I don't own Sailormoon.

Author's Notes: It's an extremely
short piece I wrote a while ago, but
I need to catch up with Minako-chan.


"Mamoru..." The words escaped Usagi's lips
before she could stop it.  She was standing
in the doorway of his apartment, having wanted 
to ask him something.  She had forgotten the 
moment her eyes met his.

"Why are you here?" He asked, his voice 
sounding rougher than he had intended it

"I..." She paused.  "I forget."

Mamoru opened the door a bit wider and Usagi
stepped in.  She was fidgeting nervously
with the pair of black sunglasses she was
holding.  It was night now, but she had been
wearing them earlier in the day.  

"Would you like anything?" Mamoru asked,
trying to make up for his earlier question.

"No.  Thank you, no." Usagi sat nervously
on the couch, barely able to look at Mamoru,
yet unable to keep her eyes off of him.

"I.. I was just wondering..." She hesistated,
glancing up at him.

"Usagi-chan?" He asked, sinking onto the
couch next to her.

"Why, Mamoru-san?" She asked.  He looked 
at her questioningly.  She sighed and brushed
her hair out of her face.

"Why are you always so mean to me?  Why
do you always pick on me?" Usagi stood up
and turned away from him, afraid of what the
answer would be.  Afriad it would be why he 
didn't love her.  Afraid it might be something
she couldn't change.

Hesitantly, Mamoru stepped towards her, placing 
his hands on her shoulders and gently turning her 

"I love you." He whispered gently, shocking
himself and her.

"What?" She replied, her eyes huge and luminous,
looking up at him.

"Usako..." Mamoru gazed down at the pretty 
blond in front of him.  "I love you."

"What...?  I don't get it Mamoru!" She was 
beyond confused.

"From the first moment I saw you...  I knew
I loved you." Mamoru gently stroked her cheek.
"You were so lovely, and perfect.  I just
wanted to hold you forever.

"But the teasing?  You always push me away."
Usagi looked up at him, confused by what he
had told her, and unsure of what he meant.

"Always, always I've loved you." He whispered
into her ear, hugging her fiercly against him.

"So why did you do it?" Usagi asked softly, gently
caressing Mamoru's cheek.  "Why did you push me away?"

"I was...  I was protecting you." Mamoru choked out.  
Confusion flooded Usagi's ocean blue eyes.

"Protecting me?" She asked.  "From what?"

"From me."  Tears made their way down Mamoru's cheek 
and he tried to pull away, but Usagi held on fast.

"Why?" She asked, brushing away the tears.

"Because...  Because your you.  Because your pure,
and good and innocent and everything I'm not.  I don't
want to poison your life with me.  I don't want to taint 
you, to touch you with my darkness.  I don't want my 
shadows in your life.  I don't want...."

"Shh..." She cut him off by gently pressing a finger
to his lips.  "What about what I want?"  Mamoru stared
at her, confused.  

"Mamo-chan...  I know you." Her fingers gently caressed
his face.  "I've always known you, and probably better 
than you know yourself.  I know your soul.  And I love 
you, Mamo-chan.  I love who you are, who you were and 
who you will be.  I want to be with you, no matter what."

"But Usako..."

"No buts, Mamo-chan." Usagi's voice was barely audible.
"No more of these games, alright?  I love you, Mamo-chan.
So no more games."

"Alright." He whispered, unable to believe that this
was all happening.  Any moment now he expected to wake
up and find himself alone.  Usagi seemed to sense this.

"And I won't ever leave you." She didn't look at him as
she said this.  Instead, she buried her face against him.

"Usako.." He whispered, holding her tightly.  It was 
unbelievable.  She cared about him, truly loved him.
She loved him enough to fight with him, for what he
wanted and for what she wanted.  And all he wanted
was her.


