  I smiled at her now
peaceful face.  

She really was my family, and she would be forever.  

Slowly I stood up, detaching myself from Usako's hand.  I left
her room silently, and headed towards the payphones.  I called 
her house, knowing her number by heart.

I knew it would be hard to tell her family what had happened,
but I braced myself, calling on all the experience I had telling
families that someone they loved had died.  At least this time, 
the news was good.  Usako was going to be okay.  She was going
to be her normal odango haired self.  

With a smile on my lips, I spoke to whoever answered the phone.

"Hello.  You don't know me, but I know your daughter..."


    Source: geocities.com/minako_usa/usagi

               ( geocities.com/minako_usa)